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Everything posted by pietruszka

  1. Charities are a tricky one, I've spoke to a guy who was keen to take my club band on and they largely do charity events. He assured me the bands get paid well for them, and it'll be that the charity isn't paying the bands, it's the organisation. I don't like asking charities for money, who does? But I'd be very inclined to ask if it's the charity or an organisation organising the event and take it from there. And yes I agree, it's crap when people see that you've done a free gig for a good cause and suddenly every one wants a piece of the action. Best be professional and brutal about it, "Sorry, we have our select charities we play for, we're a working band and can't afford to take too many losses." As for putting something on your website, it may well be better not to. You don't want to scare potential work away. Explain on enquiry. Dan
  2. Hahaha!! Im not on my own! I recently asked the very same not too long ago! Chris gave me the same reassuring answer ClashCity. If anyone wants to sell me their STD 102 HF ill take it off your hands! Dan.
  3. Yep, call me old fashioned but that isn't a world tour. However he 28th may is my birthday! Ever noticed the world series baseball only has American teams in it? Dan
  4. Bloody fantastic! I really enjoyed that, how music should be done! Dan
  5. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1327079695' post='1506174'] Wrong notes? I think you mean 'alternative' notes! [/quote] Yes!!!! Im using that at tonights gig! Dan
  6. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1327078386' post='1506156'] Getting a bass line together for [i]Its a long way to the top[/i]. On the recording I've been listening to the bass is barely in there at all. It's all rhythm guitar & vocal. Having heard other AC/DC recordings which also appear not to have much bass in, I wonder if it really matters what you play so long as your rhythm works and your notes don't contradict anything the guitars are doing. How would the punters know if you're not playing what's on the record if they've never heard the bass on the record for themselves? [/quote] It doesnt really matter, IMHO, I play wrong notes all the time and no one really notices. The crowd won't notice unless its something major! If the crowd don't notice whats on the record they won't notice what you play live on it. I did 'Walk this way' and to be honest I can bearly make out what the bass is doing on the record, its soo quiet and undefined to my ears. So I make something up to fit, even the singer guitarist didn't know it was different to the record. As for mistakes? If you can mask them well and recover then you're sorted. Again all in my opinion. Dan
  7. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1326929562' post='1504070'] Alembic AXY. Perfect fit. [/quote] Yeah, they're listed at $1,100! http://alembic.stores.yahoo.net/axybtacpic.html They must sound amazing for that amount of bread. Dan
  8. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1326906539' post='1503583'] Just spotted this. I think all of what has been said is good advice. Not sure if this is worth anything but here goes. . . . I have two Aria Elite, with the same set up as the one you refer to. The bridge pick-up on both doesn't kick out as much Umph as the neck. On the bridge only, are you getting an equal sound over all the strings, just not as loud as the other pick-up? Got any pics of the beast? Cheers. Just read one of your posts again - odd when both switches down!! Err, I'll get me coat!! [/quote] Exactly that but it does appear to be a bit dead as the other chatters have pointed out. I'll get picks in as soon as I get my camera back! Dan
  9. I will do thanks! If you don't mind me asking how much did you pay for your Armstrong pick ups? PM me if you'd prefer. Thanks for all the help everyone, its very much appreciated! Dan
  10. Right, iv done as you suggested. Yep one side is dead. So where does that leave me? What are the options? Dan
  11. Right! When I tap on the pickups with something metal nothing seems to happen, but the pickups are working, because I can play the bass with sound coming through the amp. When the toggle switches are forward (down), only the bridge pick up works, when they're both back (up) both pick ups work. When the selector is on the neck pick up, it works providing the toggle switch is up and just described. I hope this sheds light as to whats happening. The input is very much appreciated! Dan
  12. From what I remember it doesn't make any difference, I'll be home later and have another play about with it. I shall report back! Dan
  13. You and me both! Let us know how you get on. Dan
  14. The string volumes don't seem to be any different, only that the bridge pick up is quieter than the neck one. I think it may just be the switches and knobs surrounding it, it'll be hard for any of you to see hear without having the bass in front of you. Theres an excellent tech in Newcastle I'm going to try, he serviced my StingRay and did an incredible job. Dan
  15. Im not far ahead of yourself, I personally found just reading helps, and lots of it. Work on it in sections like you would learning any track. I did YYZ from dots and did it in its sections, it was the rhythm I struggle with but you'll get there! Get some classical books, they have easy to read melodies which should help the recognition of intervals and a lot are in eighths or simpler. I have Technitunes by Sheila M. Nelson, songs arranged for double bass, simply because its in bass clef, and J.S. Bach For Bass on MEL BAY publications. Good fun to read and play. It takes time and practice! Dan
  16. I have no idea if they're wax or epoxy. As for whats failed, the pickups are working, and it appears the its the knobs and such that are going. The 2 switches which I think are series/parallel switches work except for the bridge pickup, it behaves like a kill switch, the tone controls seem to work but cant be sure as the dials are spinning on the pots, and the volume for the bridge pickup seems to be quieter than the other. The pick up selector works though! How would I know if they are waxed or epoxied? Im not electrically minded with basses or anything for that matter, I just play them. Dan
  17. Hmmmm, I wonder how safe that actually is? I think for peace of mind I'd still go to an audiologist. I however, do agree with you, it could hopefully bring down the cost of custom moulds. Good find though. Dan
  18. Cheers skybone. I had a look, and theres not a great deal more info on there, I searched the forum and haven't found out anything more really. Things like they're popularity back in the day and such, I came across something about Cliff Burton using the standard elite II. Dan
  19. Hey, With unfortunate events last year and various body matter hitting fans and such, I have manage to secure my dad's old bass. I was very fearful of losing this prized possession and I'm relieved to now have it. I have done a little hunting on the web to find more about it, it turns out my dad's Aria Pro II is an Elite II Black 'n' Gold. There doesn't seem to be too many of these things around either. Ill admit it needs some work to it, the finger board is lifting a little and needs a splodge of glue under it, and the electrics are a tad on the iffy side! I did plug it in to my amp, tuned a whole string down on each string to put less strain on the neck what with the finger board thing. Wow! It sounds fantastic! So full and punchy. It will get restored as best I can get it and it will be gigged hopefully to. Does any one know much about these? Ill get some pictures up as soon as I can. Dan
  20. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1325009357' post='1479088'] Bass, keyboards, lead guitar and lead vocals have never been depped. Over the years we have (as I can recall) used 8 drummers, 8 backing vocals, and at least 30 brass players. The line-up is pretty stable now. We have 2 regular drummers, who share the gigs. We've been fortunate to have some great brass and woodwind players, including the guy that now plays with Level 42, and James Knight, a great London-based session player. We thought the band might last a few years, but never envisaged 15. All credit to our keyboard player, who runs the band. [/quote] Have you ever had Rob Townsend play for you? He was a close friend of my dad. And an awesome sax player! Dan
  21. So we're all agreed! Hahaha! Shall I put the kettle on?! Dan
  22. Very nice thought there, and I agree. I was like that when I was 16 and thought flea was the best thing to approach bass. Then I got musically more educated and realised that the bass does more than thump and thwack along for the sake of impressing. I discovered Norman Watt Roy, Chuck Rainey, Bernard Edwards, the bloke from Maroon 5. And it's about taking part of the music and making it one with it self as a listenable piece for the audience, be it the masses or the niche. But then music is there to be played by what ever means that makes it fun, and yes, there is no right or wrong way really. Look at the bloke who plays bass like a violin! Dan
  23. Iv tried the TH500 through the SL112, it sounds great. Excellent in fact. Definitely worth a try. I havent tried it with the other cabs you mention. Ultimately its what's going to sound best to your ears. Dan
  24. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1325756511' post='1487018'] I did the same thing with an Ampeg set up. Both 210 & 410 were 8 ohm cabs, 210 was 250 watt cab, 410 was a 400 watt cab. Hooked them up to an amp delivering 500 watts at 4 ohms. Run flat out, the 210 may have been pushed, but din`t get anywhere near that. The rig ran fine, and sounded great. The bonus being at rehearsals I could just use the 410, then at gigs use both, but wouldn`t need to change eq`s, as they were both from the same range. [/quote] This is what I don't understand, cab manufacturers advertise that you can do this, if each cab is getting an equal share of the amp watts which is well within the cabs capabilities, bassists use different cab set ups (NWR has used a 118+115+410+2x5). I used a 210 and had it louder than my 410 with no audible probs, it sounded amazing. So the amp wouldn't be much louder with the 410 as well. So I don't get this out of phase business, all this cabs aren't rated to what they're advertised and sold with. I don't mean any disrespect to those who have contributed, but if it's something that is common place why is there conflicting thoughts? Again, I don't mean to cause any harm. I'm only trying to understand how it works before I part with £XXX's Dan
  25. What's the weight? And where are you based? Dan
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