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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1400432707' post='2453791'] I won't be able to sleep tonight until someone unlocks the mystery of what is good music and what is bad music. [/quote] I think the general consensus on the forum would be that "Bad Music" is what other people listen to....
  2. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1400410301' post='2453523'] Crass tribute band, anyone................? [/quote] They could all stand on a large piece of moist tissue paper & call themselves "Cress".
  3. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1400407346' post='2453482'] I don't understand the covers/tribute hate. [/quote] From me personally it's certainly not hate, it's just something I have no interest in. The main reason I wouldn't want to play in a covers band is that I'd largely be having to learn & play music I don't like, which would be a pretty miserable way for me to spend my time. I don't get why people going out & playing original music are automatically dismissed as being rubbish by so many people on here, but that happens just as much as people slagging off covers/tribute bands.
  4. The CC2 models are superb, very versatile & the most classic sounding of the newer models. I don't think they make them anymore but they can be found secondhand easily enough - I was lucky enough to score a mint condition one on Gumtree for £200!
  5. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1400364849' post='2453300'] Tribute bands are ideal for tight budgets. I'd rather go and see the counterfeit stones for £15 than the Rolling Stones for £150. [/quote] I'd rather stay in and listen to a CD by the original artist than go to see a tribute band doing the same songs.
  6. Nice colour - looks like the Sage Green Metallic finish they used on some of the Mexican made guitars & basses a few years back.
  7. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1400335002' post='2453023'] I saw an AC/DC tribute called AB/CD a few months back. They were quite good. [/quote] I saw them ages ago - have they still got a really tall "Angus"? The tall Angus made me laugh but I didn't think much of them apart from that (I don't like AC/DC though so they were never going to wow me).
  8. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1400260434' post='2452448'] I'll present this to my son the RAtM fan. [/quote] There are thousands of other bands/artists I could have used mentioned instead - they were just the first that came to mind. I dislike far more music than I like.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1400257796' post='2452408'] The current mrs discreet thinks Lars is lush. [/quote] Everyone female I've been involved with has fancied some really ugly bastards - I've never been able to work out why they were with me if they set the bar that low.....
  10. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1400248682' post='2452274'] They just want a bass player , not another sex symbol in the band . [/quote] In what alternate reality f***ed-up trailer park vision of Hell are Lars, Kirk & James Sex Symbols?
  11. Whenever I hear anything by Rage Against The Machine it always reminds me that I can't stand Rage Against the Machine.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1400169374' post='2451418'] ....but if you're not going to get involved online and you don't like playing gigs, I reckon you're stuffed. [/size] [/quote] This is why the only things I tend to do these days are recording projects for other people - if they want to promote it it's up to them & I make it clear from the outset that If they want to do anything live then I won't be involved. I can see me packing it in completely before too long, it's all become such a bloody chore.
  13. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1400138523' post='2451023'] To the OP, have you tried to audition for a band lately? A lot of bands won't even let you through the door for an audition without hearing some sort of recording these days, and when it is so easy and cheap for people to do, why not? [/quote] It's this whole reliance on YouTube/FaceBook/Soundcloud etc. thing that has made me become increasingly disinterested in playing music. Musicians seem to spend more time fannying about with this stuff more than anything else these days & I just have no interest in it whatsoever. If being a musician now means that all this stuff is essential then I'd rather just stop playing.
  14. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1400104909' post='2450937'] ...but I remember Prarie Prince from his time in The Tubes, what a difference in styles from then to that video; a very underrated drummer. [/quote] He's been the drummer in Todd Rundgrens touring band for ages.
  15. I used to be in a band with a guitarist known as Andy Piles, because his name was Andy & he suffered terribly with his chalfonts. I hadn't thought about him for donkeys years before I saw the title of this thread...
  16. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1399995762' post='2449714'] Even if you are genuinely good, you can still leave yourself open to all sorts of unwarranted criticism. IMO, to post anything on You Tube you need a neck like a jocky's b****x !! [/quote] I can't see why that is; surely you'd only need "a neck like a jockey's bollox" if you actually cared what complete strangers (who are most likely just trolling anyway) say about you. Seeking the approval of people you've never met & know nothing about sure sounds like insecurity to me, or maybe some form of masochism.
  17. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1399994666' post='2449701'] Swearing about it sure looks grumpy to me - that's why I said it. Sorry if I misread you there. [/quote] Not grumpy, I just swear a lot because I'm an uneducated working class person with a limited vocabulary. I also enjoy swearing. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1399994666' post='2449701'] Perhaps I am insecure - but I've only started writing songs in the last few months so can you really blame me?... ...There's absolutely no point me writing songs with words if I'm not going to share them with people and see how they react...[/quote] I've only been writing songs for about 18 months, but once again I do it for myself. If I write something I think is sh*t then it goes in the bin, if I like it that's good enough for me. It's just an excercise, I'm not doing it because I want to bare my soul or some other bollocks, it's just to see if I can do something that makes me think "yeah, that's OK, I'm happy with that".
  18. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1399993587' post='2449686'] It's your call if you want to play in a grumpy bubble, but I find it genuinely sad. [/quote] I'm not grumpy, nor do I find it sad, it's just that I derive no pleasure in providing entertainment for other people. It's why I don't gig - I've done it & I get nothing from it whatsoever that I wouldn't get from just playing in a room with a band with no audience. I enjoy playing music but I have no need to be told how great I am by a bunch of strangers, I'm just not that insecure.
  19. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1399993263' post='2449682'] To ask a slightly provocative question, is a vintage Fender a high end bass? [/quote] I'd say not, it's a mass produced instrument that has aquired a similar price tag to a modern "High End" bass on account of it's supposed desirability. That's just me though.
  20. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1399990152' post='2449633'] Aren't there elements of all that in doing a gig though? [/quote] I suppose there must be, which is why I probably dislike playing live so much. I generally felt nothing but contempt for any audience I've ever played in front of, especially if they've decided to start offering up their opinions to me afterwards - I really couldn't give a f*** if anybody thinks it was bad, good or anything else so long as I'm happy with what I've done.
  21. I don't get it at all - I have no desire whatsoever to either watch clips of other people playing bass or to film myself playing & put it on YouTube or whatever. It all seems a bit w***y & egotistical to me. I don't get why people would want to seek praise and/or acceptance from a bunch of people they don't know.
  22. I've used 10's, 12's & 15's over the years & to be honest I couldn't tell any difference, but I'm really not that interested in the amp/cab side of things - if I can hear myself I'm happy.
  23. I thought Fodera's & stuff like that we're referred to as "High End" basses because their owners only ever seem to play up the high end of the neck.....
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