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Everything posted by ern500evo

  1. I like plenty of new music, and I will give most stuff a listen. I obviously like some genres more than others, that’s just human nature. I wasn’t saying I have a particular dislike of Kendrick Lamar or his music, I do however find it strange that someone can have their opinion entirely dismissed because they’re too old, and because they are a nobody that won’t be remembered or talked about in 20 years!
  2. So will Fred West, but I’m not about to start burying people in the walls of my house just to be remembered! Just because someone will be remembered doesn’t mean everyone has to like them. Opinions vary, that’s what make discussion boards interesting!
  3. Yes I’ve just been looking at the Native price/discounts, that’s a considerable difference!
  4. So, what are the real world differences between and full fat and LT? As a bit of background, I’m likely to be using it mainly in a rock type covers band, would also like to use it for a bit of home recording (this would only be laying bass tracks onto drum loops and then putting some guitar down) I think my main temptation is the ability to run the two outputs from my Yamaha Attitude ltd through different signal paths, and create some specific patches for each track/song, so that I’m not fiddling about with drive levels between songs etc, just select the patch for the so g and go. Just wondering how much benefit I’d gain from the extra £300 for a full fat?
  5. 18 months 0%?? That’s some deal, most places are only offering 9 months 0% if you wanna go down the credit route!
  6. I would imagine if it was the valves, that plugging into the fx return would eliminate the the problem, as by doing that you’re basically bypassing the preamp?
  7. Or treat yourself to a lovely black attitude ltd! 😁
  8. When you select just the DiMarzio P pickup it sounds like a P bass on steroids!
  9. Awesome basses, I’ve hardly used any of my other basses since getting my sea foam LTD 2
  10. They are great basses, they do very much divide opinion. I’m still in two minds whether to sell mine, I’m doing 90% rock covers at the moment and my Yamaha Attitude Ltd gets the nod most of the time. I’m also finding it hard to resist buying a Line 6 Helix and the Bongo could fund that. On the other hand I don’t actually need to sell it and and they are so hard to come by if I decided I wanted another! Decisions decisions!
  11. I actually quite like the look of mine, with the black steel grille. A bit quirky. But then again, I play a MM Bongo Stealth so what the f**k do I know!! As you were! 😁
  12. That looks incredibly like my old bass, I sold it to a fellow BC’er. Mine also had luminlay fret markers in, but mine was a 2009. If it is my old one, someone will get a great bass, that thing plays like a dream.
  13. Love these tracks, a real blast from the past. Great tracks from a bass point of view too! I believe the bass part on bust a move was played by Flea
  14. I’ve sent you a contact name and number. As Pete says, great venue, you’ll have a great time.
  15. Which version of the Helix did you go for?
  16. Love that Warwick! Keep meaning to get down to the Gallimaufry one night!
  17. How does the EBS pedal compare to the Helix drive which is based on Billy’s Pearce preamp Dan?
  18. Just out of interest, what are you guys using for power? Are you still using your amp's input or fx return, or a dedicated power amp, active cabs? Just curious really, part of me is thinking that, if I do go down the Helix route, I'd probably keep my MB Fusion and go into the fx return, meaning I've always got the option of going through the amp should anything go wrong.
  19. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1508315007' post='3391231'] The guy that mods the biggest facebook group makes protectors for them. Little stick on things to go over the screens and scribble strips. If you are gigging in places where spillage is likely then it might be worth getting a set https://www.facebook.com/groups/line6helixusergroup/ Join the group and send a message to Chad Boston. [/quote] Yes I've joined that page/group to have a read up and get some views on it. Thanks for the heads up on the protectors, I think they'd probably be a must for me. Had a message from my guitarist friend last night to say I'm welcome to take his home with me for a few weeks and really get a feel for it, which is really cool. Looking forward to seeing what it can do, although his is the full fat version.
  20. GK MB Fusion, I've had GB Shuttle 9.2, TC RH450 and 750, and a TH500 previously. I've kept the GK longer than any of the others. It just seems to work for me, 3 x 12AX7's at the front end for a nice tube warmth if you want it, and the fact it's got 2 gain channels is a bonus. You can set one low gain for a really clean, crisp, modern tone and then set the second channel at a much higher gain for a more driven, thick, valve tone. Can be picked up for well under your budget too.
  21. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1508253179' post='3390877'] Yes. Dead easy. Each of the chains can be separated or joined together for a mono output. In fact if you really want - you can have 1/4 inch to a real amp, and another going to a 2nd amp without cab sims. Then the XLRs with Cab Sims going to the PA split left and right or clean and dirty.... and then have the USB going to a PC for recording etc etc. Easy to do as well. Set each input path up for a different input so they behave like separate amps. Then at the end of each path set which output you want to route it to. Under 20 seconds to set up that routing. Probably under 10 seconds when you've had it for a week! [/quote] Thanks, that's awesome info! I'm meeting up with an old guitarist friend of mine who's got the Helix original, be good to sit down and have a good play about with it without having to go to a shop. I can see my wallet taking a hiding in the not too distant future! My only concern is having something that expensive sat on the floor at pub gigs, but for financial reasons, the LT is a more attractive proposition than the rack unit. What I've down in the past at really tight gigs, is place the pedal board behind me, in front of my amp, which is fine as I don't tend to switch fx mid song anyway, I'm doing 99% covers now so it's more likely to be set a patch for a song and leave it.
  22. Have any of you guys seen the Erik Arko vid where he's using a Yamaha Attitude LTD3? I'm starting to take more interest in the Helix LT, and in the vid he uses separate signal paths for each pickup/output of the bass, but he also send them to separate outputs. I have an Att Ltd 2 and was wondering, is it possible to use 2 inputs and have a seperate signal path per pickup/output, but only use one output on the Helix, so I can run into one amp? The plan would be to use the fx return on my GK MB Fusion, meaning that in case of emergency I've still got an actual amp with me on gigs.
  23. I bought my Ashdown ABM500evo RC from Doctor and the Medics!
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