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Pete Academy

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Everything posted by Pete Academy

  1. Following on from Chris 2112's 'A skeleton' w***ing in a filing cabinet' and Steve Soar's 'Like the cast of Riverdance performing on stage covered in bubble wrap, whilst pissed', I ask you to submit your descriptions. My humble entry would be: 'An office full of woodpeckers typing.' I will donate my copy of Ed Friedland's 'Slap Bass' DVD to whoever Basschat votes as winner.
  2. [b]That just sounds like a skeleton w***ing in a filing cabinet.[/b] How about a thread of the best ways to describe annoying slap?
  3. [quote name='ahpook' post='1249555' date='May 29 2011, 07:40 PM']not a gig-related one, but this happened very recently. "ow wow...so you play bass...can't you slap ?" /mimes slapping thumb/ "not really" "aaaaah, you can't play bass unless you slap" [/quote]
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1249372' date='May 29 2011, 04:30 PM']Yep thats her, She gets to most function gigs that I have been to, Handbag on the table incase any of her own relatives steal it. I think maybe she works for the local authority trying to keep the volume down at venues around the country but she normally leaves about 11 at the latest just before her drunk Nephew in his 50's gets his cock out on the dance floor! Ah gigs.........[/quote] A vocalist mate used to get that in the workingmen's clubs. Once, one woman at the front, right by the PA speaker, said: 'It's too loud!' My mate replied: 'It's like shoving your head up a cow's arse and saying it stinks!'
  5. [quote name='TimR' post='1249355' date='May 29 2011, 04:18 PM']That's the kind of sound engineer I like. It means he's comfortable that he's got a signal and will sort out what it sounds like when the rest of the band are playing. Nothing worse than playing solo for 10minutes while he works out which buttons to press and knobs to turn.[/quote] Fair point.
  6. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='1249350' date='May 29 2011, 04:16 PM']Them "Can you play anything out of the charts?" Us "Yes, this next one's been out of the charts for about 40 years".[/quote]
  7. After you've played a few notes, the sound engineer says: 'OK, that'll do.'
  8. 'Why do you want to raise those speakers up? The bass sounds better on the stage.'
  9. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1249319' date='May 29 2011, 03:51 PM']This is how The Who were introduced to Moon.[/quote] Good point.
  10. [quote name='Slipperydick' post='1249300' date='May 29 2011, 03:33 PM']Why dont you smile ?[/quote] Yep, heard that many times. Why should I be grinning like a goon?
  11. 'Your drummer's good, but I know someone who can do this gig better.'
  12. Sound engineers: 'Bass is bass, innit?'
  13. Venue owners: 'We can't really pay you much. Just treat it as a rehearsal.' We've already rehearsed enough...that's why we're here.
  14. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='1248724' date='May 28 2011, 10:22 PM']I can,and I have done in the past. There is a smiley face at the top of my post.....[/quote] Apologies.
  15. [quote name='ChTBoner' post='1248595' date='May 28 2011, 08:06 PM']What actually changed a lot of things for me is a French bass book called "Supertechnique in 50 weeks". Basically Hans Kullock, the author, gives you strengthening and coordination exercices (warm up, extension...), pure techniques (slap, vibrato, pull off, hammer ons, trills, rolls, flamenco, percussion, tapping, legato, and what not...) and some work on chords and scales (practicing in second, thirds, fourth, fifs... in different orders, etc...). and at the end of the book there working program day by day, for 50 weeks. Not an esay book to handle, as you have to practice 1h30 a day 6 days a week, and not everyone as that kind of time... But it gave me a real work ethic, and a good way to practice pure technique. He then made a similar book about music styles and their history and how bass is traditionnaly used, giving lots of exemples.[/quote] Sounds like a great book.
  16. Fascinating stuff.
  17. Wow, two pages in and nobody's mentioned the Daily Mail.
  18. I think there's definitely natural ability. Victor Wooten was gigging at five years old, and was part of an intensely musical family.
  19. [quote name='4000' post='1247657' date='May 27 2011, 10:31 PM']Ah, the haters. Don't you just love 'em? [/quote]
  20. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='1247644' date='May 27 2011, 10:20 PM']No,the word is sh*te.[/quote] That's a very blinkered view. I may be wrong, but I would hazard a guess you can't play in that style.
  21. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='1247578' date='May 27 2011, 08:52 PM']But do those that have the natural ability and pick up playing quickly possibly have the tendency to just go with it rather than sit down and put all the heavyweight pratice in - Keith Richards vs Julian Bream perhaps?[/quote] Interesting point.
  22. I'm currently reading a book called 'Bounce'. It's by a world champion table tennis player. Basically, it debunks the myth that people are born to be at the top of their game, whatever they're into...sport, music, etc. The author gives an example of young violinists. They are spread into three categories - those that become top soloists; those that play in a top orchestra; those that become teachers. Research shows that the top soloists did considerably more hours' practise than the others. The amount of hours needed to become an amazing musician or sportsman is 10,000. Apparently, it has nothing to do with genetics or anything similar. I can believe this. But what puzzles me is that I've seen people pick up playing an instrument very quickly. It would seem that certain people have an aptitude for learning that is far faster than other people. Any thoughts on this subject?
  23. Would Flea's riff in Aeroplane sound better played fingerstyle?
  24. Ah, the neverending slap debate. The word is 'taste'.
  25. [quote name='yorick' post='1247177' date='May 27 2011, 02:55 PM']Me please[/quote] PM me your address and it's yours.
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