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Cosmo Valdemar

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Everything posted by Cosmo Valdemar

  1. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='1078369' date='Jan 5 2011, 11:05 AM']"Fixed" Fender Deville died at a recording session in the studio. Had to borrow a Hughes and Kettner Warp 7 amp to record. I've never sounded so pants on record [/quote] A mate of mine used to play through a Warp 7 amp and cab. You have my deepest sympathies. My only onstage gear mishap was at a gig in Alton, about halfway through the set my amp started getting quieter and quieter... Turns out the valve was dying. Luckily it's just in the preamp so I switched to the 'clean' setting and the guts returned (if a little pristine and sparkly for me)! Did the job though, and I can't imagine anyone in the crowd could give a monkeys. I have studio tale of woe - I used to play through an old Marshall Superbass, the 100w all-valve beasts. Went to record my bass parts and within seconds of turning the amp on it was smoking. not good. Luckily this was quite a sw***y studio and they had a sophisticated amp modelling thing going on, so I went through this and ended up with a far better sound in the end. if you are worried about the Marshall, it was later serviced and all was fine.
  2. [quote name='Johnston' post='1077219' date='Jan 4 2011, 12:48 PM']There is no waiting for someone to answer the phone by someone who may be busy dealing with someone who could actually get into the shop. Pet peev of mine from doing counter sales where the boss wants you to ignore the person who has actually bothered to come in for someone on the phone to me it's akin to queue jumping and extremely ignorant t the person standing there waiting or maybe already being served and I hate doing it.[/quote] +1 to this. I briefly worked for Zavvi a few years back, and refused to answer the phone if I had customers waiting. Infuriated the bosses, that did. Their fault for putting me in the computer games section when I specifically requested otherwise. But I digress.
  3. Tricky... My first impulse would be to pick one of Entwistle's, but if I'm going to have to use it for all time I don't think it would suit... With that in mind, I will please take Eddie Jackson of Queensryche - his Spector tone on 'Empire' just knocks me out every time. Does this mean he will get my tone in return?
  4. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1074601' date='Jan 1 2011, 06:25 PM']1st year in ages that I didn't watch. I only found out this year that it's not live and it ruined it all for me! I know it's common knowledge after everyone I've discussed that fact with over the last few weeks has had the same response - "How didn't you know it wasn't live!?" I really didn't know. I hate the fact they all celebrate and countdown to New Year falsely... And it's filmed mid November! It shouldn't bother me... But it has so much I doubt I'll watch I again![/quote] I didn't know that... Sort of defeats the whole point really doesn't it? Saying that, I did notice a slightly iffy edit during one of the interviews which seemed to give the game away a bit. Musically, a bit too much emphasis on boogie woogie and laid back croonage. Really liking Rumer's stuff, which for me, is worrying. Secret Sisters impressive too, if a bit 'Shining'. Rog good enough. The highlight for me was when the robot suddenly sprung into life, making Jools visibly sh*t himself.
  5. [quote name='cytania' post='1072767' date='Dec 30 2010, 02:36 PM']A different take here; [url="http://brandy_and.tripod.com/oo/maxmail.html"]http://brandy_and.tripod.com/oo/maxmail.html[/url] "Maxine realised just how desperate the band had become when, in their vain attempts to appear young, she witnessed them dying their hair in a hotel bathroom sink. She said: 'Both John and Keith (Moon) died their hair black. That was one of the things I stopped when we got together. I made John go to his real grey. It was more dignified.' "[/quote] The header 'Mail On Sunday' is pretty much shorthand for 'bullshit'. Sanctimonious, hypocritical and judgmental.
  6. [quote name='Wolverinebass' post='1071372' date='Dec 28 2010, 11:17 PM']If the big guy with the beard is an improvement I shudder to think what the previous people were like because that guy that Happy Jack mentions has been a complete and utter tosser every single time I've went in there. To give a specific example if you will. This incident happened maybe 8 or 9 months ago. I had been looking out for a gigbag that will fit my 8 string explorer. I've been compensating by using my bag for my buzzard, however this was far from an ideal fit. I go on the web and look at Ritter's stuff and notice that they have a bag which will fit. I was in the bass cellar a few days before and remember them saying they sold Ritter stuff. Now for the fun. The same beardy guy (and another bloke with long hair) tell me that Ritter have went bust (within the last week) and that the conversation I refer to above - NEVER HAPPENED. Nice. Call your customer a liar why don't you. This is different to "I don't remember" before anyone suggests I'm over-reacting. It was a "I/We never said that" conversation. It then gets better. Idiot No. 2 suggests that Warwick do a bag which would fit an Explorer. I decide to play along. I know they mean the one for the buzzard. For those of you who know, this bag can be obtained from Thomann for £65. I decide to wait and see how much they want to fleece me for it. The bloke checks through a big book for a few seconds - no doubt entitled "How to rip off your customers - Vol 5" and then turns to me and says that this bag - (a GIGBAG!!) is going to set me back (WAIT FOR THIS!!) £138. Yes, you read that correctly. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY EIGHT POUNDS. For something I can get for half that elsewhere. I then thought about this after walking out confused as to whether I should be laughing heartily or extremely angry. However, I then contacted Headstock distribution who told me that Ritter had not in fact went bust (as if I believed that pile of crap to start with) and suggested a much saner place to shop. As it turned out they had what I wanted so all was well. I will never, ever, for any reason whatsoever, regardless of emergency or anything shop with those utter tubes in the Bass Cellar ever again. If only they could follow the Bass Centre into "internet only" oblivion. This is not an isolated incident. These people don't care about repeat business or customer service.[/quote] My turn! Bear in mind this was a few years back and I was 'attended' to by the late bald guy. I had recieved a few pounds for my 21st, and went up to the Bass Cellar with the intention of buying a new bass, but didn;t really know what I was after. I explained this to the guy in the shop who was very attentive, at first. He asked me what I was currently playing (a Fender Precision), and tutted and told me that they were sh*t. He then went on to recommend a bass to me - an Ibanez Ergodyne 900, as it was the future of bass. Of course, it was 'the only one left in the country', and if I liked it I would have to buy it there and then. I eventually settled on an Ovation semi. I was told they were out of gig bags (the Ovation has a bowl back and doesn't fit standard bags), but they could order one in for me. As the eventual agreed price was lower than the original price of the bass, I went along with it. Surprise! The bag never arrived. Several calls later, they claimed no knowledge of what I was talking about. Pure villains. Still, I got the bass for a good price and it has served me well. Last time I went in there, about a year ago, they just let us try out whatever we wanted - but not in a helpful way, more a couldn't-give-a-toss attitude.
  7. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='1070731' date='Dec 28 2010, 07:32 AM'] Go to 1:30 for his views on bass guitar and guitarists.[/quote] I bloody love Devin.
  8. [quote name='Machines' post='925143' date='Aug 14 2010, 06:44 PM']Nicky Wire - The Manic Street Preachers. He is very stiff and his playing very predictable - it may be sufficient for the music but if it were me, i'd want to improve myself.[/quote] I will humbly disagree with that - Wire strikes me as a very lazy player, and someone who takes pride in his apparent ineptitude, but some of his early playing in The Manics is fantastic - in particular, The Holy Bible, every song pinned together by his striking and angular riffs (and a truly evil tone too). But yeah, from Everything Must Go onwards, pretty bland.
  9. [quote name='FlatEric' post='1065370' date='Dec 21 2010, 08:01 AM']Hi. I know the one you mean - I will try to find a decent image of it and ask him. Cheers. [/quote] Excellent!! And see if he will build me one too
  10. [quote name='MB1' post='1066001' date='Dec 21 2010, 06:33 PM']MB1. Apart from buying Bricks as keepsakes of Madchester Hacienda history, seems other parts of the building are now also surfacing for sale. It would seem that Pete Hook has found an interesting use for the Haciendas Dancefloor, hes had sections of it made into Limited Edition Semi Acoustic Basses.Not a bad idea,id rather have one of these in my front room than a brick! (possibly the only bass ive previously danced on too!).Alas not the cheapest of souvenirs for 4500 quid. Now on show at P.M.T Regent Road Salford Manchester.[/quote] For 4 and a half grand I would expect the headstock to have at least looked like it had been designed...
  11. One of my all-time favourite basses is, I believe, a Peter Cook special - It was played by John Entwistle on occasions, notably in the 'Eyesight To The Blind' section of the Tommy film, and in The Who's appearance on the Whistle Test miming to 'Relay'. It's got a black hook-shaped body with what looks like Thunderbird guts, and the longest headstock you've ever seen. It's just the coolest looking bass ever. Weirdly, for what I assume was a one-off, it also pops up in the 1973 film 'Horror Hospital', being played by a proto metal herbert. I'd love to know more about this bass.
  12. I could waffle on endlessly about my love for Yes, but I'll just say they are the only band whose logo I have ever considered having permanently inked into my skin. The Yes Album - musical perfection.
  13. [quote name='andyj' post='1028488' date='Nov 18 2010, 09:28 PM']Hi folks, i need a bit of advice. As an old retired player, i have in my collection an old Fender P bass Lyte. My 15 year old son has been giging for a while using a P bass fitted with EMG pu's or my Stingray, so he obviously like that type of sound. He has a asked for a Duff Mckagan bass, which i am willing to buy for him out of his gig earnings but i wondered how this bass compares with the Lyte that i already have. Has anyone experienced the two basses.[/quote] The current Duff sig bass is a fine bass but very overpriced in my opinion, for what it is. I've seen the original basses from the 80s/90s from time to time and they go for a lot less.
  14. That could possibly be the most beautiful instrument I have ever seen, seriously.
  15. Sorry if I missed something but what is that mark on the back of the neck?
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' post='974851' date='Oct 2 2010, 11:47 AM']IMO Andy Fairweather Lowe's "solo" was far more interesting and inventive then the recycled blues licks paraded by the other two guitarists.[/quote] Damn right. I thought it was great! And as for the bass, considering a black on black Precision with all maple neck is one of my fave colour combinations, I don't like the look of this one at all.
  17. He he, War Wick. There is another vid where Mr Ed is trying out the Squier Classic Vibes side by side to the genuine Fenders. And you know what, I'll be damned if the Squier Precision bass (the split coil one) doesn't sound better than the Fender.
  18. I once played a venue where the back door backed onto Sainsbury's loading area. We were due on stage about 3 hrs after arriving, and when our time came we began to set the gear up, my bass wasn't where I had left it. To cut a long story short, the guy at the venue had neglected to lock the room which was doubling as gear cupboard, and some charming local had taken the chance to pinch some gear - namely, my '79 Fender Precision. I didn't have a spare and by the time the hooha died down it was too late to play so we left. The sound guy phoned me on my journey home. Guilt stricken he had searched for the bass, and lo and behold he found it dumped in one of the Sainsbury's bins. Presumably the tea leaf was disturbed in the act. We can only assume he returned later to collect his prize as at some point during the night, the cars parked in the loading bay were all torched. I got the bass back the next day, but as far as I know the police still have the case it was in. It's strange but I didn't feel anything until I knew it had been recovered. Sounds a bit OTT but I was just a bit numb. I've retired that bass now.
  19. [quote name='jazzyvee' post='960142' date='Sep 18 2010, 08:33 AM']Maybe you can enlighten me here. I can't understand why someone would pay the amount they do for an Alembic Bass which is renown for it's clean tones, then put some overdrive on it. Once you put the overdrive on it, to me, you lose a lot of the sonic reason for buying the bass in the first place because I'm sure it's gonna sound pretty much like any other bass with distortion. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SZ__yGE7y0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SZ__yGE7y0[/url] Forgive my ignorance in this matter as I don't play rock music at all but enjoy listening to it. That maybe the norm in rock bands as far as I know. What does an expensive bass like an alembic, etc give you when you add overdrive to the signal? I've seen clips of Metallica and John Entwhistle on you tube with distortion on their alembic basses and sound does noting for me at all and makes me wonder why you would do that to such a great natural sounding instrument.[/quote] IMHO, Entwistle's 'distorted Alembic' tone is not only one of the finest bass tones ever achieved by man or beast, it also retains the unmistakable Alembic sound. I know in those days he ran the bass in stereo, the overdrive was added to the output from the bridge pickup and the neck piclup was kept clean. If you listen to the Led Zeppelin song 'Ozone Baby' you can hear JPJ's Alembic bass in stereo, only without the distortion. As for Newsted, I think the sounds he got from his Alembic were wonderful in their own way (not so much the solo bits), but sounded more like an 'off the shelf' instrument.
  20. [quote name='The Twickerman' post='822066' date='Apr 28 2010, 03:57 PM']That's EXACTLY what I would have thought - but I am pretty sure I read somewhere else that it was the other way round.[/quote] I have a copy of Bassist magazine from 1996 I believe, in which CS says he had his original Rick modified for stereo partially bicause of pickup imbalance, but also because his distortion pedal at the time sounded great with the neck pickup, but awful with the bridge. So you may be right!
  21. Epiphone Thunderbird. Good for low-slung rawk posing (if you don't look too closely), but nothing else. I also had an Ibanez ATK, one of the ones with the 24 fret neck, no scratchplate and J pickup. Such a weedy sound, unless you just had the J pickup running but then you sacrificed any clarity or punch. And, the ferrules on the back of the body were too narrow for Rotosound strings.
  22. Does this one come with the amp simulations?
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