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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. RhysP

    Shred machine

    [quote name='bassbora' timestamp='1403982376' post='2488333'] Now that is a nice Chaparral. This is the holy Grail for me. [/quote] They are superb guitars. I've owned a few USA Hamers & they are without a doubt the best guitars I've ever played. It's not cheap, but Hamer prices are rocketing since they stopped building them.
  2. RhysP

    Shred machine

    There's a really lovely Chaparral with boomers on Ebay UK at the moment: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hamer-Chaparral-1986-Custom-/161344035074?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2590da9902
  3. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1381676209' post='2242127'] I like Andy Fairweather Low, too..... [/quote] He's a great bloke, and a Cardiff boy too. Played a festival he was also playing at in 1989 - our guitarists amp had crapped out on him late the night before & Andy let us borrow his Fender Twin for our slot.
  4. Sounds like my idea of hell. I like music, but I really hate unsolicited music being rammed down my throat. I'd happily shoot all the buskers when I'm in the city centre, especially now that they all use bloody amps.
  5. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1403168637' post='2480345'] Yeah, Dan's really good. And given he's playing music of that complexity and stepping in the shoes of Bryan Beller and looks about 17, I'm not jealous oh no. [/quote] He looks about 17 because he IS about 17 ( a bit older actually). His Basschat name is Danthewelshy & he's a really nice guy. He also plays with my old mate Steve Roberts (Godsticks drummer) as the live rhythm section for Magenta.
  6. Bloody hell! Something we both like! I was introduced to this album by a brilliant student music teacher we had in high school for a few months in the late 70's. It was through him I discovered a whole new world of superb music (Mahavishnu Orchestra, Return To Forever etc.) that really made me want to improve as a bass player. (I never did actually improve as I was far too lazy & undisciplined but nevertheless the thought was definitely there once.....)
  7. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1403189780' post='2480654'] The point being, he couldn't really hear the cavernous difference in quality between the two pieces of music. One lovingly crafted over months with real instruments etc. The other pretty much hitting the first preset on some readily available VST synths and looping [i]ad nauseum[/i]. And I don't think that is unusual either. Non-musicians hear music very differently to musicians. [/quote] This is very true. A good friend of mine (and a fantastic singer) recently recorded a demo of a new song she'd written using GarageBand on her iPad. The song was very good but, apart from her voice, there were no real instruments on the song at all. To my ears this was obvious but when she put the demo up on her Soundcloud page she was getting people leaving comments about the quality & the tightness of the playing & how good the musicians were.
  8. Hiring professional piano movers doesn't come cheap mind, and it's not the sort of thing that should be attempted by people who are only used to lugging amps & cabs about.
  9. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1403103848' post='2479810'] Did it arrive? [/quote] Unless I've inadvertently lost a month somewhere the 15th July has not been & gone as yet.....
  10. They look really good - nice one!
  11. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1403028035' post='2479048'] o.o has anyone told you how scary you are? [/quote] You're the first person today. I don't think having velcro on the bottom of pedal is much of a problem when it comes to selling it on as loads of people use pedal boards these days. I've also taken the rubber feet off pedals, put velcro on them & then successfully reversed the process when it came to selling the pedals at a later date.
  12. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1403011715' post='2478819'] True... I used to be one such journalist! I remember using the term 'folkstep' once as a joke. That's now a recognised genre I'm still waiting for 'Klezmer-core' to take hold, but give it time, give it time. [/quote] Many years ago on the Gretsch guitars forum a couple of us came up with the " Progabilly" genre, largely to annoy the Rockabilly purists on there. Apparently such a genre now actually exists! Wish I'd copyrighted the name.
  13. Have you tried contacting Peavey UK and asking them? If they can't do the work themselves then maybe they have authorised repair people they could recommend.
  14. I was the audience at a gig once - a package tour of five young bands from Switzerland who were all really good. Felt so sorry for them. At least they were there to give each other support so the place didn't seem quite so empty. They had good crowds everywhere else they played in the UK, that's bloody typical of Cardiff, stupid shithole backwater that it is.
  15. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1402743930' post='2476450'] I loved that video of the girl dancing! One of the many reasons I'm glad I moved down to Bristol, this stuff just happens around here [/quote] If she tried that in Cardiff she'd be up to her waist in dogshit before she'd gone 10 yards.
  16. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1402736508' post='2476365'] OK, I'll bite. In what way is the G&L headstock "impractical"? [/quote] They are impractical because that extra pointy bit on the bottom is easily damaged compared to the older, more Fender-like head stocks they used at first. I've seen quite a few secondhand ones where this bit has been bashed & broken. I think it looks pretty ugly too - I think G&L stuff is really good (far superior to Musicman stuff IMO) but that headstock is a deal-breaker for me.
  17. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1402673011' post='2475869'] The only thing I'm not sure of is how to extend the length of time recording on it. .it seems very short. [/quote] When you have a song open in Garageband on iPad at the far right of the screen (at the same level as the playhead) is a + Tap this & you'll get a menu that allows you to set the length of your recording.
  18. Those Tyler headstocks are pretty abominable. The Bongo headstock & the G&L ones with the stupidly impractical pointy/wavy bit would be on my list too.
  19. If I was to have one it would be a Burgundy Mist P Bass with the biggest chunkiest neck option available with a maple fingerboard & probably a black scratch plate.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402478238' post='2473863'] I thought it was for getting boy scouts out of old ladies' beds. Or something. [/quote] You're getting boy scouts confused with Wayne Rooney again.
  21. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1402499499' post='2474169'] I just got paid for my session. The producer (an old, old friend I was in Art college with in 1982/3) is thrilled with the performance ('very, very happy'). The payment worked out pretty cool on an hourly rate basis so everyone is happy. He has told me I am now his first call Jazz bass player (I don't think it will need it to be NHOP standard!! ). Buzzing! Interestingly, my friend records mainly for film so the 48.000 sample rate for DVD would mnake sense. [/quote] "Jazz" music, records "mainly for film"? Admit it, It was a porn film soundtrack, wasn't it?
  22. [quote name='DogHammer' timestamp='1402479706' post='2473887'] Have faith in your bass my friend, because that bolted together piece of wood is your God..... [/quote] I could be wrong but I think regarding the bass as his "God" is exactly what the OP is trying to avoid.
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