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Everything posted by sweeneyjimbob

  1. You have a PM mate
  2. Maddude, what a man you are, fair play for sticking up for jimmy, much respect to you. reading this has really got to me as i lost some one in the same way for the same reason, b***ard bullies. may jimmy rest in peace.
  3. also interested in seing some pics.
  4. manchester orchestra- wolves at night. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riHVSSyIJIQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riHVSSyIJIQ[/url] love this song. whole album is amazing. albums called "im like a virgin losing a baby" if any ones interested
  5. [quote name='Wil' post='716662' date='Jan 18 2010, 03:08 PM']Do you mean, have there been two different bass producers using the name Status? If so, yes, I believe some far eastern company has used the name in the past, churning out P bass copies and the like. Nothing to do with the exceptional basses made by Status Graphite.[/quote] thats what i ment lol. just stumbled across a jazz bass by status which i got a bit confused about as its ver very cheap.
  6. has there been to companys called status that make basses. cheers
  7. its a encore pbass copy the acoustic there sellng is a ashton and the 6 string is a switch vibracell
  8. eye live in nuneaton and we all spelt tings lick dat innit
  9. ive already changed them it wernt till i swaped them with the spb2's that i found out they where dimarzio gutted!
  10. ill more than likely stick em on here for trades or summat i havnt got any use for them
  11. this help?
  12. cool ill get pics up later
  13. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='648407' date='Nov 7 2009, 10:28 PM']Te ones with cermaic magnets either side of allen head screws? I like the sound but mine were unpotted so were microphonic. Got 3 or 4 sets laying about (some are from Westone Thunder, are they own branded, but the same, or just similar build?). Could I pot them in a wax pot for ladies legs?[/quote] wow you confussed me then mr foxon dont quite get what you mean will pics help?
  14. seymour duncan spb2
  15. that would be ace as i payed less than that for the bass
  16. see if i was to sell them i wouldnt know what price to put on them recomendations?
  17. so some of you may kno im refitting a hondo II not sure what year. when i was removing the old pick ups i found out they where dimarzio? what im trying to find out is are these anygood? worth any thing? thanks in advance. sweeneyjimbob
  18. i 100% agree ive been the last few year and its getting worse and worse. not even bothering to go this year
  19. gutted your so far away cus i really need a little amp
  20. do you think it would be a straight swap?
  21. ive gotta get a 4 string bridge for a hondo II and just want some thing cheap. recomendation? links? cheers sweeneyjimbob
  22. welcome
  23. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='642644' date='Nov 1 2009, 05:40 PM']What we have been trying to do all along - take over the world.[/quote] mwahahahahaha (evil laugh)
  24. wellllll what are we to do?
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