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Everything posted by pietruszka

  1. I have a fish eye lens for sale on fail-bay. Ideal for those picture taking bassists!!!! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180576360825&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:GB:1123"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:X:AAQ:GB:1123[/url] Dan
  2. I absolutely do not share gear. End of. Theres far too many bass players out there who don't know what they're doing. If asked, I tell them straight out, I don't share my gear, simply due to the cost. If the promotor is adamant I have to share, I ask for a 100% deposit. Its my tool kit as a musician and cant risk it getting damaged. Dan.
  3. Simple and solid does it every time. Less to botch up and go wrong. Just play your parts and your parts only unless otherwise needed. Play for the track. I cant stand hearing bass players who over play when its not needed. Good luck with it. Let us know how it goes! Dan
  4. I agree with the majority here. Massive problem. I was in a function band and we were doing 'Hit Me'. The keys player wasn't playing anything right and played right in the lower register. I just stopped playing. We solved the problem rather quickly. We got rid of him! In my experience, keys players over play to the point of despair. Dan
  5. Ive had one of these heads before, they're excellent!! I had to spend a silly fortune to get something better. £145? Bargain. Have a bump. Dan
  6. Haha!! Ive also been told that alcoholism is just a euphemism for collecting bottles. Dan
  7. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' post='977322' date='Oct 4 2010, 04:33 PM']Erm because he [b]could not[/b] stand-up (or sit-up in chair)...[/quote] Really? I didnt know, Ive seen pics of him playing double bass and he's standing. Oh well, shows what I know!! Dan
  8. Definitely get it checked out! How much are ear plugs? Decent cheap'ns; £10-£15 vs tinnitus. I wear them all the time in music now. Even when I go to watch a band play I wear them. I simply cant take the risk on, its not worth it. Our drummer just so happens to play the loudest snare know to humanity as well! Maybe all of our drummers should have a 'snare-off'?! Though give him his due, he does play lighter in practice for every ones benefit, which is nice. Hope your hearing is alright! Dan
  9. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='976267' date='Oct 3 2010, 06:40 PM']One of my favourite ever recordings. Legend has it he was called back to the studio by Marvin, and was totally off his head. Allegedly recorded it in one take lying on his back.[/quote] This is true! What the purpose of lying on your back was I have no idea. A pretentious statement of some sort perhaps? Still a great bassist! Dan
  10. One sleep to go! Hope to see some basschatters there! Dan
  11. Thanks very much! Im looking forward to it. We have a single coming out November 1st which will be free to download. Dan
  12. Heres a facebook event, every one's doing them so why not! [url="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=127823083934513"]http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=127823083934513[/url] Dan
  13. Amazing heads these. You wont be disappointed! Have a bump. Dan
  14. Hey! Soul Technique are supporting Belleruche at The Cluny in Newcastle on Sunday 3rd October. Live funk/soul/hip hop. It be great to see some BC'ers there. www.myspace.com/soultechniqueofficial Dan
  15. [quote name='danny-79' post='967116' date='Sep 24 2010, 08:16 PM']Get or make a clear P.G an put what ever you want under it, The sky's the limit , Fireworks !!! Even though i very quickly got bored with the idea an figured that a plain black worked best with Sunburst (or couldn't make my mind up so stuck with with the original) its defiantly fun messing about with it to see what works an what don't [/quote] I like that! That made me chuckle so much, its great and so original! A*. Dan
  16. 'Let your yeah be yeah' by the Pioneers. Genius. That is all. Dan
  17. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='964665' date='Sep 22 2010, 05:07 PM']Ooh, pictures?[/quote] Here you go!!
  18. I had a custom made rosewood one, 'cos it matches my fingerboard. Looks lush and rather subtle from the crowd to! Dan.
  19. Thank you for the input every one! Ive heard back from them, and the deal isnt too bad! Of course minimum orders and all that biz, but they help band with promo and such, ie album/ single releases. They promote the bands name in return for the band promoting theirs. As you'd expect. Dan
  20. They're a British company and I know and have found very little about them, Im very keen to know what people think of their strings. Never mind, not to worry! Dan
  21. ...Dovetail strings. My band has been offered a possible 'part-time endorsement' and Im curious as to hear from any one who has used these strings. What are they like? Tone? Feel? Cheers. Dan
  22. Last Monday, it was another BC'er! I supported the Intervals and Steve kindly let me use his Phil Jones. We got chatting and turns out he's a bass chatter! That was a pleasant surprise. A great evening and nice to talk to a bass player who knows what hes talking about! Dan
  23. Some really good points here. Yes, I do agree with the 'its who you know' thing. But I feel alot of it is getting your name around. I play for a girl named Anna Leigh, I recorded on her album and shes doing well in Newcastle. She used to sing for a club band and I have contacts with him now. Ive set up my own club band for weddings and such and we're starting to get work in. The line up is great we all have albums/singles out and 3 members of the band have been on world tours with big name artists. I now have contacts through them. And so it begins! Alot of people I know did the club circuit like ski resorts (Dan Sells and his guitarist, Paul Sayer and many others), they're very well payed and has led them on to other jobs. On top of the club band I also play for 3 other people, one of which is my favourite band which I write for. So get your self about and network network network, as ezbass said! This is only my experience and knowledge. Theres no right or wrong way really to go about it, just quicker or slower routes! Hope music see's you well, and welcome to Basschat! Dan
  24. How soon do you need to learn it? I can make a video for you and email it straight to you if that helps? Its quite an easy song to learn, basically I-IV-V for the most of it. Let me know if you want me to do this video for you. Dan
  25. Id quit. If you dont enjoy it any more and it doesnt pay, leave. If band members are that picky its not worth the stress or the hassle. And you WILL find something else! Bassplayers always do! We're in demand so we're never short of work. Hope you do get what you're after, musically that is. Dan
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