I bought 3 x RCF ART310A active, and I'm very pleased with them.
Very light, a surprising amount of bottom-end for 10"-based units, and the top-end is very smooth to my ears.
People have commented that it sounds very 'Hi-Fi'...
They're only generally used for vocals and occasional acoustic guitar, though a couple of weeks ago they did a reasonable job with an upright acoustic bass through an SM57
I bought three so I'd have one shared monitor for two singers in the 4-piece (or a spare).
In the 7-piece they're all used as monitors (the band has a pair of SRM450s).
With a couple of subs they'd be capable of handling an entire band in medium-sized (large pub) venues I reckon.
In an ideal world I'd prefer not use actives for monitors (mains wiring over the stage front), but:
There's probably mains there anyway (effects power supplies)
You'd otherwise need another U or two of rack amp and a fair quantity of speaker cable...