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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1418877969' post='2634353'] [i]"Everything is a rehash all the old rock'n'roll cliches that have already been done to death a thousand times over".[/i] Blue [/quote] Unfortunately yes, which is why I so rarely play or listen to music anymore.
  2. [quote name='notable9' timestamp='1418848631' post='2634117'] Struth. here Iam with a glass of the the red stuff sat at my PC listening to bands like Odyssey, Jocelyn Brown, etc and I cannot beleive the recording quality Im hearing. Crisp seperated bass, drums, vocals, guitar...not to much lo register synth just enough to fill out the mid range etc....what's happened to it all eh? Beats me. [/quote] It was all done in professional studios using high quality, often analogue, equipment by people who knew what they were doing, not knocked up by some herbert with a music "degree" from his local "University" (technical college as was) on a laptop in his bedroom.....
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1418856065' post='2634224'] One of my concerns is dealing with younger musicians that have a limited knowledge in terms of rock and roll history, how it started and evolved into what it is today. Blue [/quote] I would view that as a positive thing, means they're less likely to spend their time rehashing all the old rock'n'roll cliches that have already been done to death a thousand times over.
  4. Whenever I listened to any Led Zeppelin stuff I always thought I could hear a voice saying "f*** me, what a load of old sh*te". Turns out I was just muttering under my breath....
  5. RhysP

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1418658670' post='2632049'] Would that have been Livewire? [/quote] Yep.
  6. [quote name='handman' timestamp='1418237665' post='2628361'] .....everybody seems really friendly. [/quote] I'm not, I'm a ****. Welcome.
  7. For £400 I'd say buy secondhand, that way you'll get something pretty good. Worth having a look at the amps for sale section on here. I picked up a great Markbass combo for just over £400 on here which is miles better than anything available new for that money.
  8. His bass parts are approached as a songwriter, not a bass player; that's why there's no frills & they always work perfectly.
  9. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1417293810' post='2618971'] Spectors are an addiction. I've owned nine of the things. [/quote] I think I had one of yours for a while - the trans black Euro 5LX. Absolutely stunning bass, best five string I've ever played. It's with another BC member now.
  10. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1417026604' post='2616350'] The glaringly obvious, and somewhat disturbing, thing that (I think) we've all missed, is that the t-shirts in the photo [b]might[/b] actually be skin tight... [/quote]
  11. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1416712789' post='2612873'] better than just drinking in a pub, ey? [/quote] No.
  12. If you're asking three & a half grand for a bass the least potential buyers might expect are some photo's, and quite possibly some more detailed information too..... just sayin'.
  13. A PLEK setup doesn't do anything that a decent guitar tech can't do, and for less money.
  14. No you're not the only one who feels like that, which is why I stopped gigging. It became a complete waste of time & energy for f*** all.
  15. Really like "The Hurting" but didn't really care much for anything they did after that to be honest. There are some really nice bass parts on "The Hurting".
  16. Always wondered what happened to Ronnie Lanes Zemaitis bass - Bob Daisley has it!
  17. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1415199642' post='2597776'] I'm sure it was his mother.... but that's certainly close enough [/quote] I'm sure it was his grandmother.
  18. Saw them on this tour at the NEC too, a superb band at the absolute top of their form. Never seen them do a bad show ( though the sound has been wanting a few times) but this tour was just awesome.
  19. Fantastic basses these. Bloody great price for one in such good condition too.
  20. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1415017899' post='2595611'] As a 5 string player I always find it a pain to have to look through all the 4 stringers. [/quote] Some people have unimaginably tough lives.....
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