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Everything posted by dangee

  1. Reunion Blues...
  2. I have one...after a brief period of looking! Just back from the factory with an S2. Will get pics up later...
  3. Bump for a rare bass that will knock the 'socks' of a current US example (and will appreciate in value)...
  4. [quote name='Twigman' post='449221' date='Mar 30 2009, 09:20 AM']Have you tried offering it here: [url="http://www.21frets.com/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl"]http://www.21frets.com/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl[/url]? Some serious JV collectors there[/quote] Thanks for the 'heads-up'...will have a look at it later. Dan
  5. [quote name='josh3184' post='448223' date='Mar 28 2009, 05:35 PM']yeah, but who goes by paypal rules?!?! Also, isn't that mostly an ebay thing?[/quote] Easy solution...bump up the 'for sale' price then offer a 4% discount to anyone not using paypal...
  6. Excellent condition JV '62 reissue Precision Bass (big Squier, small Fender logos). In three tone sunburst with rosewood board. Any inspection welcome. This is a truly exceptional bass and, I can genuinely say, is as good as the original '62 I used to own (and stupidly sold). Rare and collectable. I'm looking for £600...3% more if you want to use paypal. I would prefer collection/meeting as the bass doesn't have a case. I can supply a case (at cost price) and ship at the buyer’s expense...though getting the case could slow the process down by a couple of days. I would add cash to this for the right Status Series 2. Dan [attachment=22906:IMGA0216.JPG][attachment=22907:IMGA0217.JPG] [attachment=22908:IMGA0220.JPG][attachment=22909:IMGA0221.JPG] [attachment=22910:IMGA0225.JPG][attachment=22911:IMGA0226.JPG] [attachment=22912:IMGA0230.JPG][attachment=22913:IMGA0232.JPG] [attachment=22914:IMGA0233.JPG]
  7. Bump... I'll try to get some better quality pics up over the weekend.
  8. I've just 'double-posted' and can't work out how to delete this! Any advice?
  9. Now for sale: Tele: £1200 SOLD Amp: £400 [b][u]Fender Custom Shop ’63 Telecaster[/u][/b] This guitar was built in July, 1999. It is in Lake Placid blue and (as part of the Time Machine series) has a Closet Classic finish. It is mint (or as mint as can be for a Closet Classic) comes with paperwork and C&G case. These guitars seem to be retailing from about £1800 to £2500. The specs for the guitar can be found on the Fender website. [attachment=22061:IMGA0200.JPG] [attachment=22060:IMGA0199.JPG] [attachment=22059:IMGA0197.JPG] [attachment=22058:IMGA0195.JPG] [attachment=22062:IMGA0201.JPG][attachment=22063:IMGA0203.JPG] [attachment=22064:IMGA0206.JPG] [attachment=22057:IMGA0194.JPG] [attachment=22056:IMGA0192.JPG] [attachment=22052:IMGA0185.JPG][attachment=22051:IMGA0184.JPG] [attachment=22053:IMGA0186.JPG] [attachment=22054:IMGA0188.JPG] [attachment=22055:IMGA0191.JPG] [b][u]Cornford Harlequin Amp[/u][/b] This is a highly respected amp that is used by many pros for recording. It is also a great home amp as it gives the benefit of a fully driven valve amp at a volume that won’t result in the police arriving at your front door. Would also be great mic’d. These amps are retailing for around £600 to £650. The specs for the amp can be found on the Cornford website. [attachment=22067:IMGA0212.JPG] [attachment=22068:IMGA0213.JPG] [attachment=22069:IMGA0214.JPG] [attachment=22070:IMGA0215.JPG] [attachment=22066:IMGA0209.JPG][attachment=22065:IMGA0208.JPG] Ideally, I’d like to trade the pair against a boutique 4 or 5 string bass. I would be willing to sell separately, but would really need to conclude both deals at the same time. Any trials welcome.
  10. Putting the West and Shipman comments aside, it seems that this whole issue has been based around the 'is it or isn't it' an auction debate, with CK saying it isn't an auction, others saying it is. For me, stating the price of an opening bid and then saying you'll see if you can get higher offers is an auction. The issue now seems to have been moved onto 'can anyone find anything in BC history where it says you can't have an auction?'’ Would it make more sense for someone in 'power' to clarify that this is, in fact, an auction? If the mods then deem that auctions are acceptable (as this is clearly a grey area for members) they can (retrospectively) make it clear in the guidelines and allow this auction to run. Then no one could really have any complaints...and maybe the thread can get back on track.
  11. I think the serial number is ok. I have a closet classic 63 Custom Shop Tele (not that I can play it!). It starts with an R followed by 4 numbers.
  12. I had a couple of DB112s and had the matching Aggie covers (got them all from The Gallery). I was very impressed with the covers.
  13. Give Alex a call at the Gallery. I'm sure mine cost me £199...
  14. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='402418' date='Feb 6 2009, 09:41 PM']You could probably whip out the driver and find out the exact model of the speaker and find the specs on the Eminence site.[/quote] Update: Eminence Gamma 15 inch speaker, 8 ohm, 300W
  15. [quote name='Lew-Bass' post='401534' date='Feb 5 2009, 09:38 PM']Thanks mate, I don't know how to work it out, maybe someone else could help (hi!)? Also, would you be able to give the measurements and a good estimate of a weight? If I was to buy it it'd have to be delivered aswell mate, what are the prices on that? Thanks again[/quote] I'll get the dimensions/weight tomorrow. Interparcel.com will give you a shipping quote
  16. [quote name='Lew-Bass' post='401202' date='Feb 5 2009, 04:25 PM']Ah ok, I see, well I'd still be interested providing you could get the accurate spec. up on here [/quote] What I know is what's above...115, 8 Ohms, eminence speaker/driver and at least 350w. If you can tell me how to work out the wattage I'll happily do it for you.
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