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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. When I saw them in Newport on that tour I seem to remember him playing his Mouradian bass through SVTs. I remember it well because when the roadies were checking his basses I thought the sound was bloody awful, but when it was used in the context of the band it sounded huge.
  2. I can't remember exactly but I seem to remember the only real difference is that the B3s had a solid colour finish & the B4s (like my old one) had translucent finishes over nicely figured ash bodies. The B3 might have had a rosewood fingerboard rather than the B4s ebony one, but I'm not 100% sure about that. They were also made earlier than that BTW - I bought mine new in 1987. Have you tried contacting Christian at Levinson? he's always been really helpful with any enquiries about my old Levinson gear.
  3. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1405959953' post='2506959'] 40 years stood next to a snare drum has not been kind. [/quote] f*** me, that was a long set.
  4. Did my first ever gig as part of a three piece last night - myself & another guy on acoustic guitars & vocals and a female singer, doing all original stuff, apart from finishing with a Ramones song in honour of the recently departed Tommy. We were asked to play at a food bank benefit gig run by a bunch of old Cardiff punks at the Moon Club. First time I've ever played guitar & sang live so I was a bit out of my comfort zone but it went incredibly well; we got a fantastic response & I loved every second of it. Definitely want to do more of this sort of thing, so much easier than pissing about with drums & amps.
  5. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' timestamp='1405346298' post='2501028'] I bet this chap wished he was picking Victor Wooten up from the airport rather than a Thrash Metal band [/quote] That is just SO funny!
  6. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1405276715' post='2500410'] I hope you emailed the brewery to complain if you got a duff pint. [/quote] I would have cut out the middle man & complained directly to the farmer who grew the hops.....
  7. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1405177171' post='2499442'] Is the bass playing slot job meeting Gender Equality rules each time there is an opening in that band ? [/quote] They have a GOQ for the post so are not falling foul of any gender equality legislation.
  8. I've bought stuff from them in the past & they've always been great, I no problems at all.
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1404731085' post='2495083'] Without wishing to start a row ( but I almost certainly will...) , I really don't think a '78 P Bass is an instrument worth stretching yourself financially in order to own. The kind of money I see a lot of Fenders from that era going for ( especially in vintage guitar shops ) is a joke, quite frankly. Yes, there were some good ones made back then ( if anyone has one then I am genuinely pleased for them ) , but most were dogs , and even the good ones are not what I would call an in-the-region-of- over £1500 + bass in terms of sound, playability or construction. [/quote] This. I had the chance to buy a natural finish, maple fingerboard 1978 Precision in very good condition a few years ago for £500 & I didn't think it was worth that much. The prices they go for now are nothing short of insane.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1404659832' post='2494476'] Yes! His missus looks pretty high-maintenance to me... [/quote] Seen her up close a few times, she's pretty hot!
  11. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1404657873' post='2494456'] Hmm, The cynic in me believes David Gilmour thinks he might sell more copies of his new solo album if he releases it under the Floyd banner! [url="http://www.contactmusic.com/article/david-gilmours-wife-reveals-new-pink-floyd-album-endless-river_4274088"]http://www.contactmu...s-river_4274088[/url] [/quote] Yeah, because he really needs the money, doesn't he?
  12. If you only need two inputs I'd go for the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. Sounds great & I use it on both my Macs - it works with both Snow Leopard & Mavericks with no problems at all for me.
  13. One of my all-time favourite albums is the first album, "Monkey on a Chain Gang" by "House of Freaks", a guitar/drums two piece band. Saw them supporting Bob Mould in the late 80's when he was touring his "Workbook" album & thought they were fantastic. Here's a track from that album: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VL3ZQv1TdsY[/media] They released other albums but I've always preferred the first one. Tragically the singer/guitarist, Bryan Harvey, was brutally murdered along with his wife & two young daughters by burglars at their home on New Years Day 2006. [url="http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/house-of-freaks-singer-murdered-20060104"]http://www.rollingst...rdered-20060104[/url]
  14. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1404576125' post='2493880'] [media]http://youtu.be/xjloX_EvYiI[/media] [/quote] Good choice.
  15. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1404281518' post='2490999'] Nice. Congratulations BassChat! Do you have numbers on how many of them are active? [/quote] At a guess, about 30.
  16. Doesn't do a lot for me, but then again 99% of the music that gets mentioned on Basschat doesn't do anything for me either.
  17. [quote name='Bolo' timestamp='1404145517' post='2489747'] Doesn't even remotely look like him. [/quote] Not the big hairy one on the floor, the one with the rifle.
  18. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1404137948' post='2489611'] [b]Jack White:[/b] sounded atrocious! ...... Credit to the Theremin player, who managed to stay in tune! Not an easy thing to do with a Theremin, not least at a big open-air event. [/quote] It's all relative - Anything would have sounded in tune next to Jack Whites guitar.
  19. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1404115299' post='2489303'] Brushy One String - one string guitarist, I wanted to see him but his gig was cancelled , not sure why. [/quote] He broke a string......
  20. [quote name='arthurhenry' timestamp='1404073166' post='2489078'] I record them onto cassette tapes and post them out in Jiffy bags. [/quote] I really hope that you actually do this. I found a bag of old band cassettes the other day & it was brilliant going through them all - far more fun than poxy mp3s on a f***ing cloud or whatever modern techno bollocks is the current craze.
  21. Really enjoying Bombay Bicycle Club - easily the best thing I've seen all weekend. Robert Plant was pretty good too.
  22. If I lost most of my gear in a fire there's no way I'd have the desire to keep playing & start having to buy stuff again, playing just isn't that big a part of my life anymore. It's perfectly understandable to me why you feel the way you do. I go for weeks, sometimes months without picking up a bass; unless I'm working on a song for myself or somebody else it doesn't get touched.
  23. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1403986280' post='2488369'] My favourite Tull bass player is/was Glenn Cornick. I think he only played on their first three albums. Their music did not have the same appeal for me after Aqualung. My favourite album is their first one.."This Was", which is the only one to feature guitarist Mick Abrahams. [/quote] They were, to all intents & purposes, a completely different band on the first album IMO. I really like Tull but I don't like that first album at all - far too bluesy for me.
  24. I've seen some godawful sh*t in my time but what I'm watching from Jack White at the moment is just atrocious.
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