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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. Bought a MacBook Pro from Paul earlier in the week. Macbook was posted quickly & was very well packaged. Paul is great to deal with, no problems at all.
  2. [quote name='Danj' timestamp='1401447299' post='2463685'] Just wondered if anyone else had this problem, or if they just bought direct from US from Fbass? [/quote] If you got them direct from F Bass they wouldn't be from the US, they'd be from Canada.
  3. [quote name='action_panzer' timestamp='1401397112' post='2463337'] They look like decent reasonably priced Warwick style basses.... [/quote] Warwicks (Streamers anyway) are Spector style basses, not the other way around. They nicked the shape from Stuart Spector. Just sayin'.....
  4. Before this thread I'd never even heard of the guy. The song does f*** all for me, but it's not really aimed at me. He certainly seemed to be phoning it in, his eyes looked dead. I suppose playing these Big Weekend type gigs where the crowd is made up entirely of phone-wielding muppets who will cheer anyone & anything must be a bit soul destroying. Why bother giving a good performance when people will whoop, cheer & holler at you even if you don't?
  5. You're only 47 for f***s sake - I've got stuff at the back of my kitchen cupboards older than that! Welcome back & have fun.
  6. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1401197696' post='2461010'] When I was a kid, I remember my Mum used to have a few LPs that were pretty tragic and they were all what I call mismatched artist/repertoire things. James Galways plays the Beatles, London Philharmoinic plays John Denver - you get the idea. [/quote] I hope you don't mean "John Denver Live in London with the London Philharmonic" - I loved that album when I was a kid & I've still got a copy on 8 track cartridge. I agree with you about Jeff Becks recorded output; somebody bought me a copy of his "live at Ronnie Scott's" CD & it's bloody awful - beige fuzak of the very worst kind. Give me John Denver any day.
  7. They're all just lumps of wood with magnets screwed to the front - it largely depends what you want it to say on the headstock for pose value.
  8. That is a fantastic price though, great buy!
  9. Did you read the small print on the Mansons website that says that ex-demo SVT comes without any valves?
  10. Signed. We lost a great live music venue in Cardiff a few years ago for this very reason - one woman complained about the noise & that was it.
  11. I've never broken a string in 35 years of playing, and never had a bass fail on me when gigging. Amps, however, are another matter entirely.....
  12. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1400781449' post='2457003'] In that case around £3500 sounds about right. If you looked like the average Basschatter I would probably want closer to four grand , so take that as a compliment . Michael Douglas or David Emmanuel is a big step up from the experts on Time Team that most bass players seem to want to emulate . [/quote]
  13. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1400779942' post='2456983'] I don't know, what do you look like ? [/quote] Not unlike a "Romancing the Stone" era Michael Douglas by all accounts. I get told I look like him all the bloody time. Either him or David bloody Emmanuel.....
  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1400775049' post='2456907'] Without wishing to sound harsh, to be honest with you, I cannot see a Budgie/ Wishbone Ash/ Judas Priest tribute act packing in the punters. In fact, I am really struggling to think of three bands that would have less appeal to the average punter. [/quote] Wishbone Ash themselves are little more than a pub band these days. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1400775049' post='2456907'] I actually saw the real Judas Priest live in around 1980 and Rob Halford came on stage on a Harley clad entirely in tight black leather gear, with a little leather cap and wearing shades. [/quote] I've seen them quite a few times over the years - an awesome live band. One time (probably about 1980), in a splendidly Spinal Tap-ish moment, Halford's Harley wouldn't start so he was pushed onstage on it by two roadies.
  15. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1400773381' post='2456874'] I've no idea what the O.P paid, none of my business, but they have just got one in Guitar, Guitar and it's up for £3500. [/quote] f*** me bandy - how much??!!
  16. That 12th fret inlay would be enough to put me off.
  17. If I had the choice between those two I would definitely go for a Precision....
  18. Are you allowing for the import, handling & VAT costs that will add approximately another 23 - 25% to the price of the Stingray?
  19. [quote name='stingraybassman' timestamp='1400595355' post='2455282'] Surely there is room for some miserable sad music? There are loads of bands that do it better than Coldplay granted. Bon Iver records are incredibly melancholic affairs, still some of the most amazing music I have ever heard. [/quote] This isn't a thread slagging off miserable sad music, it's a thread specifically slagging off Coldplay. Never understood all the hostility towards them myself. They're not the sort of thing I listen to, but what I have heard by them was OK - I've certainly heard a lot worse. I love miserable sad music BTW - it's the happy sh*t I can't stand.....
  20. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1400592157' post='2455210'] Can't say I made it to the end of any of the tunes they did on Jools recently. If the source of inspiration is the breakup of a long term relationship it's hardly going to be very upbeat though is it? [/quote] They've always sounded pretty miserable mind, even when Christ Martin WAS shagging Gwyneth Paltrow - if that couldn't bring the occasional smile to his face then the breakup album was never going to be a barrel of laughs, was it?
  21. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1400533885' post='2454806'] Blackmore's approach to playing was quite ahead of his time. He had an instantly recognisable signature tone and many of the riffs he came up with are part of rocks master pieces IMO. He really shines through when he is backing the band with his rhythm playing (Listen to his playing during Lord's keyboard solo's on 'Made in Japan'). He really had the 'Guitar God' look, which kind of makes a difference. [/quote] I've always thought that Blackmore is criminally overlooked when people talk about the Great British Guitar Players.
  22. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1400432014' post='2453781'] I expect Ray Ellington is feeling just a [i]tiny[/i] bit stupid right now. [/quote] His son, Lance Ellington, is one of the singers with the Strictly Come Dancing band you know....
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