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Pete Academy

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Everything posted by Pete Academy

  1. Who needs Bootsy's Funk University?
  2. [quote name='bubinga5' post='931862' date='Aug 21 2010, 01:18 PM']Ooh...i feel like a bit of New york Port authority... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltNpHSwieC8&feature=search"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltNpHSwieC8...;feature=search[/url][/quote] Love this track.
  3. I have nothing against jazz but, for me, it has to have funk included.
  4. [quote name='molan' post='931507' date='Aug 20 2010, 11:36 PM']Here's an old one I forgot about - MFSB [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INSW12-771o"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INSW12-771o[/url] Just love this groove - sounds amazing at very loud volume in a club [/quote] I still have the 12" single of this track. Amazing groove.
  5. Ha, wait until Take That reform with Robbie!
  6. As someone in retail, I'd get it back and arrange a refund. It's not worth the hassle and bad reputation. The shop is being stupid.
  7. [quote name='Clarky' post='930629' date='Aug 20 2010, 09:49 AM']Might be able to get along, depending on family demands and how cream-crackered I am from driving to/from Gosport for the Punkfest tomorrow. What time are you due onstage Pete?[/quote] Usually around 8.30.
  8. Looks like you've got a great bass player, there.
  9. Really brilliant stuff.
  10. I decided to save shitloads of money. I changed me batteries.
  11. [quote name='skej21' post='929477' date='Aug 19 2010, 10:24 AM']That guy is good, but Pino and Steve Jordan are a pretty difficult rhythm section to top! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TesSAq6uY34"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TesSAq6uY34[/url][/quote] Genius. Steve Jordan is the dog's bollocks.
  12. [quote name='gilmour' post='929497' date='Aug 19 2010, 10:40 AM']The Jazz Cafe's a great venue, always a really good sound and vibe, although last time I played there the supplied back line was some horrible ashdown 8X10 thing. Hope the gig goes well.[/quote] Markbass rig installed now.
  13. [quote name='lonestar' post='929811' date='Aug 19 2010, 01:58 PM']I can't make it on Sunday but have seen Nearly Dan at the Jazz Cafe a couple of times and would go if I could. Great band, nice venue but the bass player will be the one with the Burberry baseball hat if I recall. [/quote]
  14. [quote name='Shonks' post='929369' date='Aug 19 2010, 09:00 AM']blimey - hung drawn and flippin quartered. ok, ok ok, twas me - I was having a larf - soooo anal ---- lighten up - its only 4 strings and a plank of wood.... ,....oh...now I'm gonna rip everyone off...... bann me and Marcus then............UP YOURS ...wiv knobs on.... do you know??? its only rock an roll..!!!! zlappiddy! zlapp! zlapp! boing! ah fank yoos wun unt all - ahll neffer darken yur durstep agen. yoos all be zo sorry ah neffa shard ma knowlej wid you all - now yoos all stay in de rutt cos deers no mmoor luv heer god bless ya all - ah still allwayz loov yas all rearguardless ! i fank yoo![/quote] RIP Marcus Muller.
  15. [quote name='grahamd' post='929058' date='Aug 18 2010, 08:42 PM']Some gospel funk from Debra Killings, worth it for the sound of the kit alone [/quote] Wow, Graham, thanks for the post! Extraordinary player, and an amazing band. Never seen this before. See what you mean about the drum sound, but what a player!
  16. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='928980' date='Aug 18 2010, 07:48 PM']Don't think that's far off the mark there Pete. It certainly gave the idiots like me a sand-box to try out our.... er.... humour As do other little areas. We can be safely hemmed in and not alarm the residents living nearby too much. [/quote] Me too.
  17. I have to admit I found it really funny, but I also have to agree it was always going to be a one-joke thread. I think it was just a way to make us realise the forum can get a touch serious at times, and that it can take a bit of ribbing in the form of parody. Tony Goggle is brilliant. The Basschat Arms, too. I fully understand the Mods' actions, though. Just my opinion.
  18. [quote name='Clarky' post='928314' date='Aug 18 2010, 08:05 AM']Seems to me that there's a big confusion in this thread between technical ability and musicality. I would have thought an awful bassist is someone who has no empathy/fit/vibe with the band he/she plays in. Adam Clayton may be a 16th/root note chugger but what he does fits U2, likewise Level 42 would not be the same without Mark King. Joy Division would have been a much lesser band without Hooky. If someone's playing fits the music, then I fail to see how they can be described as "awful". Thats just snobbery. As it happens, I find a lot of bassists with huge technical ability (eg Hadrien Feraud) unlistenable - doesn't make them awful though, even if thats how the music sounds to me.[/quote] +1
  19. [quote name='the_skezz' post='928143' date='Aug 17 2010, 10:50 PM']SHE SUCKS AND I HATE HER. [size=1]And that's definately not jealousy coming through [/size][/quote] Well said.
  20. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='928070' date='Aug 17 2010, 09:48 PM']That's subjective talk. Could she play 5 string down-tuned metal with the same attitude and feel as a seasoned metaller ? I wonder? I think he's a pretty innovative bass player and for his time was unique. I'm not a fan of Level 42 to be honest but credit where credit is due. He inspired a thousand and one bass players to pick up a bass and play like him. That and the fact he sings and plays some very complex basslines only adds to his credibility. How you can say he's nothing special is just plain old dumb imo. Along with John Entwistle I'd put Mark King down as among the most influential bass players this country has produced.[/quote] Agree.
  21. I have a fancy Roscoe bass. I recently bought a 79 Jazz and it's the dog's balls. Both great.
  22. [quote name='risingson' post='928055' date='Aug 17 2010, 09:35 PM']I think this post was made with a view to polarising people's views on stuff like this. I can't see what the Tal Wilkenfeld bashing is all about, I actually find her to be one of the few solo bass players I enjoy listening to, conversely I find Hadrien Feraud to be woefully boring to watch and listen to... more to the point though, neither of them are technically or musically challenged players, so neither of them are awful bassists. It's easy to say 'I don't like Peter Hook or Mark King etc.' if you don't like their music either, but it doesn't mean that they're not right for the bands they play in. Basically it's all nonsense, innit! [/quote] Agreed. The Tal bashing was pure stupidity. She's an amazing player, and we should all aspire to be like her.
  23. [quote name='Johngh' post='928051' date='Aug 17 2010, 09:33 PM']Crickey it's like talking to Joeybothways. [/quote]
  24. Rich, you know how to get round us. I give up.
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