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Steve Soar

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Everything posted by Steve Soar

  1. BTW, this is the ceramic model. cheers Steve.
  2. Reduced to £450, collected.
  3. QSC PLX 3120 power amp. Mint condition, with power cable. £350 plus postage, as new, they are nearly £1,000.
  4. This is just above the Aguilar Preamp.
  5. QSC PLX 3120 power amp. Mint condition, with power cable. £320 plus postage, as new, they are nearly £1,000. will swap for amp head of equivalent value. Send me some ideas, but cash is king.
  6. 66lbs, wheels, a total beauty.
  7. Tech cab, great condition. £500
  8. Sorry for all the photos of the Techsoundsystyems cab.
  9. For sale, Glockenklang, Double, 2x12” ceramic. Volt speakers, with Foster Tweeter. £300, pickup only. Great sound and condition. please phone for further details. steve.
  10. Hi Basschatters, up for sale is my Gig Skinz gig bag. can comfortably encase a micro amp, laptop and pedals. Paid £40, yours for £20, plus P&P, so therefore, £26. Get in touch, to make a deal. Steve.
  11. These sound hot and clean. Bump up the pre and these are amazing.
  12. EEMG JX Jazz set, including pots. Have been fitted to a bass, once. £50 plus postage.
  13. Made in USA, black leather and neoprene, 3” wide and long. £20 inc postage. cheers Steve.s
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