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Steve Soar

In Memoriam
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Everything posted by Steve Soar

  1. Can I have first dibs on the SVP? ☺
  2. There's lovely. ☺
  3. Lovely bass and lovely playing. ☺
  4. I had one in the late 80's, totally rediculous and unless you can bi-amp them really inefficient, still want one.😊
  5. Mark, you are a man of taste.
  6. Don't forget I'm a lefty. All the best to you my friend.
  7. Mark, she is delicious
  8. Thanks for getting my memory straight. SVT -IIP is it. Great preamp.
  9. £300 collected. Hefty, hifi goodness. Don't be shy,come and buy.
  10. Gulp.
  11. What is in Sterling's pipe?
  12. SVT Preamp with grafic eq. 3 valves, basically the front end of an SVT without the power section.
  13. Looking for an Ampeg SVP II Preamp. Any leads?
  14. £300, Grab a cheeky bargain. Collection prefered. Will post at buyers expense
  15. £80? You could spend that on a Saturday night.
  16. 20 thousand hours.
  17. Hi Prowl. I owned an SVP and used it with powered cabs and into a power amp. I have a QSC power amp for sale which I used with the Ampeg. Match made in heaven.
  18. Ben is a dude. Buy with confidence. Wish I could buy it need to sell Glock cab.
  19. Holy shed!!!! If I had a car, etc, I'd have this. First rig I tried when me old stinky poo bag band got publishing. 31 years ago in Micro Music, Smith down Road. Arrrģgghhh.
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