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Everything posted by Aussiephoenix

  1. Well, my pedalboard isnt as posh as some i've seen here, but it suits my needs perfectly. sequence: IN -> Boss Bass Chorus CE-2b -> WOBO -> EBS Multicomp -> MXR m80+ -> OUT LOOP A -> DOD DFX94 Sampler\ Delay LOOP B -> DOD FX25 Env. Filter -> Ibanez PH-7 Phaser Portable, functional, and relatively good quality. the power comes through 2 linked daisy-chains that hookup to my boss transformer and that connects to my rack voltage regulator.
  2. I dont know what your reality is like over there, but in Portugal its a bit restricted... there are hardly any places for a starting out Originals band to play live, and there is no interest whatsoever from our discographic companies for rock/funk/metal bands. only poppy stuff and classical portuguese music, you know, all that SUX. So, if you're a musician, you have 2 choices... either stay in an originals band, and play in the garage until the band breaks up, then do it all over again with another band, OR, If you want to play live, you surrender to covers, as thats the only thing that attracts public to bars, and since thats what the bar owners want, thats the only type of bands they'll have. with 1 or 2 exceptions of course.
  3. Ahhhh... And there was light! Ok, I understand how the switch works now, Thanks a lot for your help mate. I'm going to look into drawing up a few schematics and see what I come up with with this new info. Cheers.
  4. I think you did both (shed light and confuse)... [quote name='BOD2' post='48169' date='Aug 21 2007, 09:29 AM']In addition there are two "sides" to the switch that operate in tandem. For each side of the switch, one tag is the common contact and there are three pickup contacts. The pickups were connected to one side of the switch and the tone controls were connected to the other side of the switch (except that one tag wasn't used on this side because there were only two tone controls but three pickups).[/quote] Hmmm what exactly is the "common" contact? does it mean that whatever pup config you have selected at the time, the output line ("sound?") always goes through that common contact? Hence, you'd have the general volume attached to one of them and the ground attached to the other?
  5. New developments: I've just been browsing some wiring diagram sites including this one: [url="http://www.stewmac.com/wiring101/diagrams_for_3and5_way.html"]Stewmac 3 and 5-way switch wiring[/url] From what I've read (and what LITTLE I know...) is this config what I'd want to endup with?: pos1 (lug 1) - Musicman Humbucker pos2 (lug 1+2) - Musicman Humbucker + Precision Pup pos3 (lug 2) - Precision Pup pos4 (lug 2+3) - Precision Pup + Musicman Bridge coil pos5 (lug 3) - Musicman Bridge Coil Of course, there's no mention here of what to do with lug "0" or the lug positions on the 2nd "pole"... Can anyone help fill the gaps or blow a hole in my theory please? Cheers.
  6. Only a couple do I regret selling... I had an old Padauk topped 5 str basscollection that was a beaut, and if Only I'd swapped the electronics on it, It would have made a kickass bass. Also sold off my Oakland Fretless... oh boy, that was THE biggest mistake EVER. I've played and heard MUCH more expensive fretlesses out there that didnt even come close to the sound of this beaut.
  7. 29, Male. Basses: 4 and 5 String Fretted bases, Passive or active electronics. Style: really my own, as no matter what kind of music I'm playing, it always sounds like me. I have a influences from Bassplayers such as Flea, Steve Harris, Les Claypool, etc, but I Learned on my own, and most of my band experience has been with Originals bands, so, I've had full use of my creative skills in a way to mold my sound my own way. I play mostly without Fx, but I love well placed fx in a few songs. it all goes to serving the music itself and not my ego. (I'm not that good anyway, lol)
  8. Hey... I'm still having some trouble with my wiring options for a 5way switch... I wonder if any of you out there know about these switches and can help me figure out how to wire it to obtain the config I'm looking for. 2 pups: Split P and Musicman 2 coil. Switch: Allparts 5way switch - So, I've been reading a little, and supposedly, positions 2 and 4 arent much use to me, as they seem to combine the other 3 options... What I wanted is: pos1 : P pos3: P+M pos5: M Now, this is the tricky part: pos2: P+M Coil 2 (Like a PJ... Kinda) pos4: M Coil2 (Like a soloed Bridge J) C'mon guys, I know there are some wiring wiz's out here...
  9. Esh's used to come with K.A. pups. mine has 2 5str jazz pups, they sound pretty good. not the best I've heard, but definitely above the average sounding. mine are quite dark sounding, but that could be due to the bass itself. very growly
  10. I might be interested in the J-retro aswell, drop me a pm if you have any takers on the bass without the preamp. Cheers, Dave
  11. [quote name='Muppet' post='38717' date='Jul 30 2007, 12:21 AM']I've never seen on in white with black binding. I much prefer it over the black - very very sophisticated. Excellent.[/quote] +1 I'd only seen the black one, but thats really nice too...
  12. Aussiephoenix


    Olá e bem vindo TRANSLATED: hi, and welcome
  13. [quote name='Aussiephoenix' post='36067' date='Jul 23 2007, 07:18 PM']Should I place the ce-2b before or after the wobo?[/quote] I guess what I mean is I dont exactly know how a buffer works... if it should be placed at the begining of the chain or the end... Anyone?
  14. [quote name='Toasted' post='35820' date='Jul 23 2007, 10:37 AM']The CE-2B has a decent bypass, but it also a buffer. It's handly to have ti in your chain all the tim to drive the long cable run to your amp. Hope this helps, any q's ask away [/quote] Should I place the ce-2b before or after the wobo?
  15. LOOL, true I guess.
  16. Ahhh, I get it, thanks for the explanation guys, it makes sense to have the env before the comp after all. I didnt know that the signal in the fx loop was hotter... strange, most guitarrists defend that their pedal chains sound better in the fx loop than between guitar and amp...
  17. [quote name='joegarcia' post='35909' date='Jul 23 2007, 01:55 PM']I wouldn't personally bother using the amp's fx loop. I also wouldn't have the compressor before the envelope filter.[/quote] Y not? wouldnt the env filter have a better signal to process that way? what advantage is there in having the compressor after the env? Toasted, looking back at it, you did explain it well... I am curious though... why shouldnt I put pedals in the fx loop? whats the difference between pedals and rack gear that would make rack gear more suited for the fx loop? (say a G-Major or something like that...)
  18. [quote name='Toasted' post='35820' date='Jul 23 2007, 10:37 AM']You need to keep the following out of the signal path: Ibanez Tonelok PH-7 (Phaser) DOD fx25 (Env. Filter) DOD (fx94?) Sampler/Delay Behringer BEQ700 (EQ) You also shouldn't put them in the FX loop. They would be best in the loop of the WOBO. The CE-2B has a decent bypass, but it also a buffer. It's handly to have ti in your chain all the tim to drive the long cable run to your amp. Hope this helps, any q's ask away [/quote] Hmmm... so, looking at the whole thing, would you set it up like: Bass -> Amp Amp Fx Send -> Multicomp -> MXR M80+ -> WOBO Looper -> CE-2B -> Amp FX Return WOBO Fx Send -> fx25 -> PH7 -> fx94 -> WOBO Fx Return ?
  19. Hey guys, I'm going back to pedals after owning a gt6b for a while, and I'd like to get your input on how best to setup my fx chain. Also, Im pretty sure some of these pedals arent true bypass, so I'd appreciate some ideas on how best to minimise the tone sap... amp FX loop? FX Loop Box (such as a wobo,etc?) how would you set it up? These are the pedals: EBS Multicomp (compressor) MXR M80+ DI (preamp/Distortion) Boss CE-2B Bass Chorus Ibanez Tonelok PH-7 (Phaser) DOD fx25 (Env. Filter) DOD (fx94?) Sampler/Delay Behringer BEQ700 (EQ) <- Unsure if it'll be in the fx chain... The amp is a Mark Bass Little Mark F-Series (got an fx loop too)
  20. How'd your deals with me go?
  21. Great to do business with you mate. Fast delivery, good comms. Cheers, Dave.
  22. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='25557' date='Jul 1 2007, 11:37 AM']what an idiot! Trading an esh for an olp MM[/quote] well, He's just not one of those guys that would bother putting in the restoration work that the Esh required, And he liked the sound of my OLP to turn it into a fretless. ARGH, does it look better now or in its gothic state?
  23. hmmm, that looks interesting... by the link it looks like a DIY Bass Cab... so whats the story with this "Bill Fitzmaurice" fellow? I can detect some reverence in your statements
  24. And just "what" is "that" finn? Looks like some really old amp with a strange homebrew(?) cab... interesting design.
  25. I've got one of those warwick 5 instrument stands, thats where I keep the ones that I use the most. the others I have them in their cases, upright in a perfectly sized section of the wardrobe.
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