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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. If it feels right to stop then stop - if at sometime later you decide you want to start playing again there's nothing to stop you. At the end of the day it's only playing an instrument you're stopping, it's not like you're losing a limb or anything.
  2. I'm another person that's never had this happen in 35+ years of playing. Worked in musical instrument retail for a while too, including UK distribution of a US brand where we thoroughly checked every instrument before they were sent out to dealers - that's a LOT of instruments & I've never come across it or ever had anyone mention it as a problem before.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402423546' post='2473395'] Ah yes, but you're Welsh, aren't you? [/quote] And with Scottish ancestry, just to add insult to injury.....
  4. First Squier guitars were issued in 1982. The seller is clearly a dunderhead.
  5. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1402421502' post='2473361'] That's something I hadn't factored in was the scale length, I'm a 34" only kind of guy. Cheers for all the help!! [/quote] The 35" scale really doesn't notice on the Spector because the body is a lot more compact than the Stingray - the Stingray neck felt longer to me.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402420575' post='2473337'] Remember them well - one end was for opening bottles, the other end for making holes in drinks cans as you described. No self-respecting male would be without one! [/quote] I just used to open my Party 7s with a screwdriver.
  7. This is my preferred way of working these days. Just been recording some bass parts for a guy in Glasgow, totally stress-free & you don't even have to leave the house.
  8. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1402415428' post='2473251'] Thank for the replies, it's more to do with the neck thickness (as in between the thumb and fingers that bother me I have learned. I really love the playability of the ray 5! [/quote] I found the Stingray neck really uncomfortable & awkward whereas the Spector neck could have been made for me. (I've also come to the conclusion that I don't like oiled/waxed neck finishes so that was another thing that I didn't like about the Stingray).
  9. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1402406616' post='2473099'] Have you played a music nan stingray 5 Cosmo? How does it compare to the spector?? [/quote] Sorry to hijack your question but I've owned both & can safely say that, in my opinion, the Spector is by far & away the better bass. I preferred the neck on the Spector, the build quality & playability was far superior & it just kicked the Stingrays arse in every which way. As someone else has already said - best B string I've ever heard. (I think it was Cosmo's old Euro 5LX that I had actually)
  10. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1402410019' post='2473160'] They may have been great musicians but that doesn't make the end results any less irritating. Like Jameson playing My Girl; it don't make it any less a turd. [/quote] This.
  11. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1402352412' post='2472647'] Are you in Surrey or Bristol? [/quote] [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' timestamp='1402346500' post='2472553'] .[b]...the bass can be picked up from either Bristol (week days) or Woking (weekends). [/b] [/quote] Duh.
  12. I circumvent all this nonsense by only playing easy stuff.
  13. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1402313620' post='2471918'] Anyway, what's the point of a discussion where everyone has the same view? What would anyone learn from that? [/quote] A large percentage of people on Internet forums don't go on them to learn anything as they are already convinced they know everything there is to know about everything. Their sole reason for frequenting forums is to reinforce their belief that they are right/superior & everybody else is wrong/inferior.
  14. Singing & playing bass is bloody hard to do & the only way you'll get any better at it is by practicing. It helps to really strip your bass part back to a minimum when singing, then as you improve at it you can slowly build the bassline back up if you feel you have to. As someone else has said, it's worth sacrificing the bass part a bit to get the vocals sounding good - a well executed vocal harmony will always sound better than an impressive bass line to the average (ie non bass playing) listener IMO.
  15. RhysP

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='grey' timestamp='1402180576' post='2470852'] Since I'm a guitarist before a bassist, I figured I'd post up a few shots of a couple of my 'more stringful' instruments. Custom Siggery Deimos FFVII, currently back with him having a bit of an overhaul. Lace Deathbars and body/neck binding yumm. [/quote] That's nice. What's the top, is it koa?
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1401962270' post='2468673'] Why does he look so unhappy? [/quote] Because he knows he'll go to his grave a virgin?
  17. "Will the Circle be Unbroken" - The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.
  18. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1401887627' post='2467857'] It is widely known that - compared to a P - the visibly 'offset' nature of the Jazz body shifts the node of fundamental psychic resonance 22mm to the left* [size=2]* Or to the right if a LH Jazz. (Source: Tomkins. Thomkins - Univ. Auckland, NZ. 1972)[/size] [/quote] I've always wondered why Jazz basses are anathema to me - this must be it.
  19. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1401839448' post='2467487'] I'm 100% that a degree isn't worth half in terms of kudos and indication about the person now as it was a decade ago. [/quote] I'd say they haven't been worth much for a lot longer than that - around the time that somebody thought getting rid of polytechnics, giving them university status & turning loads of non-academic courses into degrees was a great idea. Of course this had less to do with "higher education for all" & giving the less academically inclined the chance to get a "proper" degree than it did with massaging the unemployment figures for the 18 - 25's.
  20. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1401816107' post='2467205'] This is what happens when we dislike achievement and 'winners' . . . . . Everyone has to be 'equal' so no one is allowed fail . . . . Decline of competitive sports in schools . . . . Unintended consequences, etc etc etc. [/quote] It's got nothing to do with that, it's all about league tables & having to fight for every bit of funding that makes educational establishments at all levels end up having to cook the books with regard to how well they do with regards to percentages of exams passed. The result is they offer courses that are pretty much impossible to fail so they look like some kind of hothouse of academic excellence.
  21. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1401738162' post='2466427'] Has anyone's signature model ever sold really well....? [/quote] I think the single cutaway Gibson guitar with Les Paul's name on the headstock did quite well sales-wise.
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