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Everything posted by noelk27

  1. [quote name='baseline9' timestamp='1363266414' post='2010667']One was on here Feb last year, looks like they were after just short of £200 (I think this is a "heritage" version which maybe different) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/166917-sold-aria-classic-laser-electric-80s-japanese-beasty-l190-posted-sold/"]http://basschat.co.u...90-posted-sold/[/url][/quote] No, that one was a Classic (an '86). Mine, before Mr Slapper bought it. My pricing took into consideration that it was a solid finish, that the finish had a few cracks/some crazing, and it had had a battery clip replaced (which wasn't the snuggest fit). Mr Jack's tech's (an '85) has the advantage of a trans finish, but the disadvantage of not having the colour co-ordinated headstock. It's also had the position toggle switch replaced with a pot, and it also looks as if the original "Switchcraft" jack socket has been worked on. Price wise, should achieve £200, but you'd be lucky to get much more, given that the likes of the SB-R150 can be had off eBay for a little over £400. As an aside, bit surprised to see the neck described as "baseball bat" and "chunky". Necks on these are stick thin compared to the Japanese spec SB, or even the revised spec R models.
  2. Yea, agree with Mr Beedster. You've already entered a comfort zone with your current basses, so getting a neck for either of those is a solid idea. If you go the convert route, then you're best (in terms of learning/using) to have the neck re-boarded, as opposed to de-fretted. Final thought, and something I often say to others, if you already play fretted and want to buy a fretless, but the fretless version of something you already own/play.
  3. Silicon tubing instead of springs?
  4. Buy used. G&L Tribute Series L2500.
  5. It's not an exceptionally low price and it's collection only.
  6. You'd have had to be an ESP authorised dealer to ever have handled one of these. This version was a limited edition given to dealers by ESP. There's a message printed on the neck saying it's the commemorative edition. The stock versions were beautiful instruments. Build quality and finish far superior to Fender of the day. Then again, were also more expensive than Fender of the day. Original MIJ ESP jazzes from this period sell for good prices in Asia.
  7. [quote name='Ashborygirl' timestamp='1361215172' post='1982991'][H]adn't realised quite how many people were aware of how good these basses are.[/quote] There are a few of us. We lurk in the shadows. You should check out the BB thread http://basschat.co.uk/topic/126553-yamaha-bbs/page__hl__bb
  8. The light is a battery indicator. Should come on, and stay on, when you plug in. That said, it's one of the things that often fails - even if there's no issue with the circuit. I'd just ignore the fact it doesn't work, and remember to carry spare batteries.
  9. [quote name='Bassistclem' timestamp='1361135116' post='1981727']And to think, tomorrow, someone somewhere will go out and spend that much on a Mexican Precision![/quote] There's also the point that if this were a 70s Precision it would be double, if not triple, the price (given condition, etc). That, and given the current exchange rate it would cost you circa £900 to get one as nice from Japan.
  10. [quote name='Ashborygirl' timestamp='1361098826' post='1980925']At some point a bespoke scratchplate has been fitted, it's a very professional job, properly shaped & even has the cutout to access the truss rod.[/quote] The scratchplate is standard. These were included with the kit, but you don't often see them fitted, I guess because it meant drilling four holes in the surface.
  11. [quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1360679246' post='1974457']Thanks for that. I love an expert me. Particularly ones that start their reply's with mildly derogatory openers.... then go on to say more or less the same thing. [/quote] Couldn't be arsed pointing out the errors. But, leaving aside he can't spell (Fugi [sic]), Matsumoto is a city, not an island. Yamato is a brand name owned by Tombo, not FujiGen. Gotoh, one makes hardware, the other makes pickups, neither has ever done woodworking. The list could go on. If it's your site: do some research.
  12. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1360533610' post='1972037']So plywood japcrap... rubbish eh? Good enough for this fella to use on a product advertisment video![/quote] That's a Greco, most of which were manufactured by Matsumoku and FujiGen. Not a lot of "plywood" produced by either of those factories.
  13. [quote name='mckendrick' timestamp='1360628659' post='1973840'][i][size=4]"[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b]There are several theories about why some Japanese Fenders have MIJ and others CIJ[/b]. One is that there was a reorganizing of where the parts were being make in the large, expansive [i]Fugi Gen Gakki[/i] company. The island of Matsumoto is where the Fugi plant is located. It houses 15-20 different smaller companies, Like [i]Kawi, Gen Gakki Ten, Yamara, Gotoh, Yamoto, [/i]etc. I was told by a former Fender Rep that the necks were made one place and the bodies another, while the electronics were made in yet another. I was told that the contract with [i]Yamoto[/i] stated if any major subcontractor was to be changed the weaning process would have to take place (MIJ to CIJ). They call it the “Squire countdown.” Since [i]Fuji[/i] was pressing hard to get the Epiphone contract, a change was made. [i]Kawi[/i] was moving the bulk of their piano building to a new facility in China, and would also be making their own “harp” frames there. This freed up a lot of space in the plant. [i]Yamara[/i] and [i]Gotoh[/i] retooled to handle the woodwork and finish aspects of the guitars—thus the [b]Crafted in Japan[/b] line was created.[/font][/size][/i][i][size=4][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"[/font][/size][/i][/quote] Eh, okay. Nice theory. Bit flawed though. One of the names he mentions isn't a company, it's a brand name, not owned or operated by FujiGen. Another is a company located around 80 miles from FujiGen's base. In fact, it's a whole lot easier. FujiGen built the original MIJ instruments, but subcontracted assembly/finishing work to Terada and full assembly work to Dyna during periods of peak production. It was these fully-assembled Dyna instruments for which the CIJ designation was used. FujiGen also subcontracted Atlansia, but this was wholly and solely for necks. After the original Fender-FujiGen contract ended both Dyna and Tokai were contracted, and both factories used the CIJ designation. Some suggest this was due to a contractual stipulation in the original Fender-FujiGen contract, but it could as easily be as a result of Dyna simply using the designation system it previously operated. The MIJ designation first resurfaced when some production was subcontracted to FujiGen under the Fender-Dyna/Tokai contract.
  14. The Gallery. Been there twice. Happened to me twice. Wouldn't waste my time going back.
  15. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1360421333' post='1970107']If it wasn't for the butchered headstock, would have had this: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ARIA-PRO-II-aria-pro-2-sb600-super-bass-600-vintage-80s-bass-guitar-MIJ-/230926568630?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item35c44bccb6"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item35c44bccb6[/url][/quote] An SB400, not an SB600.
  16. [quote name='kennyrodg' timestamp='1360404946' post='1969796']Guys, In the great scheme of things Is it really that big of a deal that he has to publish an apology to everyone. I'm pretty sure that with the amount of comments about it he feels embarrassed enough already with having to humble himself anymore. Everybody screws up from time to time. With the amount of negativity directed at the mag it makes me wonder sometimes why they bother.[/quote] You're right, in the greater scheme of things i's a very small matter. But, in the world of magazine publishing, it is the common practice to print an apology when you make a mistake. Again, being selective about what you do and don't print apologies and corrections for shows lax editorial standards. Oh, and the reason he does it, he's the editor, it comes with the job. It's you who has to take responsibility for what goes wrong.
  17. [quote name='Bobby K' timestamp='1360275312' post='1968089']As for you Noel K, bugger off [/quote] Bugger off? Heaven knows I'm miserable now!
  18. [quote name='tredders' timestamp='1360272391' post='1967988']Someone on here is in a really good Smiths tribute band - I noticed a link in their sig, and checked them out. I think they were called The Smiths Indeed - very authentic.[/quote] Naw, that TheSmithsIndeed bass player uses a natural Yamaha BB1200. He really should be using a BB2000.
  19. 79388 - Vulture. Sh*t bass.
  20. Yamaha TRB1004. But simply changing your choice of string - core design, gauge - could get you the result you're after.
  21. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1359557474' post='1956581']I don't get why anyone would make a blag Mexican Fender, when you can easily pick most of the real ones up for under £300 it seems pretty pointless to bother.[/quote] Because people assume relatively inexpensive items won't be faked, when it's these very items that are simplest to fake in significant quantities. Shipment of "MIM Fender" basses manufactured in a factory in China and sold on through eBay for anything up to £300 would show the fakers a handsome profit. That said, most recent trend has been in "Charvel", "Jackson" and "Greco".
  22. [quote name='Salt on your Bass?' timestamp='1360189141' post='1966574'] How bout 'biker groove'?! You can have that for free [/quote] It's a PJ and Duncan tribute band? Oh, "groove"!
  23. [quote name='phsycoandy' timestamp='1360157033' post='1965730']From the mid 1980's I believe.[/quote] '86
  24. The settings are "tuned", and the specific "bass" setting is possibly the best for playing bass, but it also sounds pretty good on the "crunch" setting, and maybe a little louder/fuller through the "acoustic" setting. As for volume, it competes quite well with acoustic guitars in a home setting, but it would never compete in a rehearsal space with drums/electric guitars.
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