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Cosmo Valdemar

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Posts posted by Cosmo Valdemar

  1. "She's well-acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand like a lizard on a window pane
    The man in the crowd with the multicoloured mirrors on his hobnail boots
    Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy working overtime
    A soap impression of his wife which he ate and donated to the National Trust"


    Certainly random.

    • Like 1
  2. 37 minutes ago, Bleat said:

    Hi Mr Valdemar and Mr 5.

    First impressions... it's a great looking bit of kit, the design is really nice and quite tasteful I think! ( not sure where the name "Wine Cellar" was conjoured up from though!) It does not take batteries just runs off a 9v power supply but Caline do include a free battery clip in the box.

    I have have watched a few Caline guitar effects pedal videos and they do seem to be very favourable, with guitarists saying how close they are to the actual pedal they are based on.

    Not having tried the actual Sansamp, I can only compare it by the several YouTube vids of Sansamps I watched for a rough comparison … Listening through Audio Technica ATH M50 x studio headphones…..can't hear much difference to be fair.... ! Works the same and certainly is well in the ballpark....It's a powerful bit of kit.

    It is most definitely worth the 35.99 new price I paid, which is not bad for an all metal case, XLR output, and true bypass footswitch. At the very least it's an ideal backup device and also a more robust option than the Behringer BDI plastic thing and very little in the way of tonal difference … and you get a free battery clip and little stick on rubber feet thrown in the box also.


    Sorry it's not a proper "review" but it certainly gets a big thumbs up from me!

    Also just to add that there is another version of this in a slightly less attractive red case , called CP-59 Press pass. Apparently has a slightly more "modern sound" to it (whatever that might be).

    If I can get round to doing a couple of demo clips at different settings , I will do, but I need get some new strings at the moment.




    20190607_084926 (2).jpg

    20190607_085003 (2).jpg

    Very tempting! Thanks for the review.

  3. On 23/05/2019 at 20:10, karlfer said:

    Hmm, I know I shouldn't, but if my Orange cabs go I may well be in touch.

    I had a white one same as this but jazz dimension neck. Fabulous sound!

    This looks a lot like my old one - I think I sold it to you? If it is the one I'm sure it had a P neck.

  4. Update - it's going back!

    I initially took the valves out and popped them back in again, which seemed to help. I discovered an odd feature - if the mid and bass control are turned right down, the signal becomes very weak - that faint fuzzy sound I described in an earlier post. This surprised me as I had read that the pedal was based on an old Marshall, where the mid and bass are essentially 'flat' when turned right down.

    But I persevered as the tone with the knobs dialled up was really quite splendid. Sadly the pedal was plagued with an intermittent background static-type sound that was starting to give me the hump. I decided against opening it up and tinkering with it's innards and it's now being returned. Hey ho!

  5. Here's mine. There are some differences, notably the shape of the headstock and the control panel placement.  Yours seems to have a slimmer body too but that might be camera angle. 

    Mine is a few years old and a quick Google suggests there is some variation in the headstock and control panel.  However the logo on yours does strike me as a bit odd. 

    The most worrying thing has to be the strings though - these basses love flats! 😁






  6. 11 hours ago, Rikki_Sixx said:

    I picked up a Biyang RV-10 Tri-Reverb last year and it's fantastic. It has Hall, Spring and Room options with an A / B option for each; A is generally more intense and bright, while B is a bit "darker" (can't think of a better word!).

    Chinese made in an aluminium body - not plastic - and really affordable.

    I had one of these for a while. Can't fault it for the price.

    • Like 1
  7. 53 minutes ago, 12stringbassist said:

    Any pics of that?
    I think he had a red Hamer that was used in the video for 'Can't stop fallin' into love'.
    Apart from that, as TBirds go, he's always been a Gibson guy.

    I don't but it's there on Google. It was up for sale recently.


  8. 1 hour ago, ped said:

    With the retirement of Michael Pedulla, the shift in production of Ken Smith basses and the transition to the use of new apprentices by Vinnie Fodera etc I think we’ll see basses ‘made by the original’ becoming sought after, regardless of whether the instruments are any different. It’s happened before; isn’t there a ‘Dan Smith’ era fender from the 80s or something that for some reason is worth more? 

    A lot of the innovators from the 70s/80s are retiring or dying and I don’t know if we’ll ever have that same era of ‘new’ ideas like that, on the same scale (although I’m all for innovation, collectors don’t think like that). So the basses will be worth more and newer ones take inspiration from them. 

    So for a bass to be considered valuable in the future I’d say it would have to be made ‘in house’ by one of the original ‘masters’. Do you think a Sadowsky made by someone after Roger retires will be worth as much as one he made? Folks on TB are already saying that Smith basses from the ‘Ken era’ will be sought after, even though production has always been outsourced to some extent. 

    Any plastic components will be valuable when we run out of oil

    I'm quietly terrified of the day the Wickershams call it a day at Alembic. I read an interview with Ron a few years ago that suggested it would be a real possibilty when retirement comes.

    Admittedly the likelihood of me having the means to order a custom Alembic is very low, but it would be very sad if Alembic shut up shop.

    • Like 3
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  9. 22 hours ago, bubinga5 said:

    This is not aimed at BC members, but other advertising platforms. I have a Jazz for sale, and ive had.

    What nut width is it.? Im used to 38mm Jazz neck width. Me.... its 36mm.. Buyer... oh no that's 2mm too thin for my liking. 

    Whats the weight.? Me.... It's 4.2kg.. Buyer.... Sorry thats 2 pounds over my preferred weight.  

    The bass is £485.  Buyer.... Is this a Skyline or a USA Lakland.? 

     "Ive been after a Jazz for ages, love the look and sound". Me... Ok, do you want to come and play it?... Buyer. (2 days later) "Ive decided I dont like Jazz Basses" 


    I can go on. 


    Its staggering how many idiotic time wasters are out there.

    Reasonable questions IMHO. Hardly idiotic time wasting. 

    I've had far, far worse 😆

    • Like 2
  10. On 16/05/2019 at 18:04, dmccombe7 said:


    More recent album in last 10 yrs is Arjen Lucassen - Lost In the New Real

    For a while that was an 'always there' for me as well, but only because my iPod had had a bit of a turn and I couldn't take it off 🤣

    Fantastic album though so I didn't really mind.

    • Like 1
  11. 12 hours ago, NancyJohnson said:

    I just had a read-through of that thread; I dunno, you try and propose something that might be fun and it just saddens me re-reading it how pointless an idea it was.

    We could collectively have done something fun with the concept, but reading back at some of the replies just gets my heckles up and I wonder why I bothered.  Eastwood were well on board too.

    I don't remember the thread coming to a definite end - has it been scrapped? I thought there were some nice ideas being thrown around. 

  12. 1 minute ago, Dosi Y'Anarchy said:

    Well apparently it's a Lp Bass bucker but looks to be in a tbird cover. My next task is to see if I can get a chrome cover for it

    That figures. I thought it sounded a bit too bright and growly for a Tbird pickup! I was thinking of getting one and popping in a Thunderbucker but going by your video I don't think I'd need to. Although the chrome would look better!

  13. On 03/05/2019 at 13:24, Dosi Y'Anarchy said:

    Well the grabber is just a bit too big for me and I get the sound I want out of the DC with a similar vibe. I love the Mustang but it's definitely surplus and I've just never got a tone I've loved it of it. 


    I did a video: go easy on me!


    Is that really a standard Gibson Thunderbird pickup? It sounds great!

  14. On 03/05/2019 at 11:59, hemdee666 said:

    Hi, I’d like to add on OD pedal to my board. After searching the internetz intensively, two options : the COG Knightfall 66, or the Rodenberg 808B II NG. I need some help now, please. Thank you all in advance & grtz, Marc. 

    What help do you need? Overdrive is such a personal thing. One man's meat and all that!


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