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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Acoustic basses are pretty much a complete waste of time IMO; using them with other acoustic instruments you will always have to use an amp to be heard which totally defeats the object of having an acoustic in the first place. As you'll doubtless end up having to use an amp or DI I'd just get a cheap P bass, chuck some flats or tape wounds on it, wind the tone off & use that.
  2. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1408027102' post='2526386'] Yeah I hate blues rock too. [/quote]
  3. RhysP


    You might have better luck advertising it on the "Stickist" forum, if you haven't already.
  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1407315809' post='2519324'] Aubrey Beardsley, huh? This could go anywhere!! [/quote] Peter's brother?
  5. RhysP

    Shred machine

    [quote name='bassbora' timestamp='1403867251' post='2487231'] Any ideas and thoughts would be welcome [/quote] Don't know if you've bought anything yet but there's a Hamer Chaparral with boomers for sale on here at the moment for a great price: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/242503-usa-hamer-chaparral-active/
  6. I love nylons - I'm wearing a pair right now....
  7. For purely acoustic work I'd go for a mahogany top & body or a cedar top as these will be warmer/darker sounding than a spruce top, especially the all mahogany option. When amplified you're at the mercy of how good your pickup is, but if it's bass response you want I'd avoid anything with a piezo under the bridge saddle. You're probably going to struggle on that budget though unless you buy secondhand.
  8. That is an insanely good price for a Chaparral with boomers!
  9. I loved the necks on the two Zon Legacy Elites I used to own but I've never got on with Status necks for some reason. Don't like their pickups & electronics either to be honest.
  10. They haven't made the Stroboflip for a while. Great bit of kit, I've got one.
  11. Some twat steam cleaning his bloody car while I'm trying to have a nice Sunday lie-in....
  12. [quote name='Lenny B' timestamp='1406190164' post='2509096'] Oh wow - sorry to hear that. StringsDirect recommended a Hercules one, but suggested using heavier screws and plugs than supplied... [/quote] I used much heavier screws & plugs than the one supplied, which I wouldn't have trusted to hold a decent sized feather let alone a bass guitar.
  13. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1406182943' post='2509037'] Interesting about load limits. I would have thought that the fixings used, and the wall that you're fixing it to would be the main variables. [/quote] The Hercules hanger holding my precision decided to detach itself from the wall suddenly last night, damaging the bass as it smashed into the floor. That was fixed into brick with screws & plugs - f*** knows how it came away. Won't be using wall hangers anymore.
  14. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1406045069' post='2507826'] [media]http://youtu.be/fC_q9KPczAg[/media] [/quote] If I had to compile a list of my ten most hated songs of all time this would definitely be on it. Irritating as f***.
  15. [quote name='jaybass 70' timestamp='1406161121' post='2508997'] I scratch my national insurance number under the scratch plate , neckplate or the bridge , that way if your bass ever gets stolen and turns up in crackconverters or somewhere else you can prove it to the rozzers that its yours . [/quote] What if, as has happened to me, somebody nicks your NI number though? I spent ages trying to prove that I wasn't a chef working at Canary Wharf a few years back, it was a f***ing nightmare.
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1406145222' post='2508807'] You're looking pretty good for 60. [/quote] Easy tiger!
  17. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1406109992' post='2508348'] Hi Blue, the biggie for me that you have missed out of your bullet points is personality. A decent human being who will be part of the team trumps all the chops in the world. [/quote] I think the OP covers that with his "Does the candidate know how to be in a band?" bullet point.
  18. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1406143179' post='2508774'] Mate, I fully get what you are saying and in some strange way, I feel for you. It is a real joy to play - so much power, tone, presence, feeling - I could go on. Pete had some work done on it, when it was around 35 years old, just to keep it the way it should be - I am very proud to be the current custodian. [/quote] I'm just so glad it's with someone who appreciates & uses it - if I still had it it would most likely just be sat in it's case under the bed, which is a real shame for such a great instrument.
  19. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1406130435' post='2508638'] Now then. . . . . . as you know I bought that from Pete. That is THE MOST GIGGED bass, I have. Curious to know why you sold it? Stunning bass! Cheers. [/quote] I sold it because I'm a prat. I'd stopped gigging because it had become such a soul destroying experience for me, I was starting to play more guitar & keyboards & I sold some bass gear to buy other stuff - the Odyssey was one of the things that went as I thought that was it for me & bass playing. Wish I had a pound for every time I've thought that.... I've owned lots of supposedly 'great' basses - none of them were any better than the Odyssey & some were nowhere near as good despite their high price tag.
  20. There's a picture of my baby! Got all sentimental for a minute there.
  21. With singing it is largely confidence. I've recently started singing live with just 2 acoustic guitars & another two singers and as I begin to get more used to it I can hear my voice becoming stronger & it's actually starting to feel differently physically as I become more relaxed & less self conscious. A few weeks ago when we first started working on harmony parts my pitching was all over the place, largely because I was scared to commit to the note I was about to sing - now I'm stepping up to the mic & just doing it. Getting positive feedback from an audience has helped me greatly with this too. Just keep working at it & you'll probably improve no end.
  22. Glad I could help. They're great basses, aren't they? I played a B4 for over 20 years as my main bass.
  23. Great little amps - totally bomb-proof & sound really good.
  24. Just leave it alone for a while. Do you play any other instruments or want to have a go at one? If so concentrate on that for a bit. I'm just about to buy a pedal steel guitar & I'm incredibly excited about it - far more than I would be if I was just buying another bass.
  25. I f***ing hate them if that's any help.
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