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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1421448040' post='2661519'] Apparently it only takes 20 minutes to scan the existing neck and do the work. [/quote] Well there's the answer as to why some guitar companies use the PLEK machine for their factory set-ups - it might not be better but it's quicker, simply a question of economics.
  2. That surf green Jazzmaster is pretty damn sexy.
  3. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1421254842' post='2659025'] Ive got a picture of myself, i'm playing a Fender with a music stand in use. Should I hand myself in , or wait till they come? [/quote] The service revolver is in the bureau in the study. We'll all leave the room for five minutes, you know what to do....
  4. Probably something to do with how it was machined, or for use in attaching to something for finishing purposes.
  5. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1421240135' post='2658773'] Go to Tesco/Sainsbury/Whatever and buy 'Walnut Oil'. It's fantastic! [/quote] Don't know if this post is serious or not but I wouldn't use any kind of oil that is used for cooking as they can have things added to them (things to alter flashpoints etc.) that might not do your fingerboard a lot of good. Cooking oils can also go rancid.
  6. I'd say just dab off what you can with something absorbant, don't go getting it any wetter than it already is.
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1421229528' post='2658574'] TBH the majority of bass players (i.e. those not on Baschat) don't want interesting. They want something like a P or a J bass preferably one that says Fender on the Headstock. [/quote] I'd say that goes for the majority of people on Basschat too.....
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1420958969' post='2655409'] There a lot of guys here that don't have much of a connection with or love of gigging. These guys have lives, families, other interests and talent. [/quote] I have none of those things you mention & I still hate gigging. Playing music was all I ever had in my life, it's certainly the only thing I've ever had any kind of aptitude for, & yet I still find myself with little to no desire to do it anymore. I started playing when I was 14 & I just turned 50. Everything in my life has always revolved around being a musician & now there's a huge hole where that used to be & I don't have the first idea what I can fill it with.
  9. [quote name='afterimage' timestamp='1421093097' post='2657105'] I have three fenders a teddy Lee. A thoman fender special p bass and jaxx deluxe all excellt build the Thomann is excellent. 700 pounds for America built fender. Bargain [/quote] Has Teddy got his own signature bass now then?
  10. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1421158084' post='2657766'] I'm sure it is Goucho that is renowned for many session players, playing on it.? Correct,? [/quote] I thought all their albums were, apart from the first couple.
  11. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1421002041' post='2656060'] Why? [/quote] I sort of meant that to suggest somebody uses something other than a Fender Bass is tantamount to heresy, as some seem to think that only "proper" bass players use Fender instruments. But I wasn't being serious anyway so it doesn't matter.
  12. Both the long term band I was with in the late 80s/early 90s & the band I was in briefly a few years ago I left because of the keyboard players. Not because of their playing but because they were both total *****.
  13. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1420988025' post='2655839'] But not as much aluminium as a Travis Bean or a Kramer! [/quote] Or a Veleno.
  14. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1420998387' post='2656003'] Buy what you like and play what you like. [/quote] Them's dangerous words round these parts....
  15. [quote name='titchfieldrelic' timestamp='1420984287' post='2655768'] The Fender Jazz and Precision (and Strat) have been the inspiration for virtually every guitar manufacturer that exists.. The world of guitars would not be the same without the magic, ingenuity and skill of Leo Fender. It has been so easy for the Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Indonesian and the plethora of other lazy/envious/cheap skate manufacturers everywhere to replicate what are now iconic designs/instuments. If all these other manufacturers are so good, why don't they come up with something different? They don't because they can't. And if they've tried, in most cases they've failed. [/quote] They by & large don't come up with anything different because bass & guitar players are very conservative/narrow minded & won't accept anything new and/or innovative. Fender themselves have a very long list of models that have sunk without trace because people sh*t their pants at the slightest hint of anything new. [quote] Let's see how many of the plagiarisers are here in another 60 years and how many guitars they've sold. [/quote] In 60 years time there will still be lots of companies building versions of Fender designs, and this will largely be because Fender still won't have addressed their godawful quality control issues.
  16. Got all the Steely Dan albums up to & including Gaucho, but Gaucho is the one that never gets played. I like Babylon Sisters & Hey Nineteen, but the rest of it leaves me cold. Countdown to Ecstacy is easily my favourite album of theirs.
  17. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1420975078' post='2655597'] It's all down to the individual player. I never measure height. Just set it so it feels right and doesn't buzz. [/quote] This. People get far too hung up on numbers.
  18. Don't bother with the Klaus Blasquiz book, it's a piece of sh*t.
  19. [quote name='Geddys nose' timestamp='1420889492' post='2654574'] http://youtu.be/xGytDsqkQY8 I always wanted to play this. [/quote] Great song.
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1420832875' post='2654099'] Im just leaving this here [url="http://s997.photobucket.com/user/stingraypete/media/20130623_172713_zps44232f7c.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] It certainly looks better than the "normal" SR5, and it's good to see a properly finished neck & not this DIY oil finish bollocks.
  21. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1420833255' post='2654108'] If I'm thinking like this is it time to call it a day?, I get on really well with the rest of the band but i just dread the gigs, setting up, packing away and driving to and from. [/quote] I'd say yes it most certainly is. That's how I ended up feeling about regular gigging (though I didn't even have the luxury of getting on well with the other band members towards the end) so I stopped & have never regretted it for a second. I have done the VERY occasional gig (three in ten years) which has been a bit of fun but it's never made me think "oh I've really missed this".
  22. Nothing at all wrong with you, you just didn't get on with it. I bought one a few years ago as I was offered it for a great price. Thought it was one of the worst basses I'd ever played in my life so sold it a few weeks later. I wouldn't have one again if I was offered it for free.
  23. That looks a LOT like a Marleaux Consat bass. Just had a look at the spec - not bad at all. Kent Armstrong pickups, Wilkinson hardware, it even comes with a set of DR Hi-Beams on.
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