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Everything posted by 7enderhead

  1. [quote name='EMG456' post='651211' date='Nov 11 2009, 12:50 AM']Is this bass still for sale?[/quote] Yes, it is.
  2. Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, Short version: Will swap Geddy Lee Jazz Body for Precision Body. Long version: What I have is this: [attachment=34918:Geddy_02.jpg] A Fender Geddy Lee Signature Jazz bass, MIJ, bought new in 2005. It is in good overall condition, apart from a few minor things which I will discuss shortly (its finish condition is so good that you can even see my greasy finger markings on the photo ). This is a great bass, with the little issue that it's a [i]Jazz[/i] bass, which means it has one pickup too many for me to get along with I will, however, not let go of the formidable neck. Therefore I seek to trade the body for a Precision bass body. First, what am I searching for? A Fender Precision body, preferably MIJ (since this is supposed to be a straight swap), but if you decide that you want the body so badly, I will also gladly consider an American P body. The preferred body colour I'm after is black, closely followed by, ha!, white, and sunburst. Surely, any other colour will be considered too. Preferred pickguard colours are white for a black body, white for a black body, or tortoise, black or white (not wait, scrap that ) for sunburst. Here are the small issues I mentioned earlier: [attachment=34921:Geddy_03.jpg] I have adjusted the Badass bridge so that the string spacing is even now. I wonder why they couldn't get that right the first time. The impact is only cosmetically, and some people prefer even string spacing. [attachment=34919:Geddy_05.jpg] Small ding can be seen in the picture. The hidden part: I changed the volume/volume/tone configuration to master volume/pickup selector switch (single pus, both parallel, both in series)/tone. If wanted, I could put it back into the original configuration. [attachment=34920:Geddy_06.jpg] Some very small scratches from changing strings. Without photo: A pickup cover was installed over the neck pickup (will be included too). The original white pickguard is included, too. I would want the P body to be fully loaded (bridge, pu, controls, pickguard; I don't care about strap holders). I'm located in continental Europe (Austria, that is), but I guess shipping a body only is much less of a hassle then hauling around a full-size bass. Cheers, Christian
  3. I just have to join in and say that Fender MIJ DD #202 is with me, her proud owner. It was a steal off eBay at the time, because the seller just put one crappy photograph online. It has been my favourite overall P bass for a couple of years now: neck neither too wide nor too fat, perfect weight, cool pickup (although not completely vintagish, as I reckon) and the looks. Ahh. Won't sell this one for sure. Edit: It sports LaBella flats, which suit it best, IMHO. Edit2: It's the bass in my avatar pic, although not much to be seen there.
  4. [quote name='OldGit' post='612229' date='Sep 29 2009, 05:27 PM']<joining in> You mean like a Fender Jazz Bass and / or a Fender P bass? and I guess it was Made In Japan or MIJ? rather than Crafted In Japan or CIJ? </joining in>[/quote] Exactly, verrry Fenderish. The sticker on the neck says 'Made in Japan' (see slideshow). I guess Tokai was allowed to use this term without infringing any of Fender's copyright claims. Cheers, Christian
  5. [b]Now sold, thanks Ed![/b] Hi folks, Okay, now up for sales the old-fashioned way: [b]Tokai Jazz Sound P/J from the 80s[/b] <fraudulent keyword spamming> Sounds like a Fender Precision on the neck pickup, and like a Jazz on the bridge pickup. Sounds like a little beefed up Jazz if both pickups are dialled in. </fraudulent keyword spamming> Put on your white suit and pretend that you're Larry Graham. I hope you agree that 550 Euros (excl. shipment from Austria) is a sensible price for this one. Cheers, Christian [attachment=33681:Tokai_01.jpg][attachment=33683:Tokai_02.jpg][attachment=33684:Tokai_03.jpg] [b][url="http://s111.photobucket.com/albums/n160/7enderhead/TJS/?albumview=slideshow"][size=3][color="red"]For a FULL SLIDESHOW click here.[/color][/size][/url][/b]
  6. [quote name='crez5150' post='607489' date='Sep 24 2009, 10:40 AM']I generally hate Jazz/P basses....... but this gives me the horn!!![/quote] The upper or lower horn? The only thing I can say is that the P pickup really sounds like a P, the J pickup really sounds like a J, and both together sound like a little beefed up both-pickup-J version. Cheers, Christian
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='607372' date='Sep 24 2009, 08:34 AM']It doesn't come with any strings I see.[/quote] Surely it does come with strings. I just took them off for the photo session. Cheers, Christian
  8. [b]EDIT: eBay deleted my auction because of keyword spamming (I used the word Fender somewhere). I don't think they'll see me again.[/b] Hi all, I've put my nice Tokai Jazz Sound P/J bass on eBay (item number is 330362381146, or [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330362381146&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp3907.m38.l1313%26_nkw%3D330362381146%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1"]follow this link directly[/url]). Starting price is 1 (whatever currency unit you may choose) Cheers, Christian
  9. Hi folks, Glad to see this thread is still alive. Mine is what I reckon to be a 4004L Laredo rip-off. The nice things are a) that it's neck-through and the colour (well, kind of). The neck is really slim too, and the hardware is okay. The downside is the pickups. They're cheapo humbuckers for starters, and they managed to use a neck pickup in the bridge position, which results in audibly lower output for the G string. Anyways, I was pondering to turn this into a project bass, then selling it, now pondering again. I might strip the finish and add some body contouring to the front, since I really couldn't stand contour-less basses (I guess that's the main reason why I haven't bought an original RIC yet). Cheers, Christian [attachment=27284:Ricky_01.jpg] [attachment=27285:Ricky_02.jpg] [attachment=27286:Ricky_03.jpg] [attachment=27288:Ricky_05.jpg] P.S.: I have just remembered that I had a 4003S8 a few years ago :wub: I've had too much gear over the years...
  10. [quote name='hubrad' post='506427' date='Jun 5 2009, 03:33 PM']Hi Christian, Welcome! Where in Austria are you? Some good friends of mine have a great band, based in Ried im Innkreis. They were a 3 piece called Sin After Sin (very heavy!) now a 4 piece called Revolve.. more classic rock, still excellent![/quote] Hi there, Well, I'm from the southeast (Styria), so that's quite a bit from Ried (which is in Upper Austria) - all of 'em Alps in between :-). Their music sounds interesting though - kind of sped up Kyuss, if I may say so (ok, not really...) Cheers, Christian
  11. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='506401' date='Jun 5 2009, 02:55 PM']Wow you really do have some gear there! I used to have a Geddy Lee jazz.[/quote] And that's only the stuff I remember right now - I does not include all my effect gear, the synth-bass-keyboard-with-midi-pedal setup and my guitars and drumset - I admit it, I'm a gearhead. Concerning the Geddy Lee: I really dig the great neck, but I'm not a Jazz Bass person. I recently saw Bobby Vega on YouTube playing a Precision with a block inlay Jazz neck - I might be cookin' up something similar... Cheers, Christian
  12. Hi folks, The usual act of courtesy: I'm Christian from Austria/Europe (you get it :-). Bassplayer since, uhh, 1991 (damn, it has started [i]that[/i] long ago). Most of the guys I played with when I was 16 turned pro, but not me - I chose to earn some money So I'm in the software business now and spend lots of time and dough on my gear. Since last year I have played with [i]Son of the Velvet Rat[/i] ([url="http://www.velvetrat.mur.at/"]homepage[/url]), were I'm part of the live band for our singer/songwriter, who writes excellent songs. We did 15 gigs last year, so it's like semi-pro. I mostly play flatwound-strung Precision basses with a pick. My influences are mainly from good [i]bands[/i], not necessarily players, since I prefer good songs over perfect playing. Certainly on my list would be Chris Squire (I long to own a Ric) and John Persh from Rare Earth (go get the Live album from 1971). I mostly listen to pop/rock. Gear. Well, I've owned too much of that and still do. I'm currently in the process of assembling my pedal board. Basses: I mainly play the first three on rotation and have promised myself to get rid of most of the others, but it's hard, isn't it? [list] [*]Fender Duck Dunn Precision (w/ La Bella flatwounds) [*]Fender 51 Precision Reissue (w/ Thomastik flatwounds) [*]Fender Custom Shop 63 Reissue Precision 1987 (currently w/ roundwounds) [*]Fender Geddy Lee Signature Jazz (w/ roundwounds) [*]Fender Jaco Pastorius Signature Jazz Fretless [*]Höfner Club Bass 1965 [*]G&L L2000 USA [*]Tokai Jazz Sound P/J (1980s) [*]Some old frankenstein basses from my youth (converted to fretless mostly) [/list] Amps: I almost only play the Markbass now, which has a great sound and is very lightweight. [list] [*]Markbass Mini CMD 121 [*]Dean Markley Bass Preamp from the 1980s [*]Intersound IVP Preamp [*]Powersoft 4*1000 watts power amp [*]4 DIY 2*12 sealed cabinets [*]Dynacord BS412 combo [/list] Hm, a rather lengthy introduction, so that'll be it for now. Cheers, Christian
  13. Great condition, only a tiny dent at the front edge. Allows real time control of phasing speed. Acts as a volume pedal when effect is switched off. Sounds great with bass, but it's too bulky for my floor board. [url="http://s111.photobucket.com/albums/n160/7enderhead/Schaller/?albumview=slideshow"]For pictures go here.[/url] Asking 140 Euros plus 12 Euros for shipment from Austria. PM or mail to Christian (dot) Eitner (at) gmx (dot) net.
  14. 19 inch power amp Powersoft Digam Q4004. 4 X 1000 watts at 4 Ohm, 4 x 600 Watt at 8 Ohm. Only 1 unit in the rack, weighs 10 kg. More information: [url="http://pro-audio.powersoft.it/download_get.php?obj=780"]Here[/url] and [url="http://pro-audio.powersoft.it/product_list.php?id_menu=271&obj=72"]here.[/url] A power amp cannot boast more high tech inside, but I am put off by lugging around my 100kgs stack, so it's combo time for me now. The big advantage of this power horse is that it fits nicely into the 4U SKB rack (see [url="http://s111.photobucket.com/albums/n160/7enderhead/Powersoft/?albumview=slideshow"]pictures here[/url]), even with covers. I'm asking for 1800 Euros (come and do some bargaining :-) ) plus 25 Euros shipment from Austria. PM or email to Christian (dot) Eitner (at) gmx (dot) net.
  15. All sorted, thanks
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