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Everything posted by Andy

  1. It was an absolutely fantastic set with Graham Central Station supporting. He's got Ida Nielson on bass - I think she slapped every single note of the set and sounded fantastic (even better when Larry came back on with her!) Hats off to Prince - 100% energy, pure entertainment - he pretty much refused to quit until the rest of us were ready for bed
  2. How about this one? [attachment=80738:DSC_0341.JPG]
  3. I couldn't believe the GB Rumour was only 65 - who's going to tell Laurence Cottle?
  4. I had my first lesson with Jake on Tuesday and to sum it up - absolutely fantastic! He's one of those guys who's not just a first class player but also a great teacher - very personable and a crystal clear communicater. During the session he was able to quickly identify my strengths & weakesses as a player and develop a practise routine to develop my weak areas. As well as this, he really focussed on my personal goals. We covered a huge ammount of ground in 2 hours - slap technique, funk theory, fretboard knowledge, puntuality - really everyting that I wanted to cover. I've come away with a structured practise routine of simple but very demanding (for me!) exercises which will make the world of difference to my playing. I really can't recommend him highly enough
  5. [quote name='silddx' post='1040347' date='Nov 28 2010, 07:46 PM']My attitude to this has changed completely. Not knowing theory and not being able to read now makes me feel like a right sucker. I could have been so much better as a musician had I bothered to get my head out my arse years ago, and even recently. I also feel like a baby, incomplete and naive to music. Here starts a new and exciting journey![/quote] My feelings exactly mate. I feel musically illiterate, but you guys have all helped motivate me to arrange my first lesson with Jakesbass - it's happening next week and I'm genuinely excited about it - definitely the start of a journey
  6. A huge personal thankyou to evryone who organised and took part today - it really gave me a lot of inspiration/motivation. (and also, big thanks from Soph to everyone for making her feel so welcome - she had a ball!)
  7. TIM(MY) !!!!!!!! [attachment=64311:Timmy.jpg]
  8. I took Dean's Wal fretless off his hands today. He's a great bloke to deal with - very friendly and helpful - he went out of his way to make life easy for me, downing tools on a week day to meet up. Thanks for the Wal Dean - hope parting with it wasn't too painful! Andy
  9. Sorry to say, but I thought the whole 'solo' was really poor it just didn't hold my interest at all I know what you mean though - it does seem a bit of a waste to destroy that kind of tone - could you say the same about a midi wal though? - using one of the best sounding basses around just to trigger a completely different tone? maybe, tasteful and sparing use of effects is the answer?
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' date='Sep 5 2010, 05:24 PM' post='946389'] And with that line up who wouldnt? OK Maybe the wife if she knew what those three together are worth! [/quote the great thing about them is that to her they look like old beaten up cheap guitars - shhhhhh!
  11. I play a 65 Jazz Bass every day and a pre cbs percision and pre eb stingray most days as well - it makes me very happy
  12. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='937661' date='Aug 26 2010, 11:10 PM']Everything flat - filters off works for me. [/quote] Same for me - just played around with this and realised that using a passive jazz bass the harmonics seem to be much more pronounced with both filters off (while using eq set flat)
  13. [quote name='The Burpster' post='919240' date='Aug 9 2010, 07:28 AM']I guess I am no way accomplised enough as a musician to own what I do, but I LOVE owning them, I really get a buzz out if picking them up and playing them. Often I miss playing them (not enough time) but I never get bored of picking any of them up to noodle. That is of course if you include PRS basses in your 'boutique' catagory.?[/quote] I agree with you 100% - I'm am without doubt an incompetant but enthusiastic amateur and can honestly say that I've not had even a moments regret since buying some fantastic boutique instruments as I pick them up every day and they give me a warm glow I have had seroius regrets however, over the much maller ammounts of cash i've spent on crap instruments (i'll lose sleep over 50 quid if i think i've wasted it!!) I think i understand the question though - it does feel like a huge (and maybe unnecessary or undeserved step tp commit to that a purchase that large for an instrument that may be used by some of the best players in the world) - financially, my way of looking at it is to always buy something that will hold its value and so I'm not actually losing money through depreciation, just 'investing' it in something i love - my warped way of justifying complete financial madness don't try taking them down the pub though - not a good look for the local blues jam!!
  14. Marcus, please help a fraustrated Zlap student! i try to zlap alot but I find that it starts to hurt alot after a couple of minutes and I get alot of painful blisters - any advice? (do you use a zlap ring when you are zlapping - do you think if I used one it could help me last a bit longer? - I would be happy if I could at least manage one whole song!)
  15. that's all i played for quite a while with a funk/rock band - it gave me an absolutely monstorous sound (through a markbass 2*10 + 15 extension ) - heaps of power and clarity + awesome playability. Everyone I played with said this was the best sounding bass they'd ever heard It's certainly not a vintage jazz bass though - unplugged it has a characteristic more like the bottom end of a quality grand piano - awesome in it's own right but may not be for you - I guess you won't know till you try it. The $ exchange rate is definitely against you at the moment - you would have got it new between £3600-£4000 when the £ was strong - maybe that day will return? go and give it a quick try - what's the worst that could happen? ps sorry, mine is going to be passed on in my will
  16. Does anyone know if any elixris or DR will be ok?
  17. It's a tough call between:- a Kay short scale that cost me 10 quid when I was 13 - it had a truss rod that span round freely in the neck and rattled when i played - not in great overall condition either - hence my first band nickname 'Rusty Kay' a Hondo Precision copy (a big step up the ladder to £40) - the fretwork was so bad i got re-nicknamed 'Buzz Hondo'! and a franconia jazz copy (£70) - had a neck like a banana which eventually cracked and pretty much broke free of the body as a result of some overly exhuberhant tremelo work! I guess you get what you pay for?
  18. I found Ed Friedlands dvd really useful - dead easy to follow as he explains everything really clearly. hope it helps
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