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Pete Academy

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Everything posted by Pete Academy

  1. Nearly Dan will appearing at Alexanders Jazz Bar in Chester on Thursday 18 February 2010.
  2. And I confess to owning that Fender cable. My excuse is I got it cheap when working for Sound Control. Nice quality, though.
  3. [quote name='MIJ-VI' post='742827' date='Feb 12 2010, 09:33 AM']Flub phobia?[/quote] Exactly.
  4. Apologies if this has been discussed previously, but have you ever messed up a relatively simple bass part in a song and then been worried about it at future gigs, to the point where you mess up again and again?
  5. I like the last 3 minutes of the first one...nice groove. Love the website, too. Is that what these guys call each other when they are being insulting? 'Hey, you...gospelchops!' Love the Chaka one. I remember seeing this originally on TOTP and a certain Mr Haslip was on bass.
  6. Just a quick bump in case anyone's interested. Yep, bring the Marshall head.
  7. I used to put my strings in the dishwasher. Worked a treat.
  8. The riff right at the end of 'Ricky Don't Lose That Number'. It's like 'what the hell?'...
  9. One of the most recognisable sounds in bass history.
  10. Great tone.
  11. [quote name='iconic' post='739659' date='Feb 9 2010, 08:08 AM']I'll hunt them down thanks for the tips... ....what amazes me about Mr Edwards playing is that [i]most [/i]of the basslines aren't that 'technical' and by that I mean 'difficult' for a newbie like me to play, but they just sound so great when he played them.... not many ghost notes, slaps or hammer's, mainly simple stuff played incredibly and effortlessly well.[/quote] 'Dance Dance Dance' is quite tricky. His lines seem easy but it's difficult to make them sound like Bernard. Good Times is a prime example.
  12. A comment from someone across the pond: "What? All I said was that these guys should f*** themselves up the ass for f***ing up a song so bad. You Brits cant take criticism. This is a common thread see from the Brits. If you comment even sightly negative they will attack spelling errors of nationality. How sad. I feel sorry for you that you have to stoop so low."
  13. [quote name='Sue' post='739412' date='Feb 8 2010, 09:15 PM']What time are you guys on? Sue[/quote] Probably between 8.30 and 9. We haven't played this venue since it reopened.
  14. Much appreciated. Think I'll pass for now.
  15. I posted a previous thread about this. It's not just the Americans, but mainly them. They hate the fact that a UK band covers Steely Dan material, which they consider belongs to them. Most of them seem to be bedroom players that would sh*t their pants playing live.
  16. It's got to be Bernard. Even if Nile played, he wouldn't sound anything like Bernard. Totally unique. I strongly recommend you listen to the 1992 album Chicism. Unbelievable production, and Bernard's playing and sound is awesome.
  17. They've had rave reviews, but they're almost forty quid for a 5-string set, so I'd like to know if anyone's tried them.
  18. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='738337' date='Feb 7 2010, 06:58 PM']The man was a genius.Its an A.S.D.[/quote]
  19. Either that, or Leo Fender had the foresight to make slapping as difficult as possible.
  20. Once upon a time, back in the days before slap and tap, most bass players plucked the strings with their thumb instead of their fingers. The 'rest' was fitted to anchor the finger ends, and so facilitate easier plucking. Or so I believe. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  21. Has anyone tried these strings? I'm intrigued...
  22. Superb playing. Love it!
  23. Nearly Dan play Band On The Wall in Manchester on Friday 12 February. www.bandonthewall.org Revamped set list for 2010 includes 'Aja', 'Babylon Sisters', 'Cousin Dupree', 'Bad Sneakers', 'Caves Of Altamira', 'Brooklyn', 'Only A Fool Would Say That', 'Showbiz Kids'.
  24. [quote name='silddx' post='737561' date='Feb 6 2010, 07:46 PM']Done, cocker. ^ Also, bragging is bragging, even if you can back that sh*t up. Bragging isn't generally pretty and it alienates people, like Jaco did.[/quote] Nicely backed up sh*t. Fair play.
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