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Everything posted by Aussiephoenix

  1. I ended up contacting Andy at Wizard Uk and he was a great help. seems I'd completely screwed up which wire went where. Its thumpin now.
  2. Guys, I've got a Wizard Thumper (P) on my Frankenstein bass going to volume 1, and a Wizard Magic (MM) pup going into a 3way coiltap switch, and from there, to Volume 2. There's a 9v Aguilar OBP3 in the mix too. I've screwed up my wiring somewhere... Now, the Precision sounds fabulous soloed, however, I'm having a few issues with the MM pup and the 3way switch. (Both pickups have red, white, black, green and bare wires) Problems: 1) in the bottom position, the 3way acts like a mute switch. (it was supposed to give me the MM in series mode) 2) in middle and top positions, (suposedly Bridge Coil on one of them and MM in Parallel mode) I hear both pickups, but as I lower the volume on one of them, the other gets MUCH louder. the overall volume is lower when both are on. The way I have it wired up is as follows: ON the P pup: White and Black are connected, Red goes to the Middle tip of vol1 Green goes to left tip of vol1 and Ground. Switch poles: 1 2 3 4 5 6 3Way switch connections on the MM Pup: Red goes to 2 Black goes to 3 (along with the wire that goes to Middle Tip Vol 2) White Connects 1 and 5 Green + Bare go to 6 (Along with the ground Wire) I guess the problem is Im not understanding how the 3way connections work... Help me figure out what Im doing wrong please...
  3. A jazz neck fits a precision body perfectly. the opposite should also be true.
  4. I've had DR Black Beauties, but at the moment, Labella SuperSteps
  5. [quote name='johnnylager' post='594232' date='Sep 9 2009, 07:44 PM']I settled on a [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=45784"]DHA VT2-Twin-EQ-Bass[/url] after owning BDDI, Paradriver & Microbass II and deciding they were only pretending.[/quote] Ufff... 249£ is a bit much for me I'm 'fraid. dudewheresmybass, I'm also looking for a ToneHammer to try out. I love Aguilar, so I think that would do what I want out of it.
  6. I gotta ask... are some of these bigger boards even giggable? I mean, you have to tie them to the roof of you car to get them to the gig, and then, there's so much damn cable running though it, that you must have to bump the Vol and gain to 11.
  7. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='593985' date='Sep 9 2009, 04:18 PM']if bang for buck is the prime requirement, either the VXL mentioned above, or the Behringer BDI21 are worth looking into[/quote] Its not the prime requirement... versatility, functionalities, good clean are higher up in my requirements. as far as buck goes, I can go up to 150£ roughly...
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='593805' date='Sep 9 2009, 01:05 PM']Assuming you will be running it though a power amp when you want to drive a bass cab, check out the PJB Bass Buddy. Really excellent, and about £200. If you can go higher, then the Eden WTX series are great heads which can also be used either as a pre-amp or as a pro-quality DI box. With the Eden WTX500 getting established now, there should be some good deals on the WTX260 available. Think £400 or less. My own WTX260 will shortly be coming free (WTX500 arrives next Tuesday) so that's an option if you're not concerned about pre-owned amps.[/quote] Hmmm, nah, the ideia is to get a compact box I can use as straight preamp/DI -> mixer or, using it as a preamp/Driver -> Eden Nemesis combo
  9. hey guys, I've decided to let go most of my effects, keeping only Chorus, Tuner and Multicomp on my Pedalboard. Im looking to get a [b]good[/b] [u]Preamp/DI[/u] that isnt TOOOO expensive. I've already had a MXR M80+ and an Aphex Bass Exciter. I was curious about the DHA VT1-EQ-Bass-Drive valve OD, EQ, DI, I like the idea that it is valve driven, though that isnt essential. What else is there that you've tried and loved and doesnt blow the budget too much? Cheers.
  10. [quote name='4000' post='582977' date='Aug 27 2009, 10:28 PM']Reminds me of the offspring of an MTD and a Ritter.[/quote] exactly what popped into my mind when I saw it.
  11. I've had the OLP gas way back... Resumed, I must have tried about 30 of them, and only one really stood out from the bucket... Its a matter of luck finding a really nice one.
  12. Thanks for your posts people. As it turns out, I got too frustrated the other night after spending about 2 hours playing around with the settings on the supercollider, and sold it. Now I have 2 options: a) Buy a new pedal without the chance of trying it out (there isnt much out here in terms of boutique , only boss & digitech type pedals) Get one of the local DIYers (theres one in particular that seems very talented) to put me together a pedal. Honestly, Im leaning towards option B. My idea so far is a 2 circuit enclosure 1 would be a fuzz with blend and the other an octave down with blend also. thing is... where can I find the diagrams for those real good Fuzzes? I was thinking "Pickle Pie B" good.
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' post='581659' date='Aug 26 2009, 05:34 PM']Can I ask, how good are the Fender 5's? I hear silly rumours that their B doesnt really cut it....but I also hear the new ones are REALLY good for their money.[/quote] I was a firm believer in that until I tried 2 SQUIERS (a mate's precision Deluxe and my own Jazz deluxe) which have no trouble whatsoever with the 5th string, nice and tight as you'd want it to be. If "certain" squiers can have that, why cant normal fenders?
  14. During the talking part in the beginning, looked like Marcus was a little bugged to be there... like "Im a big fan..." "yeah yeah whatever... " trust the music to get rollin for him to look like he's enjoying it.
  15. [quote name='Toasted' post='578786' date='Aug 24 2009, 09:16 AM']Overly bright, clanky and [b]unforgiving to poor technique[/b]. Playing with the band, which is what I personally play bass for - I don't think there are many better sounding instruments.[/quote] you know, I hated Sadowskies when I first tried them exactly because of that (though I either didnt realise it at the time or wouldnt accept it). they are VERY unforgiving if you're used to a Passive Jazz and play with a lot of attack. I've had to mellow and control my attack in order to adjust to my sadowsky. I wouldnt say that theres that huge a diference in playing in or out of a band setting, but comparing a passive jazz to a Sadowsky is like comparing oranges and watermellons.
  16. Funny that, I've just started making arrangements with a local builder to put together something just like that. The only diference is that I wont have a booster in mine, Just Fuzz and Octave down (dont know what circuit he's basing it on, but it doesnt seem to be a problem.) As for switching it separately, I've asked him to put in 3 switches. the third switch works like a true bypass loop. meaning, you can select one of or both effects BEFORE you engage them.
  17. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='578891' date='Aug 24 2009, 11:26 AM']Do you have any example of song/sound you like? Why did you hate the mxr m80?[/quote] hey, I'd say a good example would be Muse - Hysteria, but less drowned out. I didnt like the M80 cause it sounded too trebbly. no matter how much I played with the preamp to help out the distortion section, I never really got that sound I was looking for. (I didnt get that pedal for its distortion but the preamp/di capabilities. Back in the day I did use a Russian Big Muff, but I found it was too wild, and ate up my low end. still, there was something to that pedal that I really liked. I could never really kill its shortcommings. For this reason, I was considering the Bass Big Muff, and I've also seen a few people on here recomending the Bad Monkey, so I might see if I can try one out.
  18. Hey people, Im having a bit of trouble finding the right distortion (using the term loosely) for me. I use active basses, so It has to work well with that, at the moment I have an Earthbound effects Supercollider and that's the kind of sound i'd want to have happening, but though it gets close, Im not able to dial in that exact sweetspot I've been searching for... So you get an Idea, I've had the mxr m80 which I hated, I've had the Ibanez Phat Head which wasnt too bad, but didnt quite satisfy, I've tried the boss bass overdrive (yellow) so what Im looking for is a deep fat fuzzy sound (maybe fuzz & octave?) that doesnt get lost in the mix, and you KNOW there's a bass and not a guitar behind that. know what I mean? as for prices, Some of those boutique pedals have crazy prices, so I dont want to go to extremes, but I will pay a reasonable amount for a good pedal, so, can you guys give me some options?
  19. Guys, My Audere, since I bought it second hand, didnt come with a led... can any led be used? or does it have to be a certain type? if so, what is it?
  20. [quote name='james' post='551172' date='Jul 25 2009, 03:35 PM']Thanks it came with a white one so I got a new one from Sadowsky[/quote] How much did that set you back? Did you have to send the old one in for them to make a copy? Reason Im asking is I'd like to get a clear PKG for mine, but since its a Tokyo, I think I'd have to send it in for them to make a copy as they dont have the exact measurements for it.
  21. [quote name='cheddatom' post='567729' date='Aug 13 2009, 10:09 AM']AFAIK It doesn't matter what the pedal says it can output, if your PSU can supply enough current for the board, it doesn't matter if it goes in and out of your Tuner. If you're worried about it there are plenty of daisy chain adaptors which will fit the end of your PSU plug instead of having to come out of a pedal.[/quote] The Daisychains I use have a connector that I can Hook up to the Power Supply straight out, so I might try that... dunno why I chose to get the tuner distributing... simply cause the option was there I guess. As for the 200mA, the headrush alone takes a 160mA Slice.
  22. I've got a question for you all that's been nagging at me... I'm powering all of this using a boss transformer that's connected to the Boss Tuner, and from there, I have DaisyChain-age (2) that feed all the other pedals. a mate has brought it to my attention that the DC out of the Tuner shouldnt feed more than 200mA, and at the moment its feeding a lot more than that as you can see below. what are your thoughts on this? [quote name='Aussiephoenix' post='558829' date='Aug 2 2009, 11:16 PM'][/quote]
  23. [quote name='muzzer' post='217866' date='Jun 12 2008, 07:30 PM'][/quote] THAT is the cleanest Instalation I've seen yet... have to get me a bundle of those locking thingies to tame the jumble I left when I installed my first AudereZ into my Squier jazz 5 Deluxe this last weekend. I've yet to play a bit more with it, but I must say Im quite happy with this preamp. In comparing it to the Aguilar OBP3 I have in my frankenstein bass, I'd say that the OBP3 has a little bit more range, but I havent yet played with the Audere's trimpots, still for versatility of sound at your fingertips, the Audere wins hands down (Hi, Mid and Low-Z in one switch, Active/Passive on another and Mid Freq x3 settings in another). The Audere is more transparent though, the OBP3 seems to color the sound more. I must try to do an A/B (in the same bass, as that will no doubt have diferent results ) with between the OBP3 and the Audere once I have the Audere set up to my liking. Have you guys tried 9v vs 18v in the audere? any major diference?
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