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Pete Academy

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Everything posted by Pete Academy

  1. Our hi-tech guy recommends the Saffire Pro 40.
  2. [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Academy-of-Sound/195107394824?ref=ts"]http://www.facebook.com/pages/Academy-of-Sound/195107394824?ref=ts[/url]
  3. Thanks for the suggestions.
  4. [quote name='mercuryl' timestamp='1322857783' post='1456840'] Black. And yes, change that to black too .... with the white bits round the edges. [/quote] That sounds good.
  5. I have a '79 Jazz and have decided to refinish it. It's natural at the moment, with a black scratchplate. What colour do you think would go with the scratchplate, or should I change that as well?
  6. I love my Roscoe. It's the dog's bollocks.
  7. The girl in question regarding the OP has talented parents. She has learned to play two instruments at a good standard in the space of three months, with only minutes of practice per night. My mum is a talented artist. My brother and I are good at art. There has to be a genetic link.
  8. [quote name='M-N-Y' timestamp='1322247662' post='1448670'] As far as Billy Cobham goes this one does it for me. The drums are spectacular check out the fills at 2.01 and 3.59......they're the dog's. The bass grooves nicely all the way through. Recorded in 1979. All round awesomeness!!! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgLWZa61XJs[/media] [/quote] Bugger me...who's the bass player on this!
  9. [quote name='M-N-Y' timestamp='1322247219' post='1448661'] I know this is synth bass, but there is a great groove going on and Bernard Wright's keys are superb. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaMV69zhnXI[/media] [/quote] [quote name='M-N-Y' timestamp='1322247219' post='1448661'] I know this is synth bass, but there is a great groove going on and Bernard Wright's keys are superb. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaMV69zhnXI[/media] [/quote] Bernard Wright's debut album, 'Nard', when he was about fifteen, is one of the best for bass guitar ever. Well worth checking out.
  10. It's more than coincidence that she's picked up playing a wind instrument and piano extremely quickly, as her parents play them. They may have simply played those instruments as she was growing up, which makes sense. But I can assure you, she was spookily good.
  11. I recently posted a thread about talent...is it inherited? Earlier this evening I visited a couple (my ex-wife and her hubby) who are both talented musicians (sax and piano). Their 8-year-old daughter was eager to perform her skills for me on clarinet and piano. She played faultlessly. I asked her parents how long she had been playing. Apparently since September. I thought she might have put in around an hour a night to reach her standard of playing. No...5 to 10 mins a night. This has firmly convinced me that talent is definitely hereditary. Any similar stories?
  12. I think I've proved a minor point here. A fair few members have posted on this thread and there have been a lot of viewers, as I've noticed throughout the day. I wasn't sure where to post initially, so I chose 'General Bass Discussion', which allowed TNIT to post his views, which I actually quite enjoyed. I think it's mostly about people being passionate about a subject. It puts bums on seats.
  13. We've played at The Met before but I can't remember the load in. Perhaps we need a 'venue with the worst load in' thread?
  14. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1322135706' post='1446910'] For the record I can't remember who any of the people I routinely disagreed with were. There were a lot of them, but usually it was just one or two doing the arguing and the rest sporadically putting the boot in without contributing anything to the argument. I don't think they got any warnings. But like I said I honestly can't remember who any of them were - even the ones who actually had something to say. And for the record I didn't have a personal problem with any of those opinionated, argumentative people, but the mobs that would form around them I imagined were probably a set of utter pricks. [/quote] Am I still set on your 'ignore'?
  15. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1322134681' post='1446885'] Like Pete I am finding that when I have a look at Basschat, I find it of less interest than I used to. But I think this is because of me much more than the forum. Basschat has always been distraction therapy for me, I've leanrned an enormous amount about bass playing and equipment, enough for now, and any help I can offer is usually given by others before I get a chance. Also, so many questions have now been answered that a quick search is all that's necessary, so it's more of a wiki than a forum in the bass related areas. Off Topic is my favourite place because I'm an opinionated, judgemental, argumentative, self-righteous, vain, passionate knobend with a dim view of humanity and it's behaviour. Off Topic is a place for me to stimulate and satisfy this base, needy side of my my personality. I think there's a good few of us on here that have similar attributes. However, after a while we get to know, respect and like each other, and arguments become tamer. I think new members notice there is a strong community and many possibly feel less able to come in shouting than some of us may have done during the forum's infancy, I imagine it could look quite intimidating in OT for some. I also think that long familiarity with the forum means it's not the social delight it felt like when you first join. I looked at OT on the date I joined and it seemed so much fun back then, a revisit last week showed it was of the same, or of even lower, level of interest as it is now. It's me who's changed, much more than the forum has. It's a fantastic forum. I do think fiery topics get locked unnecessarily from time to time through overzealous moderation when they would have levelled out through self moderation, and although I personally find that extremely frustrating, it happens rarely. Long live Basschat. [/quote] Great post. Probably what I should have said in the first place.
  16. I understand this, Ped, but where have the older posters gone? Maybe it is just me. Apologies if so. I'm not trying to drum up trouble, but maybe the newer generation are taking over.
  17. It may be just me, but I don't think so. I used to always go to this forum to find some interesting stuff and good debate, albeit sometimes controversial. That's what attracts people, in my opinion. Just lately, I don't see the usual suspects (you know who you are) very often. I recently started a thread that was mildly controversial and was pulled up almost immediately on it. Is it just me? Fair enough if it is, but it mainly seems like stuff for sale and little else.
  18. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1321988113' post='1445235'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq3MPs3W_S8[/media] The groove comes in at about 30 seconds, don't let the start put you off! [/quote] Amazing track.
  19. I have put mine in a dish washer in the past. Does an equally good job.
  20. Laurence Cottle is the dog's bollocks.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8pC91GxGV4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpSt16t-Gd4
  22. Got to have some Ronnie Laws on here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPU__VmVWKU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwFAehNmVG0
  23. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1321730964' post='1442593'] bless this groove... i just love the growly tone of this bass.. P bass me thinks.. or an ATK Ibby, could be wrong [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eaYuLY_sf8[/media] [/quote] Wow...the bass sound of my dreams!
  24. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1321797957' post='1443089'] NIce venue (but rubbish load in)! Have a good 'un Pete! [/quote] Cheers mate
  25. Nearly Dan play The Met in Bury next Saturday 26 November.
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