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Pete Academy

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Everything posted by Pete Academy

  1. One of my favourite ever recordings. Legend has it he was called back to the studio by Marvin, and was totally off his head. Allegedly recorded it in one take lying on his back.
  2. We did Gaslighting a few years ago. One of the hardest parts I've ever had to learn, especially the middle big riff. We only played it a few times, as people didn't seem to get off on the later album tracks. It's one of my favourite bass parts, absolute genius. Talking of Haitian Divorce, someone requested it for last night's gig in Milton Keynes, for his eight-year-old daughter, who knows all the lyrics! We've played it on and off for years, and after last night we will probably keep it in the set. Great tune. You can't beat Kid Charlemagne and Peg for funkiness.
  3. With Nearly Dan it's Pretzel Logic with an extended intro jam.
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='971881' date='Sep 29 2010, 05:10 PM']There are two types of bad bass players: 1) Bass players who you notice. If you notice the bass player he's doing it wrong. 2) Adam Clayton.[/quote] He sticks to root and is not very adventurous, but why class him as bad? Explanation please.
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='971881' date='Sep 29 2010, 05:10 PM']There are two types of bad bass players: 1) Bass players who you notice. If you notice the bass player he's doing it wrong. 2) Adam Clayton.[/quote] Why is Adam Clayton a bad bass player?
  6. [quote name='Stingray5' post='971126' date='Sep 28 2010, 08:30 PM']Funnily enough, I just checked the TV guide and saw they would be on so I'll be tuning in. There're a couple of other acts I'll be interested to see, too (KT Tunstall, Ray LaMontagne). The new Harry and Paul show before it at 9.30 looks like it might be a laugh. Parti cularly the Silver Haired Beatles! [/quote] I'll check that out. Cheers, mate.
  7. Slap is difficult to master. Take it very slowly.
  8. I was listening to some Chili peppers stuff in our shop yesterday and thought: Why do people think Flea isn't a good player? He has an awesome groove and technique. An original and remarkable style, too. You would recognise him instantly.
  9. For anyone that's interested or doesn't know, Jamiroquai are on Jools Holland tonight.
  10. Live on 'The Word', and she isn't playing bass. Awesome groove. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8so3qdNlICE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8so3qdNlICE[/url]
  11. Bump for a beautiful instrument.
  12. [quote name='endorka' post='968345' date='Sep 26 2010, 01:39 PM']Cool... I played there a few months ago with Horse, it's a great venue with a well stocked fridge. Jennifer[/quote] We've played it quite a few times. I agree, lovely venue.
  13. Nearly Dan play the Stables Theatre in Wavendon, Milton Keynes on Saturday October 2.
  14. I left my Tobias Classic 5 outside my door after a gig. I didn't realise until a week later, as at the time I was using that and a Warwick for different gigs. I reported it to the police, phoned a load of music shops, and then set off to my local Cash Converter with a photo and some info. Five mins after I'd left CC, one of their guys rang me to say he knew where the bass was. Apparently a young kid had sold it to them for £25. They said they couldn't identify it, so it was sold to someone they knew for £80. They said they could get it back, but I had to go back the next day. I told them I couldn't, so they told me to come back within an hour. I gave them £60, so they wouldn't involve the police, and they produced it from the back of the shop. I think they were lying and had the bass there all the time, because they had an inkling it may be valuable. I didn't care, though...I was very relieved and very lucky. The fact is, when I first phoned music shops to tell them to look out for it, loads of people told me they'd had similar experiences.
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='967817' date='Sep 25 2010, 05:26 PM']Still don't rate Jaco.[/quote] In what respect? Just curious.
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='966275' date='Sep 23 2010, 11:48 PM']Fender guitars are about £900 now, but I saw one that looked pretty much the same in Toys R Us for £90. Now that is good value.[/quote] Like the new pic.
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' post='966156' date='Sep 23 2010, 09:45 PM']You are, of course, completely correct, cetera. Its an art/commerce argument. I like music as an art form and, by definition, reproducing someone else's art is not art but craft. I prefer artists to craftsmen primarily because, despite my aspirations, I am probably the latter rather than the former. I am rehearsing with a Kool and the Gang tribute act this Sunday [/quote] Celebrate good times, come on!
  18. [quote name='cetera' post='966138' date='Sep 23 2010, 09:30 PM']Same cr*p...different thread eh?! Some facts, from someone who has been in original acts for 25 years and a tribute for 20 of them...: Tribute bands DON'T take gigs from original acts. Venues put on acts that can pull a crowd (that's their BUSINESS!). Many tributes have local support acts open their shows, enabling them to play to hundreds of people who previously would never have bothered going to see them, therefore allowing them to make an impact and gain new fans. Music is entertainment. Like it or not, many people prefer to spend their hard earned money to see a professional, well executed, performance. Tribute bands tend to play certain venues on a regular circuit. This leaves THOUSANDS of venues free to original acts, folk clubs, jazz nights etc etc There is immense discipline involved in playing in a QUALITY tribute act. Nailing parts, phrasing/quirks etc of the original artists is what sets the op tributes apart from the 'cover' bands.... Don't like tributes? Wouldn't do it yourself? That's fine...Just don't spout the same old "killing original music", "taking all the gigs" bullsh*t. That's the lazy option. If your original band doesn't have the songs, charisma, marketing/business savvy then that's your downfall. Start working on yourselves/your own product rather than blaming everyone else. And Bilbo, I'd be surprised if you ever lost an original jazz gig to a tribute band.... [/quote] I have to agree with the local support acts bit. Limehouse Lizzy played at a local Stoke venue and had my mate's originals band as support. Biggest crowd they ever had, and they made lots of new fans.
  19. [quote name='cetera' post='966138' date='Sep 23 2010, 09:30 PM']Same cr*p...different thread eh?! Some facts, from someone who has been in original acts for 25 years and a tribute for 20 of them...: Tribute bands DON'T take gigs from original acts. Venues put on acts that can pull a crowd (that's their BUSINESS!). Many tributes have local support acts open their shows, enabling them to play to hundreds of people who previously would never have bothered going to see them, therefore allowing them to make an impact and gain new fans. Music is entertainment. Like it or not, many people prefer to spend their hard earned money to see a professional, well executed, performance. Tribute bands tend to play certain venues on a regular circuit. This leaves THOUSANDS of venues free to original acts, folk clubs, jazz nights etc etc There is immense discipline involved in playing in a QUALITY tribute act. Nailing parts, phrasing/quirks etc of the original artists is what sets the op tributes apart from the 'cover' bands.... Don't like tributes? Wouldn't do it yourself? That's fine...Just don't spout the same old "killing original music", "taking all the gigs" bullsh*t. That's the lazy option. If your original band doesn't have the songs, charisma, marketing/business savvy then that's your downfall. Start working on yourselves/your own product rather than blaming everyone else. And Bilbo, I'd be surprised if you ever lost an original jazz gig to a tribute band.... [/quote] Good post.
  20. [quote name='Bilbo' post='966012' date='Sep 23 2010, 07:53 PM']And I hate them too Always feels like the path of least resistance and the head solos head formula always sounds tired. Doesn't make tribute bands more attractive though. [/quote] Have you seen our backing singers?
  21. Interesting thread. I speak to young players all the time and they are in bands doing their own material. They insist they will NEVER EVER play covers. Then they don't make it and sit in their bedrooms twiddling away. So they get a bit older and find that doing covers is better than doing nothing, and they actually earn some money for a change. We were a 5-piece covers band, and in our set we covered quite a few Steely Dan songs. I had the idea of adding brass and backing vocals and doing a full-blown SD cover band. We had no choice but to be labelled a tribute band, however we dressed it up. I play the bass parts as faithfully as possible, but still try to play like 'myself', if that makes any sense. When Steely Dan tour, they tend to change the arrangements of certain songs, as they should be able to (Reeling In The Years was a prime example on the last tour), but this sometimes doesn't go down too well. We try to remain faithful to the originals. I've seen some amazing tribute bands, one of my favourite being a Chili Peppers one, where the bassist nailed Flea's lines. What about Zappa, Rush, Yes, Who tributes, etc? Who wouldn't want to play that? And Bilbo, as we have said before - you play jazz standards. ie. covers. In conclusion...how else would I be able to play great venues like the Jazz Cafe in Camden and The Sage in Gateshead, doing such amazing material? And I don't have to wear a wig.
  22. I can't stand too much volume, both listening and performing. It's f***ed up my hearing over the years. We get a comfortable stage volume first, then the sound guy brings it through the PA. I suppose it depends on the type of music.
  23. Ignore them. I used to get pissed off, but they're mainly Americans that never step out of their bedrooms.
  24. I use one and love it. I'll remember to keep beer from it.
  25. I thought I'd have a picture of a woman who is considered the most attractive on the planet and is also a brilliant actress. Would any boss disagree with that?
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