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Pete Academy

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Everything posted by Pete Academy

  1. Here's a track from Tower Of Power called 'It All Comes Back'. Rocco is playing one note throughout - his 'E' string detuned to 'D'. What a groove!
  2. So, while I'm waiting patiently for the Greek gentlemen to reply, is anyone going to take this off my hands? Going on ebay soon, I think.
  3. [quote name='AlX' post='694994' date='Dec 28 2009, 05:45 PM']anyone ? pleaaaaaaaaase ![/quote] I anner gor a scanner, as we say in Stoke.
  4. I sold an Ashton Joey junior drumkit to my girlfriend's niece for her little boy. When they unpacked it, there was a complete box of accessories missing, which included the bass drum pedal, cymbal stand, bass drum clips, and drumsticks. I am offically the Grinch.
  5. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='693749' date='Dec 26 2009, 03:06 PM']Cheers Pete - it is certainly is more impressive than I expected for the price. I bought it myself & after it arrived the missus gave me a wad of twenties to cover the cost instead of a frying pan over the head which I was expecting for buying another bass, so its a bit of a result all around.[/quote] Tanglewood stuff is amazing...half the price and double the spec.
  6. I sold a million Westones in the 80s. They were amazingly put together. IMO the price you're asking is mighty cheap considering their heritage and build quality. Good luck with the sale.
  7. I would agree with you having a thinner gauge than before. A quick truss rod adjustment should solve it.
  8. It could be a Squier, but with an obviously fake sticker on the headstock.
  9. I'm pretty sure it says CHICKEN CHOW MEIN, EGG FRIED RICE, PRAWN CRACKERS, but I can't be 100%.
  10. They were the poor man's Status and Steinberger but sold incredibly well. Bloody good basses!
  11. [quote name='sebpayne' post='693994' date='Dec 26 2009, 09:50 PM']Although I don't own this DVD, I came back from university with it left in my laptop. It's a cracking DVD with the bad in very tight form and all the tunes are brilliant. Plenty of classics like Josie and Pretzel Logic, while the newer stuff is particuarly good. I loved Jack of Speed, What A Shame About Me and Cousin Dupree. Any excuse to talk about the Dan is good with me! Now just need to get Pete Academy's Nearly Dan DVD and I'll be happy [/quote] Cue shameless plug. We had the sound mixed in a bit of a hurry for Xmas and were consequently disappointed. We're currently 'doing it again'. Also, the visuals guys were running late, too. I'll post a track on the forum when it's ready, if anyone's interested.
  12. During that time, Japanese instruments were considered the highest quality. I would bet on Korea.
  13. More than likely would have been Korea, given the time they came out.
  14. Perfect pitch? Isn't that when you throw a banjo into a skip?
  15. After years of music shop work and having to tune a million guitars and basses, I can pretty much pick out an E or G by ear. Talking of perfect pitch, I once spoke to someone who was blessed with this and he said it was a bit of a curse, as it drives him mad when he hears tiny tuning issues.
  16. If you trawl the threads, you'll find this has been raised many times. Try my recent 'Funk and Groove' thread - some great examples on there.
  17. Brilliant stuff. Great band!
  18. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='693434' date='Dec 25 2009, 05:43 PM']Come on,. Waddya get? & I don't mean Straight Fries or Crinkle cut? I got one of these [url="http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/products/default.asp?cID=66460593&sID=66461282"]http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/product...mp;sID=66461282[/url][/quote] That's a great acoustic bass.
  19. The Zender interview is interesting, if not a bit sour grapes-y. Also, although the songs are great, most of them seem lifted from old funk tunes.
  20. Big Tony used a PRS, if I recall.
  21. [quote name='bubinga5' post='692303' date='Dec 23 2009, 01:12 PM']Good call Obi!! my favorite style of funk... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWij10i6D24"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWij10i6D24[/url][/quote] What a great fu*king track!
  22. I love Go-Go. I have various Trouble Funk albums. I also have an Afrika Bambaata album (vinyl) that's chock full of this. The Soul To Soul hits used the drumbeats to maximum effect.
  23. [attachment=38802:pete_bass_dint.jpg] As requested.
  24. Please can the people wanting items say how much they have to spend?
  25. [quote name='Johngh' post='691842' date='Dec 22 2009, 09:11 PM']Come on Steve, BGM is not that bad, it has improved quite a bit over the last few month's. Give the guy's some credit.[/quote] Yep
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