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Everything posted by ern500evo

  1. With the added bonus that you can always use it to demolish buildings for a bit of extra cash on the side. This would sound monstrous through my Barefaced Big Twin 2!
  2. Just been watching Ed Friedlands review of this amp head, a proper beast!
  3. I guess if the music you’re creating has need for an extended range bass, then why not. I’ve always used 4 string basses, have played a few fives and a couple of sixes but never gigged with them as I don’t really have a need for it. I’d like to have a go on something like a 9 string, just to see how easy it is to adapt, but like you say, I think I’d be totally lost on it initially.
  4. The Tubepath 5.1 is a really underrated amp, not sure if people avoided it because of the reliability issues the 10.1 was plagued with
  5. This thread has reminded me of the number of amps I’d still like to try. GK Fusion 550, Ashdown ABM600, Thunderfunk, and after collecting my Warwick Streamer from 2elliot and having a short blast through his Mesa M9 Carbine, that can also go on the list!
  6. Ah so that’s what the JD inlay stands for!
  7. Just had an ad come up for this on the Wish website. I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Yours for under £700 if it takes your fancy!
  8. Where in the North East are you based, just trying to figure out some logistics
  9. Any idea what sort of cost the postage would be? I’m down in Bristol so would be a bit of a trek!
  10. Streamers look lovely in this colour! Thanks for inducing gas!
  11. I loved my Tubepath! In a moment of madness I traded it to go down the class d route. Added bonus that the 5.1 never seemed to suffer with the same reliability problems as the 10.1. Good luck with the sale
  12. For the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking about how much I regret selling my Warwick, then I log on here and see all these tasty Warwicks for sale!! Good luck with all the sales!
  13. GK MB Fusion 500. Although I’ve just bought a Darkglass M900, I’m gonna get a few gigs in with it before I let the GK go
  14. Mine was one of the first BT2’s out of the factory, and it still impresses me now. I’ve used it with a variety of heads and basses and it never fails to sound epic
  15. Thanks! I’m well happy with the deal, and Matt is a top top bloke too! Got my first gig with it tomorrow night, so I’ve only had one rehearsal to compare it to the GK. The main reason was to ditch the pedal board, the two Microtubes effects should replace the two drive pedals on my small board. I’m doing predominantly covers with it, mainly rockier stuff but a variety of genres. I was really impressed with the clean tone, the DG pre on the Dingwall makes it easy, had the amp set flat and made small adjustments on the bass. Will report back after the gig!
  16. As others have said, if you love the sound of it that much, I’d be looking at a lighter cab to offset the weight of gear you need to carry. We all want that tone that just works and makes us smile, if you’ve got that, then I’d be looking at a lightweight cab. I’ve been using a Barefaced Big Twin 2, since they first got introduced, and it’s an epic cab for something so small and light. The warmer more vintage voicing of their 10’s may suit you better, maybe a pair of Barefaced Retro 210’s? Good luck in your quest!
  17. The latest incarnation, changed the GK MB Fusion for a Darkglass M900
  18. I’ve trimmed my collection down to 5 basses. My Spector is on a long term loan at a friends house, as his daughter is learning to play. Of the 4 I’ve got at home I only ever take 2 to gigs, and always the same two. Use my Dingwall NG2 primarily, and my Yamaha Attitude Ltd comes along as a spare.
  19. Thanks Cameron, I’ll check them out.
  20. Hey guys, I bought a couple of sets of Dingwall strings for my NG2, and although I quite like the feel of them, they seem to lose the brightness pretty quickly. Have any of you guys tried other brands, I have a set of Elixirs on my Yamaha Attitude which still sound like new after several months. I looked at Elixir strings data but couldn’t see what length the E string is, which I obviously have to be wary of with the Dingwall.
  21. Has anyone pulled the trigger on the M900v2 yet?
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