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Everything posted by Skybone

  1. Have the same issue with one of my cases. Used some Febreeze which worked for a few weeks, but it's gone back to being somewhat smelly. The case does have some damage to it, so I'm going to replace it.
  2. Always wanted an Overwater, loved the "Original". Hope it's not too long before you can enjoy you can enjoy your new bass.
  3. Instead of spending on pickups, why not try "rethinking" your EQ? The styles of music you describe tend to have a tendency to use the mid "scoop" style EQ, loads of bass, no mids, and loads of treble (which without the mids, tends to get lost, especially when combined with downtuned guitars using the same EQ). Your issue is more that the guitars are EQ'd in a similar fashion, and you're all "competing" for sonic space. The addition of distortion and/or fuzz will also be robbing you of bottom end clout. Try having a mid-heavy EQ, as this will enable your sound to cut through the wall of guitars. Try using less gain and more volume on your amp, and also turn the distortion / fuzz control down. If your distortion / fuzz pedal has a "mix" control, enabling you to mix your "wet" & "dry" signals, turn it so that you get more "dry" signal through. What will be more effective in the mix is a mildly overdriven sound, rather than a full on distortion.
  4. I always loved the sweep on the Small Stone, especially at lower settings. My old one was basically set just above zero, and had a really wide sweep. You can't do that with a Phase 90.
  5. You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) - Dead or Alive
  6. I always thought Oban was in Argyll. It's like saying Canterbury is in Essex.
  7. Shiny Happy People - R.E.M. & Kate Pierson
  8. Nickel: https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Warwick-46200-Red-Label-Medium-Bass-Strings-45-105-4-String/NED Nickel: https://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_46200_m_red_label.htm Stainless: https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Warwick-42200-Red-Label-Medium-Bass-Strings-45-105/NE5 Stainless: https://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_red_label_045.htm Thomann is only OK if you buy in bulk, as you get charged £8 postage for orders under £99. Better if you buy in bulk though. Thomann used to do them for about £8 a pack, so if you bought 4 packs, plus postage it used to still work out cheaper than buying from the UK. Postage from G4M is slightly better, £2.49 for 1 set, £5.49 for 4.
  9. Austin Ambassador - John Shuttleworth Y Reg, Y Reg.
  10. Line6 SonicPort: https://line6.com/sonicport-audio-interface/sonicport/
  11. A lot depends on your budget, and how much you want to spend on strings. If you have a limited budget, or can see yourself needing to change your strings a lot, then I would recommend Warwick Red Label strings. Not sure if they do flatwound, but they do both nickel & stainless steel versions of the roundwounds. At less than £10 a pack, can't go wrong really. Everything else is around twice the price, if not more. Search the t'interweb for the best deals. Fender strings are good, and reasonably priced, but they don't do stainless steel's anymore.
  12. Still loving the 4003, Great playing and sounding bass, did have to set it up a bit & drop the action, but it wasn't that far off. Bizarrely, finding the back of the neck a tad "sticky", heard a lot said about it on the other US based bass forum, but never experienced it before. Thankfully, guitar polish, buffing and playing it has helped. The case is more knackered than I though. The inside really smelled bad, Febreze spray worked for a bit, but it's starting to smell again. Noticed even more damaged bits recently, so a new case is on the Christmas list. Love it, but still loving my custom Faker too.
  13. Recently got another 4003 with the full width inlays. Superb.
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