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Everything posted by ern500evo

  1. I always take my Shuttle 9.2 and drive pedal with me, even if I'm told back line is provided. So unless the cab is a complete basket case then I can usually get a decent sound. I do think sometimes that some players get all stressed about using house rigs without any real justification. I did a gig last year and the organiser (who I knew) was providing back line, bassist from one of the first bands on says to me "hope you've brought your own rig dude, it's a f***ing crashdown", now this lads own 'rig' was an old Laney combo. when I looked on stage there was an ABM500 sat on a Mesa Powerhouse cab, the 1x15 +4x10 single cab. I used it with a drive pedal and it sounded huge.
  2. I've come to the unfortunate conclusion that this just isn't getting enough use to justify keeping it. It was bought by me brand new in March last year. It's in excellent condition, it doesn't even have the obligatory headstock chip! It does however have one tiny chip on the back of the upper horn. The stealth finish really sets this apart from other Bongo's. It has a small patch where my right forearm rests that is losing its matt finish, something that all stealth finished are prone to. It's highly versatile with the HS pickup configuration and the neodymium pickups combined with an 18v 4 band preamp make it easy to dial in just about any sound you desire. Comes with a fitted original MM hard case. Would prefer collection but I can box it up should you wish to arrange a courier of your choice. Any questions feel free to ask. Would take a Aguilar TH500 in part exchange. [URL=http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/ern500evo/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/0A561209-6A5C-475A-83CF-744C89F7D896_zpsh9iqaqes.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/ern500evo/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/0A561209-6A5C-475A-83CF-744C89F7D896_zpsh9iqaqes.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/ern500evo/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/FDD5B83F-621F-429B-9CD4-8F6BBF56A0F5_zpsarakaubp.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/ern500evo/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/FDD5B83F-621F-429B-9CD4-8F6BBF56A0F5_zpsarakaubp.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/ern500evo/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/1A83EF0B-B712-4FA4-A328-01F069E0086A_zpsiol2rswq.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/ern500evo/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/1A83EF0B-B712-4FA4-A328-01F069E0086A_zpsiol2rswq.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/ern500evo/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/69AEED9C-F697-4F4C-8BE3-B70BACBB7693_zpsnj2nuvux.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/ern500evo/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-06/69AEED9C-F697-4F4C-8BE3-B70BACBB7693_zpsnj2nuvux.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  3. I love Deon Estus' playing. His tone is great too, love a bit of jamming along to Wham Rap!
  4. I know where you're coming from! I was loading the car for a gig Saturday night and first bass in was the Sire, knowing that's the one I'd actually use, then stood back looking at about £4k's worth of other basses for a spare to take with me, thinking 'I'm sure I've got this the wrong way around'!
  5. I've used my Sire V7 for all my recent gigs, while my MusicMan Bongo, Stingray and my German Warwick have all stayed in their cases or been taken along as a spare. If it were me I'd maybe set the Sire up to your tastes and give it a few gigs to see how it performs, you may already have what you're looking for!
  6. We shouldn't really be surprised but it seems any thread that has anything to do with Barefaced turns into a argument! I use a Big Twin 2, why? Because I wanted something smaller/lighter/easier to transport than my old rig. The key factor for me was the fact I could take it for a month, gig it, rehearse with it and see if I liked it, and if I didn't then return it. I liked it so I kept it. However I don't think I've ever felt the need to preach to someone else about buying one! I've offered it to people to try, but if they were to come back and say "actually it's sh*te, the handles are crap and the feet look like they're about to fall off" I wouldn't be offended in the slightest, because I would still like it, and it's me that paid for it and me that has to gig it! I love the look of Berg CN212's and the only Berg I've ever played through,a NV610, was immense, but I went for the BT2 and I'm happy with that. As you can probably tell I'm bored at work so thought I'd join in! 😀 If you like berg's, buy one, if you like Barefaced, buy one, if you like TKS, buy one, just enjoy what you buy and don't waste your time telling everyone how sh*te the ones you didn't buy are!
  7. Anyone have any recommendations for a luthier in or near Bristol that could do this? I've used Eltham at Edge Guitar Services quite a lot but not sure if this is his sort of thing. Ideally would like to use someone who has already fitted some.
  8. Im looking for someone in or around Bristol, specifically to fit some luminlay fret markers to my Sire V7 and Warwick Streamer. Anyone have any recommendations? I've used Eltham at Edge quite a few times but not sure if this is something he'd do.
  9. I've ordered the stuff to fit luminlay's in a couple of my basses. Just got to find a decent tech/luthier in Bristol to fit them. I don't fancy taking a drill to my Warwick so I think I'll get the first 2 basses done by someone more competent, then if I like them I'll order some more and practice on an old OLP neck I've got here before doing the rest of my basses.
  10. If you want ultra clean I think a Shuttle 6.2 or 9.2 might work well for you.
  11. Nice work Lozz! No pissing about, straight in!
  12. [quote name='Bass Pedal Geek' timestamp='1429062350' post='2747633'] Sounds like a great bass! Must remind self that I don't *need* another bass... ;-) [/quote] I tried that! It was the not ordering it bit I forgot about though! Still, when it turned up I really liked it so I'm glad I don't take any notice of myself. 😀
  13. It's not mine (unfortunately!) but just saw this on Warwick's facebook page. My Streamer Stage 1 gas is always bad but seeing this has just made it ten times worse! [URL=http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/ern500evo/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-04/3F71BEE5-0F41-49C1-853D-9FB9D946962E_zpsnoreo65t.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/ern500evo/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-04/3F71BEE5-0F41-49C1-853D-9FB9D946962E_zpsnoreo65t.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  14. The SLO models have a smaller neck profile, if that helps sway you! 😀
  15. I don't really see what the problem is tbh, if you think £11k for a bass is outrageous/ridiculous/crazy then you're obviously not who this bass is aimed at. It's surely the same for every possession that we own, there's a cheaper version that does essentially the same, be it a tv, oven, car, bike, phone etc etc. I personally don't particularly like the look of that bass but that's not to say I wouldn't pay £11k for a bass that ticked all the boxes for me, if I could afford it of course. In fact I've said before, if money was no object I'd buy two matching Ritter Jupiter's to hang on the wall as art, which in itself is scorned upon by many who state that basses are meant to be played, but I'm just being honest, if I was that rich then that is what I would do. Maybe I'm just a bit confused why someone who pays £11k for a bass needs to justify it, it's their money and if having played one they feel so blown away by it they feel they want to buy one then good luck to them.
  16. [URL=http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/ern500evo/media/048_zps84a306ec.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/ern500evo/048_zps84a306ec.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Another Bongo Stealth owner here!
  17. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1428044761' post='2737304'] You need [i]that[/i] much bass boost on an Ashdown ? The'rey naturally bass-heavy IMHO. Every Ashdown I've played has benefited from cutting the bass - the rotary's at ~9 o'clock. I'd say cut that bass and turn up ! [/quote] I have to agree, I used an ABM500 EVO RC for a few years and I never had the bass knob past noon, cutting it had a much more positive impact. The bottom end must be absolutely thunderous with it wound that high, which is probably the reason you're struggling to get any definition from the higher strings. Give it a try next time you rehearse.
  18. Definite scam, my colleague has just had the exact same story regarding a car he's selling.
  19. I'll blame Dave for mine, it was seeing his review that convinced me!
  20. There's a fair few of us on here with them now, and all positive reactions so far! These are looking like a real bargain.
  21. Thought it might have been advertised on here if it's the same one. Have no idea how much the parts would be but could be a cheap amp for someone who is happy to take on the repair themselves.
  22. I bought my Stingray from eBay from a guy who wouldn't ship it and lived miles away. It was all made possible by StingrayPete, who offered to collect it for me if I won the auction. Not only did he collect it for me, he set it up, polished it and delivered it to Bristol when he was down here visiting a friend. All this for someone he'd never met in person! This place is amazing, some of the knowledge displayed by some members staggers me at times, you could post a thread asking for advice on just about any subject and someone here will have some sage advice ready for you.
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