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Everything posted by pietruszka

  1. Haha!! I couldn't agree more! Every time a guitarist plays my bass, all I hear is a guitar solo played on the bass, or a bowl shatteringly bad attempt of Good Times. Dan
  2. [quote name='icastle' post='1147737' date='Mar 2 2011, 09:43 PM']Another alternative would be to cut the top of your middle finger off to make it the same length as the forefinger... [/quote] Haha!! I wouldn't recommend it. The 'new' skin will be rather sensitive when playing the string. But really, I am missing the tip of one of my fingers which stops me playing triplets with 3 fingers. It just doesn't reach the strings! Dan
  3. I know what you mean. The callous' theory sounds most accurate. You may notice, but other people? No, I very much doubt their hearing is that sensitive. I wouldn't worry about it. Dan
  4. I have a Basic 4 fretless, bought off here to. Really really good basses! Lovely feel, neck is spot on and fast to play to. The sound is excellent with tremendous bottom end! And its very light. If you're prepared to travel to Newcastle, you're more than welcome to try mine. Worth the money in my opinion. Dan
  5. [quote name='Count Bassy' post='1143278' date='Feb 27 2011, 01:31 PM']I think it's great. Personally I find this sort of thing a welcome relief from todays over produced, over dubbed, pitch corrected stuff. At least you know its being made by people rather a a computer.[/quote] Well said. Dan
  6. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1143191' date='Feb 27 2011, 12:13 PM']The octaves in the chorus. Is it possible to get that kind of expression without flats and dampening sponges ? Does anyone else find it almost too easy to over - emphasise the top note when playing those octaves ?[/quote] I've been playing it by damping the stings by resting my spare fingers just past the fret I'm playing on, and playing closer to the neck, TOP Rocco style. Not perfect but gives a similar sound to my ears. Dan
  7. Jean Genie! I knew it was one of the 2! Thanks for clearing that up! The track in the OP is great, just sitting with my bass now learning it. Dan
  8. Well spotted! Though it doesnt sound like a bum note to me to be honest with you. Though live I would play it. Theres Bowies Rebel Rebel I think it is, where Bowie says 'one back' on the record 'cos the bassist goes to the chorus one bar too early. Most covers bands sing 'one back' but the bassist never plays the mistake! I wonder how many more there are like that out there? Dan
  9. Yep, having to keep logging in. Dan
  10. As people have said, it's just practice. I sing a couple of things to myself, when practicing or on stage with out a mic ( you know the thing). I found playing bass lines that you don't think about really helps and playing stuff that is very rhythmic so you can do that with out thinking leaving you to concentrate on the vocal aspect. The first track that got me into that was, hold your breath, Primus. 'John the fisherman' more specifically. Let us know how it goes! Dan
  11. I am in exactly the same boat. I hate retail! Im sick and tired of arse hole customers who haven't a gram of intelligence or common sense. Ive just had enough and want a career change. Now, I'm in the very good position where I don't have any ties; no other half, no home (I'm at my mums), no job really worth keeping (sorry to the those who don't have a job, I don't mean to be salty). I joined a club band which gigs here and there, they made me permanent. Probably 'cos I play absolutely anything I'm told. We're now hopefully heading over to do a hotel tour in Asia, with the possibility of America as well. And we're doing the ski resorts in the Italian Alps this winter for a few months. In all honesty, I can't wait. The chance to play bass, see parts of the world I wouldn't get to see and have you're accommodation paid for to. Yes you have to pay tax on your earnings but there are perks to this; you can claim the tax back on fuel and equipment. Strings are taken off your tax bill. If you have some connection and play everything that comes your way, get your self out there then theres no reason why you couldn't make a living from it, plenty of people have done it! For me, well, I have nothing to lose so I'm going for it full beans! Good luck and keep us all informed with your decision. Dan
  12. +1 to everyone here. Have your guitarist turn the bass down in his guitar, this will help massively. And also tweak your eq slightly to be away from the guitarist so you both stand out from each other. I got told from a bass player from a successful pop/rock band 'I'v never heard my bass'. Kinda true really, you will hear it differently to everyone else, especially standing right next to it! Have someone (ideally another bassist) listen in the crowd and point a few things out. Dan
  13. Thats right, powder coating only works on alloys/alu. To my knowledge any way having worked in the cycle industry where alot is powder coated. How I would do it is this; Get the chrome off, sand it, shoot it what ever it takes to get it off. Primer it, applying thin even coats and sanding lightly between coats. Aim for about 4 coats or until the whole thing is smooth. Put a couple of thin coats of what ever colour paint you want on it, leaving at least a few hours in-between coats, as well as sanding it with smooth paper. Let it dry thoroughly before applying a couple of coats of lacquer. Before putting on your bass, let them dry thoroughly in a warm room for ideally a few days. The paint will still sweat after its dry, you'll be able to tell as it still smells of paint. Just my method anyway. Guess what I did at uni?! Dan
  14. Bloody hell. Could we have a separate forum for this?! We'll be seeing the dancing baby next from Ally McBeal. Dan
  15. I have Musicguard, never made a claim but the cover is pretty thorough. My gear is covered; In the house. In the studio. In the venue. In the car (covered up). The latter 3 are for up to 72hrs as well and any where in the country to. I also have public liability of £1m, have a replacement when needed and have an option for hire cover if any thing goes wrong. £3k's worth of kit for £90 a year, worth it as I see it, I'm playing alot more now to so I don't feel I'll be taking the risk. I agree with you, if you can afford to replace the gear, insuring it won't really be necessary. How ever if you cant afford to replace it? Dan
  16. [quote name='paul_5' post='1104434' date='Jan 26 2011, 09:46 PM']Either Tim "Herb" Alexander or Danny Richmond.[/quote] First Ler, now Herb. Primus fan at all? In my Britain it'll be compulsory. A class mate of a friend of mine is cousins with Primus' drummer, not sure which one though! Dan
  17. Yes! Mint thread! Charlie Charles, Steve Monti, Dylan Howe (any one see a pattern there?), Aaron Comess. Dan
  18. Done! Good luck! Dan
  19. Hey, I have This Is It by Michael Jackson if any one wants it for free. Im only getting rid of it as the case is cracked and the cover is torn a little, I also work in a CD/DVD shop so I've got myself another copy mega cheap. DVD plays absolutely fine, Im just fussy so bought another copy! PM me with your address if you'd like it. Dan
  20. [quote name='paul_5' post='1097990' date='Jan 21 2011, 07:25 PM']Larry 'Ler' Lalonde from Primus.[/quote] Genius!! Possibly the most under-rated guitarist ever. Nile Rodgers or Eric Schenkman (Spin Doctors). Dan
  21. Haha! I was looking down the neck from the body end, and so, well you can guess the rest I'm sure. Balls. Dan
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1096621' date='Jan 20 2011, 06:03 PM']It's 100% 345 mm 12th fret to centre of the pup , 14.5 inches is to eleventh fret to centre of pup or almost 12th to the far side of the pup so I'm guessing that's where it came from? My money is on 11th fret [/quote] Oh yeah! Thats right, i was looking at the bass the wrong way! Doh! Im really not a typical stereotype of a bassist, honest. Man I feel embarrassed. Dan
  23. [quote name='214of500' post='1094987' date='Jan 19 2011, 12:08 PM']For sale is my Warwick Streamer CT. 2003 I believe but I can double check. Long story short (there's always a story...) car trumps basses and santa stole all of my money last month. Looking for £900 which I think is pretty reasonable - but if not I will always consider offers or trades (but would REALLY prefer the cash) for me the quicker the sale the better, feel free to come over and play! I'd hate to see this on ebay. I think she's pretty - but I know there are mixed feelings about warwicks covered in chrome I haven't seen many of these floating about - and they're great to draw attention away from the guitarists! Anything I've missed just ask![/quote] Nice photos Dom! And wheres the Stingray thats supposed to be next to it! You know I love that bass and would love to take it off your hands. This thing looks amazing in the flesh as the pics don't do it any justice. Good luck Dom. Dan
  24. That is amazing! Good luck with the sale. Man, if I had the money to own a piece of history like this! Dan
  25. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='1095500' date='Jan 19 2011, 07:01 PM']It does thanks Dan[/quote] You're more than welcome! Dan
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