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Everything posted by ern500evo

  1. Seems like the only issue some people have had ordering from MP, is that the delivery times can be a bit longer, but when the heads are £1069 most places and they are advertising them at £855, a slight delay wouldn’t be a huge issue, considering the saving.
  2. Yes that was my initial thought, but I did a quick search for Musik Productiv on here, and it seems BC’ers have bought basses from them at much lower prices and had no issues!
  3. Musik Prodductiv are advertising both the AO and the M900 v2 at £855, with stock due in on 5/04.
  4. I bought my Dingwall from BD. The day I went in, it was only the two younger guys in the shop, and I have to say, they were a pleasure to deal with. Plugged me in, made sure I was aware of the pickup settings and controls and left me to it, occasionally popping a head around the door to check if I had any questions. I’ve also dealt with Marcus via email regarding a trade in, and placed online orders with Mark, always been happy with the service I’ve received
  5. Anyone seen a decent demo/review of the M900 v2 yet? Would be nice to see a decent in depth review rather than just Patrick Hunter ragging the s**t out of that green fender with a pick! 😂
  6. I had a Tubepath 5.1, i only moved it on as I wanted to try out some class D stuff. I remember at the time of buying mine, there were a lot of reviews saying that reliability was an issue, but only with the 10.1. From what I can recall, the 5.1 was actually a really nice amp.
  7. Wow, that must’ve been horrible for you all. I’ve down a few gigs over the years where fights have broken out, one which was particularly nasty. I grew up on a pretty rough council estate, where pub fights weren’t unusual, but it still gives you a shock when you’re at a gig and seeing chaos erupt in front of you. Hope singers daughter isn’t left with a scar, poor girl. I don’t really see why he’s venting his anger at the band members though. I think if I was doing a pub gig now, with my wife present and could feel a atmosphere developing, I’d ask her to leave.
  8. Gear 4 Music have both amps up on their website at £1069, with delivery estimated between 9th and 16th Feb
  9. Any idea of the retail price on the V2 yet?
  10. A guitarist friend of mine was the Angus Young in a AC/DC tribute band for many years. He earned fairly well out of it, and they did some epic gigs all over Europe. He struggled a bit at first, with how authentic everything needed to be, but once he got to grips with that he had some truly great nights with them.
  11. That is fantastic Russ! Great song and great playing!
  12. I enjoyed it, was a little bit surprised that there was no mention of Larry Graham though.
  13. Only caught some of the show, actually really liked the performance by The Record Company.
  14. Bought my first brand new rig there, a Trace Elliot AH350SM, plus 2103H and 1518 cabs. I remember having to do a job in Gloucestershire in the morning and all I could think of was getting it done as quickly as possible so I could then go rushing off to Wapping. Made sure I parked my work van where I could see it while I did the job, as the envelope full of cash for the rig was in the glove box.
  15. I’ve got a 7 plus and I’ve never noticed any issue with volume during a call.
  16. if you’re always gonna use headphones, i’d buy a Behringer BDI21 Di pedal and a small cheap mixer. You’ll have an aux in on the mixer for phone/iPod, and an headphone out socket.
  17. I bought my Dingwall NG2 from them. Had very good communication with them via email beforehand, just to check what they had in stock. Traded my MM Bongo in, and the whole thing was a pleasant transaction. Mark wasn’t there, but the two younger guys were both very friendly and professional. Set me up through a Genzler amp and cab, showed me the various controls on the bass and then left me to it, occasionally popping his head back around the door tomask if I was ok, and did I have any questions. I wouldn’t hesitate using them again, in fact have just ordered some Dingwall strings, but they only had one set in stock (I ordered two sets), had a very prompt email asking if I wanted to cancel the order, take the one set now and wait for the second, or wait and have both at the same time. Very professional in their approach to everything.
  18. Covers band at the moment, covering a variety of styles. I guess, for me, a lot of it comes down to heavier amp plus pedal board, or lightweight amp and no pedal board. Strange this is, if I’d tried a M900 before I used my ABM for these couple of gigs then I think I would’ve snapped up a M900 without hesitation, I really did like the sound of it.
  19. I’m really torn at the moment. I’ve really liked using my ABM500 for the last few gigs, and I’m sure the 600 would sound killer. However I had chance to have a play with a Darkglass M900 and it sounded fantastic! Two very different beasts. I love how fat the ABM sounds, but I also love the zinginess on tap with the M900, and the DG would also give me the opportunity to ditch my small pedal board, which only contains 2 drive pedals and a switching pedal for the channels on my GK amp. Decisions decisions. There are worse problems to have I guess!
  20. I assume the rackmount RC version is now discontinued? It shows up on the list on Ashdowns website but if you click on it, the page is empty. Also noticed that the only place selling them is PMT. they’re £100 cheaper than the normal version, which is quite tempting as I’ve already got a rack case that my current ABM is in.
  21. Used the ABM500 again last night. It really is tempting to go for a 600. I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but the 500 sounds so different with this bass and cab combo. If the improvement in the new models is that big, it should sound killer!
  22. I think that’s pretty much where I’m at Lozz. The brightness and zing from the cab and bass, coupled with the warmth of the amp, seems to be a good match. Think I’m gonna try it again tonight, but maybe use my Yamaha Attitude Ltd and see what the results are like. This is definitely an unexpected bout of GAS!
  23. I do like a fairly modern, bright sound but not all of the stuff I play requires it. Maybe that’s the reason I stopped using it originally, but that was with a passive bass and through a MAG cab, whereas no I can get pretty much all the zing from the Dingwall and BF, while the ABM seems to bring the warmer element, and it worked quite nicely. I’ve yet to see or hear anyone have a bad word to say about the 600, which is always a good sign!
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