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Pete Academy

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Everything posted by Pete Academy

  1. That is way way too cheap for a Sub. Was it a shop? Maybe Cash Converter, who didn't know what they were selling?
  2. Ten people all having mid-life crises. How we've survived 13 years is a miracle.
  3. I wouldn't waste money on effects while you still have the crappy practice amp. If you're still in the practising stage and not gigging, I'd definitely recommend a Roland Microcube Bass RX. It has amp modelling, compression and effects. And even a drum machine. I use one at home and at the shop. Slap will sound fantastic through it.
  4. Maze and Frankie Beverly are the business. Where are they now?
  5. Can't remember if this was done previously, but this is excellent in the groove dept: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tguN_cyHRj4&feature=PlayList&p=41EF90AFA3DA97B7&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=3"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tguN_cyHRj4...t=1&index=3[/url]
  6. [quote name='molan' post='808836' date='Apr 16 2010, 07:53 PM']Wow, only just listened to these B5. Boz Scaggs Live 2004 is now in the process of downloading to my iPod Here's some Jazzy Funk groove from Pleasure to keep the thread alive: [/quote] Great stuff!
  7. [quote name='JMT3781' post='807806' date='Apr 15 2010, 11:06 PM']how about the unison run in "gaslighting abbie" off two against nature? i spent a long time mastering it for my dissertation performnce.. but dropped when the keys and guitar simply couldnt work out the harmony parts.. have ended up was a very funked up version of josie i bet if i go back to it now the'll be no chance i can play it, it was always the last phrase that gave me troubles, just some very awkward hand positions, at least where i played it anyway lol, any ideas on that front?[/quote] That part in Gaslighting took some practising, as the note structure was unfamiliar to me. The whole song was hard to nail.
  8. Have a couple of weeks break. You'll be fine. Trust me.
  9. [quote name='oldslapper' post='807615' date='Apr 15 2010, 08:50 PM']Totally! I dep in a mates soul/disco band, and although I know the notes, my fingers get completely "uncooperative" during the verse and chorus to "Ain't no stopping us now"......Every other number is fine (IMHO), but I have a complete blank with that riff. The more I try, the worse it gets Still get asked back, so maybe no one notices??! "Rhythm Stick" is a great bass line tho', Norm is a legend.[/quote] I'm OK with Ain't No Stoppin Us. See my point?!
  10. I have this constant guilt thing about never having mastered Rhythym Stick. And Teen Town. I can play bits, but not enough to satisfy myself . Bugger!
  11. [quote name='MythSte' post='807594' date='Apr 15 2010, 08:38 PM']If I whine about the slap chorus in Peg to you any more Pete you've got every right to ban me from playing Steely Dan ever again...! [/quote]
  12. Because I play the Dan stuff all the time, I always play my own concoctions when practising. But now and again I play something as mentioned, and it just doesn't seem to happen. Frustrating.
  13. I was noodling on my bass today and had yet another go at 'Rhythm Stick'. I can do an approximation, after a warm up, but I seem to have a real problem with those two-note sixteenth patterns (does that sound right?). There's a track on the Chilis' Stadium Arcadium album that gives me the same grief. Does anyone else have a similar problem, where you can master certain things in no time at all, but other things just don't seem to happen?
  14. [quote name='basshead56' post='807356' date='Apr 15 2010, 04:56 PM']I adore my VBA400 rig-nothing but a Panzer Division can make this much noise and mayhem. Put havent tried plugging a 70´s Precision into a Panzer tank yet. Cannot believe how loud it is, or how nice the sound is. The contour switch is amazing. That said, my back doesn´t like the look of it one bit-nor does our roadie and drummer! Weight is a killer, but its worth it. There are some real gems when it comes to valve stuff That said, I have heard some fairly poor valve amps aswell. I owned a Mesa 400+, but it would always give me grief-valves popping, power cutting out etc and it was definately not the monster I expected soundwise. Tried aa SVT VR recently-totally crestfallen with it. Was expecting a monster of a sound-weak as a box of diabetic kittens chasing wool! no oomph at all. Some of the solid state stuff I have owned has been great, and some dire. My Fender 400 Pro head was a fantastic bit of kit, as was my Trace ellot 8x10 combo (no idea of model) Had a GK backlne thing that farted out after a week. Not really a fan of Ashdown, but the mini stack I sold recently was unbelievable.Played loads of gigs with it and it cut through no problem! Laney R4 wasn´t bad either-my first stack, lightweight and big sounding-just a lttle something missing. My current Solid State amp is an Ampeg B500DR digital. Sounts exactly the same as an SVT3 Pro and can even get pretty close to the Classic aswell-though gain tends to differentiate it the more its pushed. I will NEVER get rid of it-cracker of an amp! There is no real bottom line on the issue. Its a subjective thing and there are a million other factors involved the decision making process. weight, cost, value for money, maintenance, storage/transport etc etc Once you get a tone you want-does it really matter if the power section is valve or ss? FWIW, my next and probably final amp purchase will be an Orange Bass Terror-haven´t owned a decent Hybrid before and loving the sound of them.[/quote] My old Marshall VBA400 was awesome. I never had to EQ it, as the sound was just perfect every time. It was just the sheer weight. I love my little Markbass rig, but it was plugging into a huge SVT rig recently that brought back to me how great big gear really is. I sold my VBA to a mate and went to watch him play at a pub gig using it. The sound just filled the room without getting in the way of anything else, and punched through the mix.
  15. I was playing my 79 yesterday. I may have dropped lucky, as it plays and sounds amazing.
  16. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='806727' date='Apr 14 2010, 11:50 PM']Aux inputs are line level; an active bass might work, a passive probably won't. And fitting the car on stage might be a deal breaker. [/quote] If it's a stretch limo you could do the gig inside the car.
  17. [quote name='mildmanofrock' post='807040' date='Apr 15 2010, 12:26 PM'] Thanks, I just spat my lunch over my keyboard.[/quote]
  18. [quote name='JTUK' post='806900' date='Apr 15 2010, 10:19 AM']hmmm not sure. Both an SVT and some Boogies sound nice but I wouldn't want to be carting them around so they are not that great for me. An SVT on stage is as much iconic as anything, IMV. What I do like about valves is that with a decent bass, you just plug in and turn up, pretty much, and you are there. But that isn't impossible on SS amps. I prefer the hybrid with a valve pre...that does enough for me.[/quote] Agree. It's the weight thing.
  19. Can you fit a drumkit in there, too? Next time I hear a deafening drum n bass coming from a car, I'll check if it's you.
  20. Valves seem to create a powerful midrange that cuts through without any tone boost.
  21. Pop it and keep playing.
  22. Oh for roadies!
  23. When I first started playing in the 70s and went to watch bands, the best bass sounds I heard were always with players using valve amps. A band playing a local gig with an Orange stack blew me away; Norman Watt-Roy with Ian Dury cut through the mix like a knife; a major many-piece funk band was dominated by the bass sound. A few years ago I invested in a Marshall VBA400. The best sound I ever had. Got rid because the head was simply too heavy to carry. Recently, the Ashdown BTA400 sounds awesome. At a gig last week we played a double-bill and I played through an Ampeg SVT and 8 x 10". The sheer amount of air that the stack was shifting was just awesome. I use a small but powerful rig nowadays, but you just cannot beat the sound of valves. The natural midrange guarantees you will cut through any mix. Anyone agree?
  24. Yep, varoom was his trade mark. Bless him.
  25. Here we go. I think you'll agree with me: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5KyBwSiQTc&feature=PlayList&p=01180909A34E58A6&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=32"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5KyBwSiQTc...=1&index=32[/url]
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