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Everything posted by pietruszka

  1. Learning how to read doesn't take long, intact you could do it in a lunch break! But getting good at it takes a while. Doing it often is the key, and reading notes in bunches. So you're aiming to read them almost as words instead of letters, phrases instead of notes. Dan
  2. I've had a HA2500, loved it to bits! Sounded great and had t spend 3.5 times more to get a better sounding head, says it all really! Dan
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1379244663' post='2210152'] Can't seem to find Dims very easily, but the 1126 seems about right for me. Just need to get my head around weight, size and what the Ceramic option might be. I'm guessing, but a cab roughly the size of a DB112, with ceramic drivers ..PLUS 6" and horn..?? that does in excess of 300w..?? [/quote] The 1126 I borrowed is 450w, and in the real world are you going to NEED more than that? Really? I've never had a problem hearing my 400w Markbass and have been asked to turn down on the odd occasion! I really like the range TKS do, which is basically an options list! The 1126 is so even across all notes. I don't think it had a horn, but it really doesn't need it! Dan
  4. As Michael says, the 1126 is loud and kicks out stunning lows, in fact, it's the closest thing I've heard from a speaker that sounds like the Aguilar DI. The cab is bigger but as TKS have said that will add to the lows. This cab doesn't disappoint! I found I only needed to go to 11 o'clock on my head (AG500 SC, 250w 8ohms with this cab) and it was clean as. I don't doubt for moment that it could handle much, much higher volumes. I have to admit, from the couple of barefaced cabinets I've tried, I'm fairly underwhelmed with them, the TKS kicks out a better low end with like for like amp settings. That's not to say barefaced aren't any good, not at all. But with my playing through them I prefer Markbass, Aguilar and TKS. For those in the north east, I'll be dropping off the 1126 and 115 back with WoT tonight. Dan
  5. I don't get this knife and fork thing. I thought it was left handed to have the fork in your left hand, but it seems not! When I visit my girlfriend's parents with her, they set the table with the wine glass/glass/cup on the left side for me. I admit it looks very odd against everything being on the right hand side! I do most things right handed, I suppose I've just had to get used to things being right handed, ie bread knives, tin openers, scissors, etc But veg peelers are impossible right handed. Whats the one thing lefties here really struggle with? Dan
  6. Another one here! Left handed but play right handed. That's how I first picked the instrument up and it felt natural. Some posted earlier that it makes sense to have the dominant hand doing the fret work, this makes perfect sense. My girlfriend picked up the ukulele the other day and started strumming it left handed. I fell into the usual "what are you doing? You're right handed!" And she said the same thing, my right hand is more dominant, shouldn't it be on the frets? My band Chloe and the high tides were originally going to be called Chloe and the south paws, as 3/5ths of us are left handed! I'm good with most things right handed, except veg peelers! Christ they are my nemesis! Dan
  7. Former hartke user here, loved them. As others have said, you really can't go wrong with them. As for what's enough, as lozz says it really is dependant. I've played an outdoor festival on a big stage with 250w and had no problem hearing myself. But I did have an 800w 410. I currently use a 400w 210 and the same head and have never thought 'I need more', it's been used with loud drummers to! Hope this is of use to you! Dan
  8. Welcome to the forum! Thank you once again for sending some cabs over for us all to try. Are you possibly doing a 210 at all in the future? I loved your 1126, and it sounded amazing with the band (ill send a link for the video it will be in) but I'm just too attached to 10's! I look forward to the English website to! Dan
  9. I have the 1126 neo cab on loan at the moment. It's very kind of Michael, and of course TKS to let me try it out. All I can say is wow! It is amazing! The first 112 I have liked! It has to be tried to be believed, and the finish is outstanding. I have a feeling we'll be hearing a lot more about TKS in the near future. Definitely a company to watch out for. Dan
  10. Mahoosssivvee +1 on Hartke gear, I've used them before and they really are excellent value! I've been using the Aguilar AG500 SC for a few years now, love it, not the smallest or lightest by any stretch, but I've yet to play anything that sounds better to my ears. More than loud enough and you can get a beefy sound out of it! Plus, like all discontinued Aguilar heads, they have risen in demand. Yippee-ky-yay motherfuc...! Dan
  11. I've only used the mark bass one with a 210 on top of it. I loved it! And they can really handle high volumes and low notes through them. The band I depped for plays everything tuned a semi tone down, and we played a couple of drop 'd' tracks. So actually drop C#, and the mark bass cabs loved it, they sound amazing with really low notes through them. When you hear that the price suddenly becomes a bargain. Don't forget, there is a current trend for 112's and 15's aren't as popular as they used to be (as i see it anyway, I could be wrong). Dan
  12. I personally don't think it makes any difference, I mean, I know there IS a difference but, in the real world I don't feel it's that great an importance? What ever is best for the player. I've never felt that a certain song needs a pick over fingers, I just play the song! Think about it, when was the last time you played a track and someone came up to and said "hey man, you really ought to be using a pick on that track". I use fingers, but horses for courses and all that noise! Dan
  13. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1377603588' post='2189214'] i'm not sure if the concrete bass will be making anappearance, i've got hold of it but it needs a fair amount of tlc to get it playing and i might be pushed for time before the bash. [/quote] Bring it as a show piece anyway! Dan
  14. Here's mine! [attachment=141866:my_custom_sandberg.jpg] Dan
  15. That's great, Ill have a crack at that later. That should get me going in the right direction. MB1, the original is 'Im in the mood for love', a 1930's ballroom track I believe and was made into a ska version in the 60's by Lord Tanamo. The Jamiroquai cover of it is rather good to! Dan
  16. Hi, Im hoping someone can give me a bit of help on this track, I'm struggling to follow it a little. I'm going on the Lord Tanamo one, I thought it was a ii-V-I but it doesn't sound right. Is there something more going or am I being a little thick? I don't have massively wide understanding of theory, just a general level most people have and enough to teach to a basic level, so any info on this would be great! Thanks. Dan
  17. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1376479434' post='2174426'] excellent! i'll make sure i write out the for sale notice before i leave home this time (had to write it on the back of a flyer with felt-pen last time round) if i get time i might bake a batch of brownies as well. Matt [/quote] I was just thinking I may make something this time! Let's make it a challenge! My band loved the Creme Egg flapjack I made. Dan
  18. I know what you mean. I popped into Sound Control yesterday and noticed they sell EBMM Stingrays for £1,500. To me that sounds rather pricey! I'm not sure people will 'stop buying new' as you put it, although it's a nice thought to drive RRP's down. Perhaps some people aren't struggling to afford new instruments, but for the rest of us there is always going to be a strong second hand market. I do think the rising cost of equipment is showing a positive. There are speaker cabs available that still pack a fair punch, are loud, have ceramic magnets to keep the cost down but still only weight 12kgs! Markbass have just released their Blackline range which is cheap. So things are starting to turn. Dan
  19. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1375571934' post='2163137'] Hearing a band doing a cover of a song I recorded with my band 20 years ago. [/quote] That's fantastic! What track was it?
  20. A funk/hip hop band I was in had our single, which I wrote the instrumental side of, played on 6 music by Craig Charles. He sang along to which was really satisfying! I never thought Dave Lister would be singing along to something I wrote! http://snd.sc/15px35q Dan
  21. I finally have a couple of days off, so I'll get some strings posted off. 4 sets of bass, or 5?! And a set of ukulele strings. Dan
  22. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1373225817' post='2135074'] Can I shoot our drummer and nick yours? (actually he's brill but he would admit to adrenaline occasionally getting the better of him). [/quote] Aaahh, that ol' chestnut! Dan
  23. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1373215636' post='2134820'] My Child, repentance is nigh. Please say 10 "On The One...HUH!", 25 "yowsa yowsa yowsa" and cite the Prayer for Bass Players: [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"The drummer is my lord and I shall not rush. He maketh me lay out in tasteful places He leadeth me beside [/font][/size][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]cool meter changes[/font] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]He restoreth my "one". Yeah man, though I read [/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]through the trickiest of charts, I will fear no train wrecks. For he is down on it. His hihat and snare, both comfort me They setteth up a solo for me In the presence of guitarists. You bestoweth my licks with Big Nasty. My groove overfloweth. Surely good feel and funk will flow [/font][/size] [size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]through all the tunes of each set. And I will dwell in the pocket Forever. Amen."[/font][/size] [/quote] Out. Standing.
  24. Superstition, once you get he hang of the chorusy bit it isn't that bad. Play that funky music is easy to, the run at the end of the chorus is a pentatonic scale to help you get started. Good call on pick up the pieces, great one to play! Dan
  25. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1372744556' post='2129300'] Was it? I'd be surprised and a little disappointed if that was the case. [/quote] Don't be! Most of zappa's, if not all his solos were spliced from live recordings. Pitch raised to get it in the right key in the studio. Doesn't mean either of them can't play. Dan
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