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Pete Academy

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Everything posted by Pete Academy

  1. I can't find anything as an example on YouTube, but check out Walter Becker's playing and sound on Steely Dan's last album 'Everything Must Go'. Nothing overplayed, just great grooves.
  2. Those headstocks...brings the memories flooding back.
  3. [quote name='witterth' post='722846' date='Jan 24 2010, 09:05 AM']I'm a big "king fan" but even I'd have sacked,anyone,even, the govnor for that play it like it says on the tin.[/quote] In those days it was 'if it moves, slap it!'
  4. Charvel is a US company, linked with Jackson. Well known for guitars, particularly in the 80s. This is probably of the same era. Great quality if made in Japan. The case alone is probably worth fifty quid. Bargain!
  5. [quote name='Chris2112' post='721811' date='Jan 23 2010, 12:48 AM']More slap heaven from the Man himself... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qxb3P332V4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qxb3P332V4[/url][/quote] <sigh> Those were the days... Nowadays, the only slapper that would get that sort of adulation is Jordan.
  6. The VAT increase doesn't help matters, too.
  7. Well, you never know...they might be doing a Return To Forever meets Oasis project
  8. Please stop advertising Alembics!!! My credit card is calling...
  9. Reminds me of a story I've told on here before. In the 80s, during Mark King mayhem, a customer we knew came into our shop with a face like a slapped arse. He was an absolute King fanatic - same bass, same rig, gaffer tape on his thumb, everything. We asked him what was up. He said he'd just been sacked at a band rehearsal for slapping 'House Of The Rising Sun'.
  10. As a bass player you should always play for the song and make it sound as good as possible, even if it means playing ultra-simple lines. That's why the Oasis bass parts are simple - the songs don't require anything else. The band will love you for it.
  11. Unfortunately, the 'recession' forced the prices of musical gear way up. Last year Fender had two price increases. Blame the economy, not the store.
  12. Fans are savvy enough to know you're overplaying. Keep the chops in the butchers.
  13. [quote name='witterth' post='721439' date='Jan 22 2010, 05:42 PM']Where I'd love to know who got that!![/quote] If you go to the BP website there should be a link to the article.
  14. [quote name='Beedster' post='721432' date='Jan 22 2010, 05:35 PM']I've been using that one for years. Makes me laugh that a couple of guys on here think I'm some sort of colour fetishist, which I'm not! Simply put, if all your Fenders, and the odd Sadowsky, are all Oly White, it's amazing how much you can get away with. At one point I had five Oly White basses in the place whilst the good lady was utterly convinced I had reduced the collection to one. In a gesture of goodwill I owned up to owning two. C[/quote] Good work!
  15. There was a feature in BP mag a bit ago about Jaco's 'Bass of Doom' turning up.
  16. [quote name='leschirons' post='721039' date='Jan 22 2010, 12:12 PM']I told my wife I found a flute on a bus seat. All was going well till she washed my jeans and found the bill. I don't do that any more. I whine and look sad till she gives in now.[/quote] Ha, I can just imagine it. 'Hey love, look what I found on the bus today...a brand new Roscoe SKB 5!'
  17. I used to have another customer who bought guitars in always the same colour so his wife wouldn't suspect a new one.
  18. This is a true story. When I worked at a music shop in Macclesfield, we had this permanently pissed publican who came in quite often. One day he came in and said he fancied a wireless system for £200 but was too scared to tell his missus. He asked us if we'd ring the pub a bit later and pretend we had a competition, with the wireless system as first prize, and announce that his ticket had been drawn. It worked a treat. The missus believed every word.
  19. First time at this venue. Thursday 28 January. 0117 909 6655. www,metropolisbristol.co.uk
  20. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='720781' date='Jan 22 2010, 08:27 AM']Judging from these video's here I can't see how anyone can criticise TW's playing one bit,to my ears it's sublime.[/quote] Totally agree. No funkiness, Mr YouMa? Hmmm...
  21. It's hardly costly or time consuming to whip a pickguard off and 'correct' any missing/incorrect/sellotaped connections. In fact, assuming the pickup/pots are correct and working, I'll happily rewire it to Musicman specs while you wait for free if you're local. It shouldn't have to be 'costly or time consuming' at all, providing you've bought something that works in the first place!!!
  22. [quote name='Dodge' post='720476' date='Jan 21 2010, 08:12 PM']Just so we're clear, you tried the bass but someone else had to point out that it was sounding terrible? In which case, you can't blame the seller for not recognising there was a problem either. It's hardly costly or time consuming to whip a pickguard off and 'correct' any missing/incorrect/sellotaped connections. In fact, assuming the pickup/pots are correct and working, I'll happily rewire it to Musicman specs while you wait for free if you're local. Not really a great analogy IMHO. I don't know how my car works either, but I know when it's not working.[/quote] I'm sorry, but you're really out of order here.
  23. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='720453' date='Jan 21 2010, 07:50 PM']on another note, and obviously this is nowt to do with me, but it is worth saying (I think anyway) that wherever the "fault" (for want of a better word) lies, the bass was advertised for £700. I do not know the actual sale price, but this is a great price for a SR5. My tech could rewire the bass for £50 tops, so once done I would be totally satisfied that all is well, and have spent only £750. I bought a Tokai Loverock 2 guitar on ebay last year, and it had dodgy pots. I took it to my tech, spent £70, new pots, orange drops, totally rewired. Total expenditure still a great deal. I am not saying that things should not work when you buy them, but I tend to take all my stuff to my tech to fiddle with on purchase anyway. Like I say, nowt to do with me, but that would be where I would be coming from. If the parties concerned wish me to remove this I will, but I thought it might lend a different perspective. Chris[/quote] # Sorry mate, but the price has nothing to do with it. If there's a fault, it must be pointed out.
  24. Scott was 'over the moon' because overtly the bass was great. He knows nothing about the workings of a Stingray 5, much in the same way that I know f*ck all about how my car works. The reason I'm involved with this thread is that I was responsible for recommending the bass to Scott. He's busy because he's a record producer/songwriter and didn't get chance to use the bass. I don't really want to get involved with this, but I've seen the wiring photos, and they are disgusting. Somebody along the line MUST have known about this.
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