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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. I accidentally end up on peoples home pages all the time, especially if I'm using my iPad.
  2. I used to have several lovely basses that never got played so I sold them all. I now have only one bass, and that never gets played these days either.
  3. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1414353174' post='2588590'] So, around 1965(ish) I used to chuck Chris Squire in the back of my minivan and take him (& the band kit) complaining loudly, all the way from his home in Kingsbury to the Graveyard venue opposite North Harrow Bowl (after they quit the St Andrews church hall venue). The band then was The Syn, changed to the Selfs- I have a good memory of Chris screaming 'Heatwave' into the mic at the Harrow TA centre- around this time, Joanne (his mother) played me a studio dem of the 'new band' (Yes) - must admit it wasn't my thing.....the last time I saw Chris was when he and various members of his entourage tried to ponce entry into a Geno Washington gig that I was promoting. I figured that he was (then) worth the odd mil, so I offered them reduced rates, seeing I had expenses to meet - the response was less than charitable, and that was that.............. [/quote] A guy that used to run a record shop in Cardiff years ago had some great stories about The Syn as he'd been in a band that had supported them a few times. Best one was Squire throwing a hissy fit & refusing to go onstage because he'd forgotten to pack his stage cape.
  4. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1414272865' post='2587863'] I wouldn't be in a band or spend time with anyone I hated anyway, in any situation, so all people I know are either acquaintances, or friends. [/quote] You get to choose who you work with? Lucky old you.
  5. Surely it can only be classed as snobbery if you say you don't like something in order to portray a certain image? I have a very narrow taste in music. There are loads of genres of music I hate, I probably hate more music than I like actually, but that's just because I really don't enjoy listening to it, not because I think it's cool to sneer at it or whatever.
  6. Generally speaking nickel strings tend to be warmer sounding than steels, and are also kinder to your frets.
  7. Probably the least desirable Gretsch ever made in both it's bass & guitar versions.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1414135180' post='2586165'] Yes but you're an antisocial Welsh shut-in, so no surprises there. [/quote] Harsh but fair.
  9. On guitar I once got up & played a solo with Todd Rundgren, misheard what he said when I asked what the key was & proceeded to play a truly terrible off key solo. If that wasn't bad enough it was filmed & released on a commercial video so I can relive the nightmare whenever I want.....
  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1414128542' post='2586125'] My best advice I have for anybody is this - Most musicians are self serving ass hats. Beware who you befriend. [/quote] Absolutely this.
  11. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1414111077' post='2586088'] Ok, how many of you can say to a member,[list] [*][i]Why did you sell all your good gear [/i] [*][i]Why are you still struggling with that vocal part, [/i] [*][i]Why are you drinking so much at gigs, [/i] [*][i]You don't seem involved or as interested as you use to.[/i] [/list] I contend these sensitive issues are easier if a member is a true friend. Agree? Blue [/quote] I absolutely & totally disagree with this. I think it's much easier to say these sort of things to people who aren't friends, which is why I would far rather be in a band where the relationships are more business-like & with people I never see apart from when rehearsing or gigging. Unfortunately, in my experience anyway, even if bands start out like this the people in them always seem to end up wanting to be your friend & start going out for a drink & stuff, which is the point I usually leave the band.
  12. Can't be bothered with all this bollocks & is reason # 342 why I can't be bothered gigging anymore.
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1413903019' post='2583364'] Doesn't he sell ice-cream..? [/quote] It's the same family actually.
  14. I haven't pushed myself to play difficult stuff for years, just because it's not that important to me anymore. I learnt a long time ago that listening to & learning music I really don't like just for the purpose of becoming a "better player" is my idea of hell.
  15. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1413646438' post='2580518'] WOW! That would also solve the bad back problems! [/quote] Possibly not - I started learning pedal steel guitar but I'm having to give up because sitting & using the foot pedals & knee levers seriously aggravated my back injury
  16. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1413209176' post='2575826'] It does seem to be an astoundingly close replica. A couple of obvious differences I've noticed are a rosewood fretboard instead of ebony, and a standard brass nut instead of the adjustable Alembic nut. I'm amazed they got away with it! [/quote] They didn't for very long.... That year Fernandes had masses of really good copies of stuff, BC Rich guitars & basses, Musicman basses, pretty much everything Gibson, Fender & Rickenbacker make, as well as famous instruments like Jaco's Jazz Bass, Randy Rhoad's white Les Paul & loads of others & they were all superbly made. They even had a copy of Stanley Clarke's Bigsby equipped Alembic! Wish I still had a copy of the catalogue.
  17. Bands always used to "pass the hat round" at pub gigs in Cardiff many years ago.
  18. I remember trying these out on the Fernandes stand at the Frankfurt Trade Fair in the early/mid 80's & being totally blown away by them.
  19. Yes were my favourite band for many years. I can't listen to them at all now, I just find their music really annoying for some reason.
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1412712908' post='2571326'] I agree it was awful but i thought it was an advert for BBC Music; how is it for Children in Need? [/quote] It's being released as the Children in Need single for this year.
  21. Bloody awful, even worse than the Bowie desecration of it.
  22. [quote name='mickcope' timestamp='1412665533' post='2570778'] I think the point about the open mic and jam nights being run my mates for mates is valid and true. But after ten years out of the 'the scene' I figured if I really want to get playing again with a vengeance then I need to Network and build up a robust Black book (or facebook as it is now) of contacts. IMHO these people are they key ones to socialise with and (wash my mouth out with soap) I need to become one of 'those mates'. Being a robust and gigging musician is no different to being a busy plumber, consultant or dog walker. At the end of the day who you know always trumps what you know. I came back to the dark side about a month ago and threw myself into the jam and open mike nights (and it was nerve wracking walking into a room of hip strangers) - it has reaped untold payback. And ten years on the miracle that beholds facebook is wonderful. It is so much easier now to create a functioning network with ease than it was when I first started. [/quote] This is the bit I hate more than anything else - I'd rather not play than spend my time kissing arse with a bunch of people I'd otherwise have nothing to do with.
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