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Everything posted by Riffland

  1. Hi there. I am said guitarist with the scratchy speakers. I will try out the suggestions made - thanks. Hi Dave. Cheers for the offer on the Burmans. Really I would need some 16 ohms so I can wire the cab to 4 ohms. The speakers I have in the cab are all Eminence Tonkers. Given that two have most likely gone forever, I suspect it's only a matter of time before the other two go. Owain and I briefly discussed fitting some bass 12s. We'll see
  2. I've msg'd you about the Trace
  3. Hi all, this my first ever post on this forum. I will also add that I am [i]the[/i] 'Tim' of which BottomEndian speaks, and thus I have heard the mighty Vintage. I've been waiting to hear, see, and perhaps touch this cab for some time now (smelling and tasting might come further down the road). It was worth the wait! Firstly, it looks fantastic. As stated, the pics thus far don't do it justice. It looks almost innocent in its 'vintage' guise, yet the black rippled finish is rather menacing on closer inspection. The weight, or lack of, made my spinal column weep as I looked at my cabs. But what joy as the guy from the "far North East" started cranking some noise through the 2x15. So much volume, so much presence, and compared to the Peavey cabs of yesterday, so much SOUND. "You can actually hear it" we remarked. The drive/fuzz pedals worked great with it, a lot of definition throughout the frequency range. We jammed some riffs together and it felt great to really hear (and feel ) the bass alongside my guitar. There was so much information coming through from the highs and mids whilst there was a lovely low end, and not just rumble, but defined notes. I'm amused by the news that it'll get fatter and deeper once the speakers are run in. And, yes, we did try the detuned Les Paul>Big Muff>Carlsbro Stingray head>Vintage setup. WOW. I WANT ONE!!!!!!!. It sounded huge. I play with a fair (or unfair ) amount of bottom end and have used solid state bass amps for several years now, I think a 2x15 Vintage cab could finish things off nicely. I am very jealous, like a child. I really want one of these for geeter. Plus it'd look pretty nifty on stage. It's going to be really interesting to hear how this comes along, both in terms of the speakers running in, and in terms of tweaking and tuning the setup - basses, pedals, preamp. Once the rig is tuned with the new 'Monument to Bowel Destruction', there's going to be some serious sound being pushed. "The horror. The horror." I just need you guys to bully him into buying me one.
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