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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Wouldn't touch that arrangement with a barge pole personally, but then I've been ripped off a couple of times before so I don't trust anyone anymore. I'd want to make bloody sure that cash was legit before handing anything over.
  2. [quote name='Shedua511' timestamp='1420488654' post='2649984'] I wouldn't be surprised at all if the bass in the video was just a non-functioning prop... [/quote] I was thinking the same. I don't think even our Nige would be able to play with those gloves on.
  3. Started playing bass when I was 14 - I turn 50 later this week. Playing was the most important part of my life for quite a few years, then I stopped gigging because it was more hassle than it was worth. Got involved in some writing & recording projects but even those I found became a chore very quickly, largely because of the sense of commitment I felt was attached to them. I like playing when I feel like playing, if I have to play when I don't want to I find it becomes a monumental pain in the arse. I've done the old "buy some new gear & see if that improves your interest" thing but it never does. I've been trying to persuade myself that in 2015 I will make a conscious effort to get back into playing but I know it's not going to happen because the spark just isn't there for me anymore & hasn't been for a while. The thing that has really brought this home to me is that I'm am shortly going to be coming into quite a large sum of money, easily enough to buy any bass gear I could possibly ever dreamed of owning. Twenty years ago I would have been incredibly excited by the prospect of this but now I'm just not interested enough to buy so much as a new set of strings, let alone my dream rig. The fact that I no longer enjoy something that was a massive part of my life does bother me; all my friends are musicians & music is still pretty much all I talk about when I'm with them. I just have no desire whatsoever to do it anymore. I think what I need to do in 2015, rather than make yet another attempt to rekindle a fire that went out long ago, is simply try to come to terms with the fact that the musician part of my life has well & truly come to an end.
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1420495848' post='2650093'] I raise you: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfFz3ov7Kn0[/media] [/quote] Not seen that one before, how did I miss that? I know they get slagged off a lot for making all the silly film clips but I just love them.
  5. I hate oil/wax finishes on the neck or body. Total deal breaker for me, wouldn't even consider a bass or guitar with one.
  6. Blimey, haven't seen a Lado for a long time! First came across them at the Frankfurt trade fair in the early 80's. Very high quality instruments.
  7. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1415092546' post='2596481'] I've never had a mullet (or a Wal) though. [/quote] I've had both.....
  8. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1420412098' post='2649205'] It's all in the posture, darlings. Stomachs in, shoulders back and down, luvs. :-) [/quote] It also helps if you've got a neck and arms & legs that are longer than R2D2s...
  9. Some people are the right shape for suits & stuff, others aren't. I've always looked (and felt) a total **** in anything smart or tailored.
  10. Under 13 grand in Sterling. That really is rather lovely.
  11. Input jack ground wire isn't original - deal breaker for me.....
  12. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1420127763' post='2645866'] I once saw Mick Jones at Hammersmith Metropolitan tube - can you beat that? [size=4] [/size] [/quote] I shared a steam room with Joe Strummer once at the Marriott hotel in Cardiff.
  13. Oh, the hours I've spent playing that over the years.... Got to love a bit of Hillage.
  14. There are certain similarities between that bass & my first ever bass. The make on the headstock of mine said "Raver" and it was made in Japan. It looked quite a bit better than that one though as it hadn't been given a terrible DIY paint job. Did me OK until I bought a Hondo SD Curlee, and then a Rickenbacker 4001. Come to think of it the build & finish quality of the Raver was better than the Rick......
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419871760' post='2643395'] That's no way to talk about Mrs RhysP - she speaks very highly of you..! [/quote] I can assure you she doesn't.....
  16. Out - Spector Euro 5 LX In - MIJ Fender Precision 57RI (the only bass I now own).
  17. I'm hoping that 2015 will be the year that I finally decide to stop sitting on the fence & decide one way or another to give up music completely or not. For years now I've been in a "it would be silly to stop as I've put so much effort & money into it blah blah blah" frame of mind, but the time I've been thinking that is now as long as the time I've spent playing & enjoying it. A lot has changed for me this year, and I feel that 2015 will be a good year to have a thorough re-evaluation of my life. That will mean getting rid of a lot of useless baggage I've been hanging onto for years, and the whole music thing is something I'm pretty sure I need to let go.
  18. [quote name='wishface' timestamp='1419526442' post='2640675'] I don't know what an SR5 is. [/quote] It's like a five string bass, only much poorer quality.
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1419192627' post='2637473'] If Taylor is still relevant and selling out Stadiums when she's in her mid 70's, I'll will put her right up in the ranks of Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger. Blue [/quote] Still selling out stadiums the Stones & McCartney might be but relevant? I seriously doubt it. Even their biggest fans will admit that it's many years since they recorded anything worth listening to. The nostalgia circuit is big business but that doesn't make it relevant. Most of the people that go to these shows are old farts who are still desperately trying to convince that themselves they are still young & relevant.
  20. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1418945345' post='2635204'] You nailed it, most of our passions lie in what was happening when we were growing up. I was 10 years old when all those British bands came to the US and not only gave us great new exciting sounds they also brought our attention to our own American music. Unfortunately us Babby Boomers are always going to win the argument with a simple where are your;[list] [*]Lennon & McCartney's [*]Beatles [*]Stones (are there any bands from the 80s or 90s still filling stadiums) [*]Mick Jaggers [*]James Browns [*]Aretha Franklins [*]Al Greens [*]Carol Kings [*]Laura Nyros [/list] On an on and on. Sorry for the old guy rant, but these facts are tough to argue. Blue [/quote] Any argument that can be "won" with nothing more than personal preferences isn't worth having.
  21. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1418933004' post='2635039'] Me. I don't know [/quote] I don't know either, but more importantly I don't care.
  22. One gig this year. Hoping to scale it back a bit in 2015.
  23. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1418760182' post='2633096'] Is there any other accent that could possibly be used to describe a CAR jazz with a black scratchplate, maple neck and black block inlays? [/quote] Arthur Mullard comes to mind....
  24. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1418894738' post='2634462'] Best of luck with that One of my concerns is every day I see school children walking on pavements & roads without the slightest care about anybody else around them - or in fact - on a collision course toward them. They have no respect for anyone - least of all old or disabled persons - they have their earphones in or playing games/sending texts/looking at photo's/facebook/twitter/taking selfies - whatever! Certainly not looking where they're going at any moment & not a thought about their future. They really need a wake up call about life in general, their attitude to others, their behaviour etc.etc. dare I mention respect for their elders? I doubt there's any room in their apparently pea sized brains for 'rock & roll history'! Rant over [/quote] This doesn't apply to just school children - people of pretty much all ages are like that these days.
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