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Pete Academy

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Everything posted by Pete Academy

  1. Alberto rang me back and asked me to check if the crossovers are intact in each cab. They are. He's sending a couple of horn diaphragms. What's bothering me is why and how the horns blew in the first place. We are not a loud band on stage, so I don't push the cabs very hard.
  2. When I first started working in a larger music store I was surprised how the young guitar sales guys could play mainly chords and riffs, but not one could play lead guitar. I think the music of the era dominates what and how people learn. In the 80s everyone wanted to be Van Halen and Mark King etc. Just a thought.
  3. Across the road from our shop is a music teaching school, where they do mainly drum, guitar and bass lessons. The drum and guitar teachers are busy, but the bass side is woefully quiet. I spoke to another guy who has a teaching school. Again, the bass side of things is poorly attended. Why is this? Is it because there isn't a bass 'icon' around at the moment, like (dare I mention) Flea, who the kids want to emulate? Are the songs that bands are playing easy enough for people to master on their own? Has the vast amount of tutorial material on the Web - Youtube in particular - killed off the need for lessons? Any thoughts from bass teachers out there?
  4. Spoke to Alberto at Proel UK. He said try your cabs, as a blown horn may cause the impedance to drop. Bugger me, the horn in each cab has blown! Thanks to my lack of hearing properly, I never noticed. Two replacements on the way.
  5. [quote name='davidmpires' post='941891' date='Sep 1 2010, 11:52 AM']Have you spoken to MarkBass directly? I have told this to another user and he found that they provide great customer service. I would try that avenue first then look at other alternatives. @EBS - I don't it has nothing to do with small amps, look at trace elliot for example, they are big strong and fail like every other, these are machines and their components don't last forever. Same way a car in the 60's would drive for 30 years fine and nowadays a brand new car will strugle to reach the 10 year mark.[/quote] I'm going to call the UK rep.
  6. Thanks for the advice, everyone. I'm going to get brand new speaker cables, power lead and mains extension and see how it goes.
  7. I'll use it on Saturday. Fingers crossed!
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' post='941337' date='Aug 31 2010, 08:20 PM']Hmm, strange one this. Have you asked on talkbass? Seems weird. Have you tried other basses/cables/everything else?[/quote] The amp's been fine, but last gig I hit a big note and off it went. Tripped off, I turned it back on and it was fine.
  9. [quote name='JMT3781' post='941327' date='Aug 31 2010, 08:13 PM']i had a dynacord class d power amp that did exactly that on one of the channels.. must be something digital amps do.. although some of the lower powered markbass heads have conventional power supplys (thats why some are SA and others SD... but i cant remember which yours was pete lol)[/quote] Mine's a standard LMK model.
  10. [quote name='lonestar' post='941300' date='Aug 31 2010, 07:52 PM']but it does come with 5 gears in reverse. Whoops I hear the PC police coming down the drive. [/quote] And I fully agree!
  11. [quote name='lonestar' post='941300' date='Aug 31 2010, 07:52 PM']but it does come with 5 gears in reverse. Whoops I hear the PC police coming down the drive. [/quote] Hey, my mum's Italian!!!
  12. [quote name='Doddy' post='941296' date='Aug 31 2010, 07:50 PM']I don't use anything fancy. I just take a line from the desk into a Rolls personal monitor box and use a good pair of Shure earphones. I've not gone wireless,because I've never needed to,and as I use cables for my bass it's not like I'm roaming for miles anyway. It's nothing expensive or anything but it does a good job.All I have to do is plug the Pod in and take a line to the monitors and job done.[/quote] He bought those Shure earphones from me. Bloody bargain!
  13. BTW, I love my two New Yorker 604s.
  14. [quote name='Beedster' post='941264' date='Aug 31 2010, 07:23 PM']To be serious, my Markbass heads (I've owned three) tended to trip at certain venues and not at others. Read into that what you will, but it's probably a sign of quality, albeit slightly OTT and irritating when it happens. C[/quote] How often does this happen?
  15. Since I had the amp back it's been fine but seems to be clipping with my active bass. last Sunday I used my passive jazz, hit a note hard, and off it went. Turn it off and back on, and it's fine. I'm baffled.
  16. I bought a used Markbass LMK head some time ago and have had major problems. It was tripping out mid song, and our sound engineer said the DI was noisy. I sent it to Alberto at the UK HQ. He gave it a clean bill of health. Last Sunday it tripped again. I have an important gig this coming Saturday and am quite nervous. Anyone else had problems? I love the sound but am seriously concerned about Markbass's supposedly great reliability.
  17. Don't want to buy it, but a bump for a real beauty.
  18. After having sent my LMK head back for a service and having a clean bill of health, it tripped out again at a gig last Sunday. I love the sound but I'm well nervous about a gig this Saturday. Aren't they supposed to be the dog's bollocks of reliability?
  19. A sublime groove: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGqswbOAxWw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGqswbOAxWw[/url]
  20. I love Tokai basses.
  21. A friend bought a Classic Vibe jazz and fitted an East pre. I tried it and it blew me away. Amazing, and worth every penny.
  22. Maybe an East pre?
  23. [quote name='Doddy' post='940140' date='Aug 30 2010, 04:41 PM']The gearstalkers are going to have a great time with one of my function bands. We've recently started using Line 6 Pods and in-ear monitors so there are no amps at all on stage. The front of house sound great though,so it'll really confuse them all.[/quote] This seems to be a growing trend. I feel a thread coming on...
  24. [quote name='cetera' post='758074' date='Feb 26 2010, 01:06 PM'] I nominate this post for the 'BASSCHAT POST OF THE YEAR' Award!! [/quote] That is also my all-time favourite.
  25. Ricks, some Warwicks, Fender Ps, Gibson EBs, Bongos.
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