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Everything posted by Aussiephoenix

  1. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='469312' date='Apr 22 2009, 08:48 AM']I've wanted a Sadowsky ever since I've played Wayne58's 3 NYCs and now I have one and having done a couple of gigs with it, I'm not disappointed apart from the fact I wish it had 5 strings. The NYCs are fantastic but the Metros really are as good if a tad heavier.[/quote] +1 I've wanted a Sadowsky ever since I played Bassaussie's 2 NYC's and 1 Metro. I kept putting it off, telling myself it was too expensive and I couldnt justify it, but Gwilym's Tokyo 5 made my GAS go through the roof, and after bugging him a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time, he accepted shipping overseas. Happy as can be, Dont think I'd ever ger rid of it unless I was real tight on cash for the bare essentials.
  2. [quote name='Higgie' post='413852' date='Feb 19 2009, 02:31 AM']I really don't know how you gig that thing![/quote] +1. I'd be accidentally kicking knobs off other pedals while trying to activate that...one... pedal...riiiiiightt...........There!. I caught myself a while back trying to figure out how to fit all the pedals I had on the one pedalboard, and finally snapped... Chose the essential pedals, everything else, I put up for sale not to get tempted to put them back in the pedalboard. Right now, its completely functional. 1 Fuzz, 1 Compressor, 1 Tuner, 1 chorus, one "multi-fx" (Flanger & Phaser) , 1 Delay/Looper pedal, 1 DI/pre. thats it, thats all... and I STILL get incredulous looks from guitards that have less pedals than I do. lool.
  3. [quote name='rockpig' post='411662' date='Feb 17 2009, 02:02 AM']some rods are just a bit crap. it is possible a well made neck is very stiff and the string tension is not enough to bend it forward significantly. if your having trouble getting a playable action on it withour buzzing you could try stoning some relief into the frets by basically leaning on the neck to put a back bow in it and then levelling the frets. when you release the pressure on the neck the frets will be slightly forward bowed this would only need to be half a millimeter or so. what shape is the shim you fitted? the problem could be more to do with the neck angle.[/quote] The shim's area is the shape of the neck pocket, very thin, thinnest towards the bridge. With the shim in, its not a problem. still, I've been thinking, and there's a change in weather coming... I wonder how the neck will react to it... Sooner or later I'll endup buying another neck and turning this one into a headlamp or something lol. Still at the moment, no cash to spare for that, so Ill have to make do with the shim.
  4. Could be, but i dont think so... theres always a small resistance to it except when it gets to the extremes, where it tightens up a lot, making it almost impossible to move. Havent tried forcing the neck, knowing me, Id probably cause some damage to it lol.
  5. I've always heard say that it takes a while for trussrod changes to settle, but that's never really been my experience. of course, the full effect will take a little while but usually you can see a small diference straight out. I do know how to setup a bass by the way (no expert, but know enough i guess), I only turned it to both extremes because I couldnt see ANY change, and was testing there wasnt some kind of problem with the rod itself. Hubrad, I've always played .45's. at the moment its stringed with Rotosound SwingBass 66's. Any specific strings you'd recommend? "repairman for a fingerboard re-glue or steaming"... kinda out of the question for 2 reasons... one is, I spent hardly anything building this, and that would defeat the purpose, Id rather buy another neck second hand lol. the other reason is, the only repairman that I know that could handle this job, Im kinda pissed off with since he didnt bother touching my bass for 2 weeks since I last dropped it there, because he had "more important clients" to handle in the meantime.
  6. Hi guys, not knowing what else to do, I've decided to throw this problem on here, maybe someone can help shed some light on it for me. I've put together a nice little frankenstein from parts I've scrounged and bought from all over. I'm pretty pleased with the result, but there is one little hitch... That's the neck. I bought a new no-name jazz bass neck off the bay, some German power seller I cant remember at the moment, and when I put it on the bass, I was pretty pleased as it fit perfectly with the neck pocket, so, strung it up, and as expected, it needed a setup... So, I look at the neck... its pretty damn straight. Lets add a little bow on there. took the hex key to the nut and turned a little. checked it again... hmmm, maybe I didnt turn enough... turned a little more, checked it again, and still no change, though I could defenitely feel that the trussrod wasnt just spinning in place. I also didnt hear any alarming wood crunching sounds, so I dont think the end is eating at the wood... If I turn the truss a few turns, it reaches a point past which it will not turn any more in any direction, so it seems to be functional. I took the bass to a "luthier" friend, who took a quick look at it, played with the trussrod and told me that there's nothing wrong with the trussrod, the problem is the neck wood is just too damn strong... (this is a first) Its a normal maple neck with a rosewood fretboard, nothing strange or special about it... At the moment, the bass is playable cause I put a little shim between heel and neck pocket, but Obviously, I'd like to get this problem sorted. Any Ideas on what might be happening here? Any tips on things to try to get it to bend a little?
  7. Here's an updated photo of my pedalboard's new layout: [url="http://img155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p1010031jb2.jpg"][/url][url="http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php"][/url] The signal path is: Sadowsky Tokyo 5 or Frankenstein PM-> Boss CE-2b Bass Chorus (80's MIJ) -> Boss TU-2 Tuner -> EBS Multicomp compressor -> Earthbound Audio Effects Supercollider (Custom Fuzz MIA) -> Marshall Regenerator -> Akai Headrush E2 -> MXR Bass DI+ M80 -> P.A. and/or Eden Nemesis RC212
  8. I've got a 2x12 320w nemesis combo... SHakes the walls man. sounds massive, but has very good definition. I'd definitly buy another/or choose nemesis cabinets to pair up with an amp.
  9. I love the way the body turned out... Natural finishes are the way for me. wood grain is too beautiful to hide behind paint. I probably would have had a go at changing the shape of the headstock, but as long as you like it! Have you noticed any tonal diference from the initial bass?
  10. [quote name='Marcus' post='326464' date='Nov 11 2008, 07:32 AM']to my ears and hands the Sadowsky Jazz is the ultimate Jazz Bass - Simple as that !![/quote] I'd have to agree with Mark. I've got Gwilym's old Tokyo 5, as soon as I got it, sent it to my tech, he did the "all-pulled-apart-clean-fix-back-together-and-setup" on it, He was very impressed with the overall quality of the bass. As for me, Its clearly the best feeling neck (specially since its a 5'r) plays like a 4 str. the sound is huge, defined, tight low end, lots of Jazz bass Growl, you name it, it's got it. I had to sell off 3 of my basses to get my grubby hands on it, but it's kept me gas-free since then... I wont say I'll never get the gas back, but plenty of nice oportunities have crossed my path and I havent even blinked. Obviously, this is a very personal opinion, and highly dependant on personal taste. As for using your Sadowsky pre... I've done it, with a Fender Mim classic 60's which was a great bass. Yes, the sadowsky preamp makes passive instruments sound the mutts... But no, it's not the same thing. besides... sounds like you've already got your mind set on the sadowsky tone anyway... why not go for it?
  11. well, I guess its a matter of taste, I didnt like how mine sounded with active basses, though it sounded fine with my fender jazz
  12. Hey Dude, Yeah, I remember the Russian muff wasnt too keen on actives either. At the time I was looking for a new fuzz though (when I saw the Bass BM), I found another fuzz that blew my mind, the Earthbound Effects Supercollider which I'm currently waiting on... It's finished and coming my way this week. That pedal will complete my board, when I have it, I'll post some pics of the completed board.
  13. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='316353' date='Oct 28 2008, 01:16 AM'][/quote] Dude, what do you think of that Bass big Muff? I used to have a russian BM, but apart from eating the low end, I felt it was near uncontrolable... I was curious about those new bass versions, but I have to say that the vid-demos I saw on them didnt do much for me...
  14. toasted, what's that big 3 stomp pedal?
  15. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='292456' date='Sep 26 2008, 09:10 AM']Yeah, these are awesome.[/quote] Have a free bump on me. Had one, Loved it. great little amps.
  16. No pics yet, but these are the fresh contents of my pedalboard: Boss Tu-2 EBS Multicomp MXR M80+ DI Akai E2 Headrush Marshall Regenerator Zvex Wooly Mammoth Clone (DIY) Boss CE-2B (Still hunting for one... if anyone has one, PM me)
  17. [quote name='umph' post='285008' date='Sep 16 2008, 01:55 PM']how good is your mate at building things? because having all of those in a reasonable sized enclosure would be near on impossible[/quote] He's pretty good at it. for what I had in mind, he had made in the past something that looked similar to the moog pedals, but extended, and the top wasnt 1 piece, but 1 for each "pedal", the idea being, you get sick of that pedal, you get another made, to fit in the same enclosure, and its pretty much plug and play. However, a lot of what's been said here made sense, and I'm giving up on the idea, as it's never going to be "perfect", so I'm going the separate pedal way.
  18. Hey guys, I've been looking through this thread much like chedattom was describing... lol. thing is a while ago, I had to sell off most of my FX, keeping only the bare essentials: MXR M80+ DI EBS Multicomp Boss Tu-2 I'm thinking about getting back some NICE Fx. Unfortunately, There isnt much chance of trying out most of these "boutique" pedals that I'm seeing loads of here, and frankly, the norm doesnt really satisfy me much anymore. With that in mind, what would you gear-whores (joking) recommend for: [b]Phaser:[/b] Long Deep Swells is what I'm looking for. [b]Delay/Loop Station:[/b] On the delay part, I dont need fast delay times, basically just echos, on the LoopStation part, I dont need something like a DL4, as simple as I can get them would be fine, as long as the sound quality is good, and I can record some base phrase and layer on some parts. doesnt need to go beyond 14secs or so... [b]Bass Chorus:[/b] I've tried a boss CE-2b japanese version in the past, and quite liked it... anything around those lines that you'd recommend? [b]AutoWah/Envelope Filter:[/b] I've tried a few, none have done it for me. Tried: dod fx25, dod fx25b, ebs bass IQ, EH Qtron+ EH mini Qtron... Cheers guys
  19. [quote name='matt_citizenbass' post='277102' date='Sep 4 2008, 03:38 PM']and its called the JM4.[/quote] thats the one.
  20. I believe its being substituted for a newer model with a different model name. fm4? something like that anyway
  21. Jimmy Hendrix Fuzz Wah, who's tried it? What's it like for bass? also, anyone have any experience with the DOD FX-17 Vol/Wah?
  22. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='257426' date='Aug 7 2008, 05:47 PM']I know you said no distortion, but I'm gonna break your rule. Make a synth pedal like this: Octave -> Fuzz -> Filter Octave can be whatever tracks well. Fuzz should be something really heavy with a nice top end, like a Maestro Brassmaster or Tonebender clone. For the filter I would go for a low pass Korg MS20 or a DOD 440 clone, controllable by either an expression pedal or taking an envelope signal from the very start of the chain (so it's clean and hasn't been messed with by the octave or fuzz). Hell, make one of these and I'd buy it off you![/quote] You know, that does sound interesting... to me, there are a couple of problems though... Octaver: Never found one that actually tracks properly... Fuzz: Never found one that didnt sound like a buzzsaw on steroids. E.F.: Never found one that didnt eat up the low end and doesnt have stupidly high peaks.
  23. [quote name='Alien' post='257125' date='Aug 7 2008, 12:38 PM']I'm guessing that this isn't [i]entirely[/i] hypothetical... Are you in a position to give more info, or does this 'friend' want to keep things off the radar for the moment? Andy[/quote] Hey Andy, No, its not entirely hypothetical... this guy is used to picking up the diagrams of well known pedals off the net, and making his own based on that, with a few added bells and whistles... So, what I was thinking about initially was something along the lines of: (TC Electronics Bass Chorus + Flanger) + (some kind of deep fat phaser) + Delay (if I could find a MUCH SIMPLER delay than the DL4, but that could record a long enough phrase, that would be just wicked, and yeah,. I'd like the normal delay options though nothing too extensive) I really liked the idea of a "Flanger with very flexible controls so you can go from chorus to phaser type sounds"... if you know about any pedal that will fit this bill, let me know. Now, I'd like to have some input from you guys in what specific pedals you would choose that would be doable in DIY and would have good quality and versatility.
  24. Say you have a friend that makes his own homegrown pedals, based on diagrams etc found on the net, and you got this crazy idea to ask him to make you a 3-in-1 pedal that is true bypass, has master volume and wet/Dry mix, and you get to choose 3 fx. What would you choose? (RULES: no EQ, no Distortion, no Compressor. those are taken care of.)
  25. I've owned and played a fair amount of basses, nothing like some of you that have 50 basses lol. My ONLY bass now is my Sadowsky Tokyo 5. Very comfortable to play, Growly and Tight lows, simply the nicest 5string that I've ever had my grubby hands on. I've tried Jerzy's, Ritters, etc, none fit me better than that. [url="http://shw.fotopages.com/18183355/My-Sadowsky-Tokyo-wub.html"]Sadowsky Tokyo 5[/url]
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