Over the last few months I've virtually given up on the US Bassplayer mag. I usually just pick it up from Smith's and that's that. However, over the last few months, as it's been getting thinner and thinner, I found myself having a quick browse and putting it back on the shelf. Amost a fiver saved.
I received an e-mag from them yesterday. This is the 'online' version'. It looked quite good - a feature on Jamerson by his son and Anthony jackson. A 'funk' lesson from Bootsy. So I bought the issue.
On the weblink it turns out that the Bootsy clip is from an 80's episode of Rockschool. It was fine back in the day, but is now just totally embarrassing. There's a clip of 'Pino with John Mayer'...the very same one that's already been posted on here.
Editor Jonathan Herrera writes like he's desperate for a Pulitzer...Just say what you mean, for God's sake! Pretentious bollocks!!!
The Jamerson feature has Anthony Jackson's usual patronising tone.
The rest of the mag is the usual blend of obscure bands and players.
Never again.
Thank God for BGM!