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Posts posted by ern500evo

  1. 9 minutes ago, BassAdder27 said:

    Order one and play it for a week and return it if not better than EBS 

    Find a store and ask for best price as they often discount 

    PMT gave me a good price on my ABM210H cab just for asking 

    I also asked for a new sealed in box model ie not a shop floor model 

    That’s not a bad idea. Other option is but a used one, on the condition that one of the amps has to be sold within a month 

  2. I think what’s stopping me is that I made a rule for myself a while ago. Any new purchases, apart from consumables like cables/strings etc, have to be either paid for with money earned from gigs, or something has to go to fund it. The EBS amps are quite hard to come by now, and I’d be kicking myself if I sold it for a ABM and then regretted it. I’d be having to scour the used  market for another EBS 

    • Like 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, chyc said:

    Don't do it! You'll have to change your username!

    Haha that’s true, although the amp was only half the reason for it. It was also down to racing 500cc Evo class motocross bikes back in my early days 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, FinnDave said:

    Me too - and I've bought two in the last couple of months as well.

    I love my amp, I’ve got a EBS TD650, but I’m getting more and more tempted to try a ABM600

    EDIT: I’ve also got a very early ABM500 Evo RC, and I think part of it is me wanting to see how much better the 600 is 

  5. 2 hours ago, BigRedX said:


    Except when they don't. Myself and a couple of other people on here have been treated pretty badly by Ashdown's customer support. I'll never buy anything from them ever again.

    Sorry to hear that. I’ve never dealt with them directly, but have seen a lot of people hear singing their praises. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Lozz196 said:

    Which is something that Ashdown are very good at, any problems and they’re always happy to help.

    Even when their gear was getting a slating, people calling it ‘crash down’ etc, their customer service always got rave reviews. They do seem to have an impeccable customer focus 

  7. 3 minutes ago, la bam said:


    I think gk suffer from not being available to try in many mainstream shops. Plus I think they cost £1k+ when new.

    Probably not helped either by horror stories of just how bad Polar UK are at handling any warranty claims. I know GK stuff is very reliable, but I think if I was forking best part of £1k for an amp with motorised knobs, I’d want to know that they’re was decent dealer support in place 

  8. 2 minutes ago, la bam said:


    Superb amp. Really great. One I regret selling, but needed the cash (thanks covid). Big, but not too heavy, but a glorious sound.

    And an amp you rarely see,  which is surprising when you consider that everyone who’s ever played through one says that they loved it! 

  9. I’ve had TC RH450 & 750, GB Shuttle 9.2, Aguilar TH500, Darkglass M900,GK MB Fusion, and used a RM800 in a rehearsal room a few times. My two faves were the MB Fusion ,I kept it far longer than I kept any of the others, and the RM800. I would happily gig any of the others again if I had to, I didn’t really dislike any of them. The RH450 was probably my least favourite. To my (cloth) ears, the 750 sounds so much better. Used them all with the same Barefaced Big Twin 2 cab. I’m back with heavyweight heads now, been using a EBS TD650 for a while and it’s fabulous. If I want something a bit lighter, I think I’d go for a ABM600. 

  10. 42 minutes ago, la bam said:

    Weirdly I've just returned to markbass with a sansamp, after using a trace v6, ashdown ctm300, ashdown abm600, GK 550 fusion and I prefer it to them all.

    I love the GK Fusion 550, I played through one once and was desperately trying to get the guy to sell it to me. 

    • Like 3
  11. I love my EBS TD650 but I’m so tempted to try an AMB600. They’re obviously becoming more appreciated, when I was looking at getting one a while back, you could easily pick them up for around £350, don’t see many at that price now! 

  12. The older ABM’s are such bargains. I listed my 500evo RC on here for something like £125, and didn’t get a single enquiry. After a few days I thought “what am I doing, if it’s only gonna fetch £100 I may as well keep it as a spare!” I had a MAG810, it was only about £350 brand new. I gave it away to another basschatter when I stopped using it. There’s some real Ashdown bargains out there 

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, garyt said:

    Did you gig / rehearse with this set up, is the Boss WL-50 pretty good, and can you supply it and charge from the CS6?

    thinking of getting a wireless and this looks a pretty good option . 

    I did indeed. It performed flawlessly. Even with the recessed socket of my Dingwall, the transmitter sat snugly in place. It was fully charged before the gig, I popped it back in the receiver during our break, but the light stayed green all night, so the transmitter  battery life is good. The power draw is quite low, even when the transmitter is on charge, so the CS6 runs it no problem at all. I’m pleased with it 

    • Like 1
  14. I’ve got 2 signature basses. Both very different in their approach, the raw power of the passive DiMarzios in the Yamaha, the 18v 3 band Darkglass tone capsule in the Dingwall. The neck on the Yamaha feels enormous compared to the NG2 and my Warwick. Love them both though 


    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Maude said:


    Since that post I've actually gone full circle and have bought a Yamaha Attitude Ltd 2. 

    It's an absolutey monstrous beast of a bass in every respect. 


    I bought it, not for the Billy Sheehan link, but because I love Yamaha basses, they sound amazing, and it came up at a very good price ten minutes from home. 

    I am not disappointed. 




    They are awesome basses. Mine is in the shop having some wiring done at the moment. Can’t wait to have it back! 

    • Like 1
  16. I normally end up at the bar doing shots with our drummer after gigs. Much to the annoyance of our singer( he drives the van and moans that he’s always waiting on us two) so there’s no chance of a food stop on the way home. Whatever is in the fridge when I get home will suffice! 

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