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Everything posted by Stewart

  1. I'd imagine you haven't sufficiently opened-out the nut slot for the E string and/or you have too much of an angle between the nut and tuner (try slackening off and lifting the wound E string up the post a bit). That being said, I still have a little sharpness on mine at the end of the neck - just come up with a workable compromise...
  2. If I'm free, I'll be there again. An occasional 'quiet period' is a good idea too, I reckon
  3. Or Kent Armstrong, or DiMarzio...
  4. Hi Nick, You could try these: The Hope Queens Road, Brighton The Prince Albert Trafalgar Street, Brighton The Brunswick Holland Road, Hove The Portland Rock Bar Portland Road, Hove
  5. Looks like a '57 Reissue - apart from the black pickguard (should be white single ply or anodised gold?). Tuners look the same as my Japanese '57 RI (long stems, rivets, huge mounting plates).
  6. I'd have thought that the lacquer finish over the entire fretboard and frets (invariably used with maple 'boards) might have as much influence as the wood itself...
  7. Stewart

    EZ drummer

    This works well for most vst plugins: [url="http://www.xlutop.com/html/products.html"]Chainer[/url]
  8. Yes - a dodgy soldered joint, for almost certain. Time to buy/borrow a soldering iron and some solder, and just 'freshen them up'. Dont forget to put at least some paper between the plate and the body, and it's easiest to get someone else to hold either the wire, iron or solder...
  9. Take off the plate and have a look - chances are there's just a wire come adrift (the cap is probably soldered directly onto the back of the tone pot).
  10. Assuming it's passive, then the capacitor has gone open circuit (or become unsoldered)
  11. Yes, it looks a bit like a mustang neck & body...
  12. Bought a precision body, which was exactly as described, sent prompty and well packed. A thoroughly pleasant guy to deal with too.
  13. Super 10
  14. Maybe check out a Cort Curbow - I like mine
  15. It has two power amps - if you have GK biamp-capable speakers and 4 core cables, then the main power amp drives the bass speaker/s, the other (about 50 Watts) drives the tweeter/s. You get a control for each on the front panel, and most of the advantages of any active crossover system (like distorted bass drive doesn't translate into harmonics that will hit the tweeters).
  16. A stereo compressor isn't intrinsically going to help with your basic requirement - which is for a two (or more) channel mixer...
  17. Two precision pickguards supplied in record time, extremely well packed and marked. Superb service, and a pleasure to deal with.
  18. There are two here [url="http://www.fareastguitars.co.uk/usedbasses.htm"]Far East Guitars site[/url] (1 alder, 1 basswood) Slightly later models in good nick - useful as a reference...?
  19. Levelling the top of all the frets, which is followed by a fret dress to put the curved profile back on the frets (some of which would otherwise have a flat top following the stoning).
  20. What's the weight of the body? (Dodgy shoulders demand lighter bodies... )
  21. Wild Wild Life - Talking Heads Great fun
  22. Fabulous! The one that really grabs me though is the sunburst spitfire with the maple neck - gorgeous
  23. Hi Jase, [quote name='Jase' post='176179' date='Apr 14 2008, 12:31 PM']am I right in thinking that the solo is actually distorted bass? ( hope so ) been a bit of a Purple fan over the years but never paid any attention to it at all. Can anybody confirm this?[/quote] I'm almost sure it's Hammond organ + ring modulator....
  24. I think it's used as a low-cut filter, rather than anything EMI-related... You could probably knock one up if you knew the inductance value - I'd try looking round this site, and maybe ask on their forum if you can't find the answer: [url="http://www.gibsonbass.com/"]Gibson Bass site[/url]
  25. I was at the last one for a couple of hours - picked-up some good tips from some of the 'tutorial' sessions. This one sounds like it'll be bigger and better - I dropped a bass in to GB Guitars for a setup and Bernie is going to be exhibiting Unfortunately I'm booked to be elsewhere ...
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