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Pete Academy

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Everything posted by Pete Academy

  1. Do you find that, despite having a piss before you go on stage, five minutes into the set and you're dying to go again? Any embarrassing situations?
  2. [quote name='silddx' post='1270812' date='Jun 15 2011, 11:07 PM']Diane is completely supportive. She has an incredible attendance record and understands that I can't really hold much of a conversation before stage time. She gets me drinks, hangs out with my bands and is close friends with almost all of them. She is an absolute star. Pete, you deserve so much better than what you describe. Cast her away. Wait for someone who loves you for what you are, it will happen after a time.[/quote] No Nige, my current missus is fine. She doesn't come to gigs, anyway, as she has her own interests. It's past girlfriends that have been like this, and I have many mates whose playing careers have been blighted by unsupportive partners, even to the point of giving up.
  3. Funnily enough, after ten years my missus is now used to it.
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1270683' date='Jun 15 2011, 09:04 PM']He could start by popping some vids up on YouTube of him playing 'properly' (for wont of a better word). I'm sure that would help redress the balance. [/quote] Fair point.
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1270654' date='Jun 15 2011, 08:51 PM']I'm sure he's a lovely chap, but we're all entitled to our opinions, Pete. Sure you - of all people - can appreciate that? (personal attacks aren't covered by the above, mind)[/quote] No probs, mate. He does come in for some stick, though, bless him.
  6. Have you ever had this situation? You meet a new partner. They love the fact you play bass, especially in a band. They brag to their friends that they're seeing someone 'who is a musician and plays in a band'. They come and watch you at every gig and love it. After a few months they get bored. They then ask why you need to rehearse so much. They then ask why you need to be at the venue so early when you're not on until much later. They then get pissed off because you don't spend much time with them at gigs, despite the fact that you have to set up, sound check, do the gig, then pack up afterwards. They then accuse you of flirting with someone in the audience. Been there?
  7. I first met Nigel years ago when slap was popularised by Mark King. He was the Rotosound rep. I remember being astounded by his slap technique. He can definitely play all other styles, but this remains his party piece. Don't forget, there are loads of players that still like this style, and I have to admit he was the first person I ever saw doing this thumb and finger technique. Lay off him a bit, guys. It may be annoying, but are some of you maybe just a tad jealous?
  8. I'm looking forward to trying this.
  9. Kim Annette Clarke from Defunkt. Rhonda Smith.
  10. [quote name='silddx' post='1269097' date='Jun 14 2011, 07:44 PM']Me too [/quote] What, you've got balls of steel? We know that already.
  11. The worst ever EVER customer service I have had was from Alembic after I bought a £2000 Anniversary bass that had faulty pickups. They even admitted the pickups were a faulty batch, yet they happily unleashed a limited edition of 200 into the world.
  12. [quote name='skidder652003' post='1268989' date='Jun 14 2011, 06:19 PM']ken, im really enjoying you on here, you,ve got balls of steel! [/quote] Totally agree.
  13. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='1267879' date='Jun 13 2011, 08:56 PM']Am I correct in think that the Post from skidder652003 was in reply to a private email to Ken ?? If so I have to hold my hands up and say that's very dodgy behaviour. What is said in a private response to an email should be just that - private. Not for general posting. Just my opinion but I'm probably wrong. I also agree with previous postings saying Ken Smith came across quite well. In fact his point was proven over again by one of us Only when things got a little out of hand did he start to get a little - and I mean a little - tetchy Me ??? I'd have been on here with chainsaw playing keepy up with a good few heads !! S[/quote] Totally agree. PM's should be private. I had a spat with a certain member some time ago about this.
  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1267867' date='Jun 13 2011, 08:51 PM']I don't like the heads I have a couple of their cabs though.[/quote] Good stuff
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1267863' date='Jun 13 2011, 08:47 PM']Because of their impeccable customer service.[/quote] Not a fan of their amps, then?
  16. I would still buy a Ken Smith. Amazing basses.
  17. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1265654' date='Jun 12 2011, 01:15 AM']I've heard this as well as the boys at Ashdown, shame they make wooly amps [/quote] Why bring Ashdown into this?
  18. Shameless bump.
  19. Bloody chavs...shoot 'em all.
  20. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1266561' date='Jun 12 2011, 08:21 PM']I`ve had the good luck to do the foh sound for ND at the academy. Great band, go see. MM[/quote] Thanks for that.
  21. Abe is one of the very best. Truly unique.
  22. Pete Academy

    Nearly Dan

    Nearly Dan play Band On The Wall, Manchester, Thursday 16 June. Doors 7.30pm. www.bandonthewall.org
  23. [quote name='Muzz' post='1263909' date='Jun 10 2011, 01:40 PM']That version of I Shot The Sherriff sums up everything I can't stand about Jaco. 8 minutes(! ) of some of the most pointlessly self-indulgent wibbery* I've ever heard - fine for the rehearsal room where everyone can nod approvingly at each other**, but if they were playing in my garden, I'd close the curtains. * And I don't use that word lightly. Whatever it means... ** A bit like when the chickens used to come off stage in the Muppets...[/quote] I think I'd like to have heard more space in Sheriff. However, the Joni Mitchell song is Jaco at the top of his game.
  24. A quick bump.
  25. Have you tried the Fender website? If it's only a case of, say. a scratchplate, then you can add that on afterwards.
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