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Everything posted by ern500evo

  1. I wish I could go back in time and stop myself watching that!!
  2. I'm away that weekend but I'm only in Brean so not a million miles away. Will try to sort something out and make it along. Can bring anything from the following: Barefaced Big Twin 2 Genz Benz Shuttle 9.2 Music Man Bongo 4HS Stealth Music Man Stingray 2eq Warwick Streamer LX Sire V7 The Bongo, 'Ray and Shuttle are all up for sale, so obviously if they sell I'll remove them from the list. Can someone pleeeeeeease say they've got a TH500 to bring to the party, I'm desperate to try one through my cab!!
  3. [quote name='elliswasp' timestamp='1443778966' post='2877571'] RH 750 is 750 W or so it states on the websites how have you come to the conclusion that it's 236 w [/quote] Can of worms! All I can add to this is, I've had a RH750 and I never found it wanting for power in any of the situations I used it in. From on stage monitoring on big stages, to gigs in a 5 piece rock band with no PA support. I only sold mine as I wasn't really making the most of its feature set and I fancied a change to be honest. I'd have no qualms about going back to using one. I would ask yourself the same thing really, if you're not going to make use of its feature set ie the 3 memory functions, sweepable hi and lo mid, spectracomp, tubetone etc, if you're more of a set it and forget it type player who doesn't have the need to change sounds 'on the fly' then maybe the LM800/LMT800 would be a better option.
  4. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/270276-wanted-genz-benz-gbe-750-or-gbe-1200/page__pid__2874319#entry2874319 Someone advertising in the items wanted section for one of these.
  5. Did a gig Friday that actually left me feeling a bit humbled. Got to jam with a couple of absolutely incredible guitarists, one from Japan and one from Italy who were over doing clinics together.Both using 8 string guitars, they did their own stuff to backing tracks then our drummer and myself joined them later to blast through some classic rock stuff, Sabbath, Zeppelin etc. By far the most talented musicians I've ever played with and absolutely lovely guys too. Very happy!
  6. Be interested to hear your thoughts if/when you make the switch. I'm considering the same route myself.
  7. I might venture down for the Mansons show, but what I'm hoping for is to A/B my Shuttle 9.2 with a TH500 through my cab so a bash sounds more like ticking the boxes for me on a personal note!
  8. Any plans to make this happen? Never been to a bash before. Been looking for ways to A/B my Shuttle 9.2 with a Aguilar TH500 through my Barefaced Big Twin 2, a bass bash could be the perfect answer!
  9. Seriously tempted to move my Shuttle 9.2 on and go for this!
  10. Played a charity gig this afternoon, bassist in band on after us was using a TH500 and I think it might well have swayed me!! Sounded lovely. A rich, fat, warm tone. Time to part company with the Shuttle 9.2 I think.
  11. Had them fitted into my Warwick and Sire V7 recently. As above, ordered from Japan, arrived in less than a week. Local luthier fired mine, did an amazing job at a really good price. Well pleased with the results.
  12. geoff90guitar is looking for one of these Lozz, he's got an ad in the items wanted section, along with his phone number.
  13. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1440577522' post='2852014'] Significantly better value for money I'd expect (gets coat...) Eude [/quote] Not a fan of the TH500? They are pricey new, can be picked up for reasonable price second hand though. I've never used one but am tempted to give one a try, heard some nice tones from them.
  14. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1440574260' post='2851974'] Ok, tried mine at rehearsal and it is a very good amp. However, as I`ve also just got an Ampeg SVT3-PRO I was trying both out at the same and for me the Ampeg won. The VT 500 is a cracker though, and to anyone wanting to get as near to the Ampeg sound as possible in a small lightweight amp you can`t really go wrong with this. Connected to my Barefaced Super12T there was no problems with volume - as there shouldn`t be with a 500 watt amp of course. Nice "spongey" decay on the sustain and a good solid presence in the mix. If the SVT3-PRO hadn`t come along at a very good price I would have been perfectly happy with the VT 500 but the 3-PRO is more solid in the sound to my ears, with more heft. But then, it`s got 5 pre-amp valves in it, and isn`t a lightweight amp so not really comparing like for like. In terms of the lightweight amps I`d recommend the VT 500, can go from warm rounded Motown to gnarly driven punk-tones in an instant. [/quote] How would you compare the VT with your TH500 Lozz?
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1440440695' post='2850769'] Very interested to know what you think about this when you've used it in a band setting, Lozz. Thanks for the comments. [/quote] Me too, been toying with replacing my Shuttle 9.2 with a TH500, would like to hear your thoughts on how the VT and TH compare at gig/rehearsal volumes.
  16. Try as much stuff out as you can, and if possible with your amp and bass. I use a Barefaced Big Twin 2, either paired with a GB Shuttle 9.2 or a ABM500 depending on which band I'm playing with. Sounds great and it's light. A pair of 112's might suit you better if you're always going to be humping stuff upstairs. The looks are for you to decide on, if you listen to all the negative stuff it'll fall apart in no time, all I can say is my Gen 3 cab has had 18mths of constant gigging and is still as good as new. There's some great, fairly light cans about now, go have fun testing them!
  17. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1438804789' post='2837610'] Great amp! I think the naysayers have either used them with muddy cabs or are after a totally different tone. Try one on a Super Twin - magic! [/quote] Or a Big Twin 2 with a Sire V7 active jazz! Been using this very set up for a classic rock project with some old mates and it is thunderous, in a good way!! Glad you like it Mark, they do get a lot of grief around these parts at times. As Alex says, paired with the right cab they suddenly take on a whole new character. I used my ABM500evo RC as my main amp for years with zero reliability issues and never ever found it lacking in oomph or volume. Only stopped using it to have a dabble with some lighter stuff.
  18. Welcome aboard! I've got one of the first Gen 3 BT2's, had it 18 months or so now. Great cab, as said above, it puts out what you put in, it's very clean sounding, in fact almost too clean if I use my Bongo and GB Shuttle through it, the combination of Neo pickups, class D amp and Neo drivers can need a bit of taming. I use a drive pedal in front now and that takes it to another level! Happy to report that after 18months+ of gigging/rehearsals all corners/handles/feet still attached and tip top!!
  19. Ask him if he's willing to invest in an acoustic kit as you think it will suit your band image better. He can only say no. As Discreet says, good drummers are far harder to find than we like to think, so if you find one but he's involved in other projects don't let that put you off.
  20. In a blues rock band I used to play with we did Fortunate Son by CCR, always went down well despite a lot of the punters not actually knowing who it was!
  21. Just got first opportunity to sit down and watch it with the soundbar/sub cranked up, thought it sounded good! I've seen The Who live with Pino before and, as much as I admire his playing, never thought he was the right fit, however I thought Pino sounded great this time. Lovely tone and some great lines.
  22. [quote name='NJE' timestamp='1435829166' post='2812736'] I am in a band with someone that gets angry, chucks his toys out and will blame everything under the sun if you point out a mistake he makes. These are usually the same mistakes that need rectifying for the good of the band, but its not seen that way and he just behaves like a child and has a strop. For me its a sign of a very insecure and immature musician/person and if I had my way I would rather not have him in the band but its not my call. [/quote] I think we must be in the same band!!!
  23. Great band, I only got to know about them when my friends band starting covering their track 'Blues hand me down'. Would love to see them live, some really cracking tunes.
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