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Pete Academy

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Everything posted by Pete Academy

  1. This is an amazing piece of footage. Real playing and singing...no autotune in sight! Simon Cowell should have his face rubbed in this!
  2. Which model is it?
  3. Another couple of classics:
  4. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='683225' date='Dec 13 2009, 06:57 PM']+1 Not sure why victor wooten gets bashed, and this guys being praised! [/quote] I have to agree with you. VW is a million times more musical.
  5. [quote name='foal30' post='682777' date='Dec 13 2009, 07:35 AM']surely Bass Player's decline is relative to both our advancing years and the scarcity of quality subject matter? FWIW BP Mag was one of the best tutors I ever had... got to learn heaps from it over the years. 195 issues I have bought, and whilst the best for me was probably the mid-90's! if it was as helpful to some young cat stratign out now as it was too me then , well fair suck of the sav. Roberts and Jisi could return though eh? [/quote] You certainly have a good point, there. We surely can't expect to see players we all love every month.
  6. Years ago, when I used to buy BP, my mates would take the piss and say, 'Ha, a mag for bass players...must the thinnest mag in the world!' Nuff said.
  7. Herrera's opening page is vomit-inducing. Plain english, please!
  8. [quote name='Doddy' post='682245' date='Dec 12 2009, 03:40 PM']I've just bought the new issue and think that it's pretty good this month. There's a couple of good features on Jamerson and Wimbish,and a decent Oscar Pettiford lesson.[/quote] I found the Wimbish interview a bit baffling, especially when he was attempting to describe his technique. Can anyone shed any light as to what he was on about?
  9. [quote name='Doddy' post='681895' date='Dec 12 2009, 02:30 AM']Ohhhhh. I didn't know the new issue was out yet. It's still my fave Bass Mag....even though it's a bit thin lately.[/quote] I'd say it was anorexic.
  10. Over the last few months I've virtually given up on the US Bassplayer mag. I usually just pick it up from Smith's and that's that. However, over the last few months, as it's been getting thinner and thinner, I found myself having a quick browse and putting it back on the shelf. Amost a fiver saved. I received an e-mag from them yesterday. This is the 'online' version'. It looked quite good - a feature on Jamerson by his son and Anthony jackson. A 'funk' lesson from Bootsy. So I bought the issue. On the weblink it turns out that the Bootsy clip is from an 80's episode of Rockschool. It was fine back in the day, but is now just totally embarrassing. There's a clip of 'Pino with John Mayer'...the very same one that's already been posted on here. Editor Jonathan Herrera writes like he's desperate for a Pulitzer...Just say what you mean, for God's sake! Pretentious bollocks!!! The Jamerson feature has Anthony Jackson's usual patronising tone. The rest of the mag is the usual blend of obscure bands and players. Never again. Thank God for BGM!
  11. It's a fine art. I would recommend a professional.
  12. I assume that's Rodney 'Skeets' Curtis? He's an absolute master of funk groove.
  13. I can never understand how some musicians can eat a big meal before a gig.
  14. 'Burlesque' by Family. A live funk groove doesn't get any better than this. '3 Deuces' from the great Marcus.
  15. If anyone is struggling with groove, I would strongly suggest playing along to the Keni Burke bass part until you're blue in the face.
  16. Ah! When I first thought about this thread, the Keni Burke track was foremost on my mind. Whenever I try to show someone an example of laying back on the beat, I always play that on my bass. I just couldn't think of the bloody title and artist! Thanks for that!
  17. This is IMO a perfect example. Listen how the bass just sits back a bit from the drums.
  18. Little Feat are one of the all-time champions of groove and feel.
  19. Keep 'em coming...any genre would be great.
  20. Groove is virtually impossible to define. Here are a couple I think describe the way the bass and drums interact, especially with playing behind the beat. Please add your own, as I'd be glad to hear them. 'Heartbeat' by War. 'All Night Long' by Mary Jane Girls.
  21. True classic.
  22. I'm not sure if it's me but I've never heard one that retains the low end enough. I posted a thread previously, asking what Louis Johnson might have used on the track 'Get The Funk Outta My Face.' To me, that's the ultimate EV sound, but obviously, it would have been EQ'd, compressed etc. to sound good on record.
  23. bump
  24. Selling my Boss LMB-3. as new, boxed. £35 delivered.
  25. Absolutely definitely weird.
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