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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. If somebody is selling something for £100 including postage & that postage is £15 then the item itself is in effect being sold for £85.00 as that's all the seller is going to have after paying the postage costs. Surely you'd just figure that into the price you want for the item - if you want £100 for it & postage is £15.00 then you advertise it as £115.00 including postage, or as £100 + £15 P+P.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1398799195' post='2437756'] Uh-oh. I think I must be the only one on the entire forum who doesn't like Snarky Puppy. [/quote] I've never even heard of them - what a sh*t name.
  3. The only Fenders I've ever played that have been consistently good have been MIJ/CIJ ones. My Precision is an MIJ model & while I'm not fan of Fenders I couldn't be happier with it.
  4. Where are you? I've got a bassiq sitting around doing nothing - if your close to Cardiff you're welcome to borrow it & see what you think.
  5. These are bloody brilliant amps & £400 is a serious bargain. Very versatile a pretty much impossible to get a bad sound out of. I used to have the 30 watt version & really regretted selling it.
  6. The new Secret Sisters album - "Put your needle down"
  7. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1398693075' post='2436594'] This suggests that he might use different tunings on different songs ? [url="http://www.elephant-talk.com/wiki/Interview_with_Tony_Levin_on_America_Online_chat"]http://www.elephant-...ica_Online_chat[/url] [/quote] All he says in that interview is that "normal" tuning is bass in 5ths, melody in 4ths, which is standard across all the various Stick tunings. He gives no indication of what the open strings are tuned to, which is where the tuning he told me about differed from the usual stick tunings. He tunes one string down a semitone for "Elephant Talk". Also, that piece you've linked to is from 1998, he may well have changed his set-up a few times since then.
  8. [quote name='Shedua511' timestamp='1398628715' post='2436020'] Very interesting, I was sure of the opposite. Live and learn as always Did he explain what he uses? [/quote] He did, but he lost me a bit as he was talking in terms of individual strings & not "Matched Reciprocal", "Baritone Melody" or whatever. (To be honest I was so awestruck at being in a little club in Cardiff talking to Tony Levin I couldn't really get my head around it). I've just sold my 12 string Grand that I bought last October - really couldn't get on with the extra neck width & narrower string spacing compared with my old 10 string.
  9. [quote name='Shedua511' timestamp='1398103034' post='2430518'] ...but the Tony Levin/Bob Culbertson/Nick Beggs sound is light gauge, standard tuning, Stickup. [/quote] Tony Levin actually uses a custom tuning, not standard. I was talking to him about it at a Stickmen concert last year.
  10. I love the way that "Jack of all trades, master of none" has now become "Portfolio Career".....
  11. [quote name='silentbob' timestamp='1398453114' post='2434391'] ...drummer boy told me that that the new guitarist thought the guitar parts weren't very good and didn't want to do them..... [/quote] He thinks the guitar part for "She Sells Sanctuary" isn't very good but he wants to play Oasis stuff? Probably means he just can't play "She Sells Sanctuary".
  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1398449936' post='2434347'] Singer-Songwriter in need of job? Join the Army. Worked for Bluntie. [/quote] I think going via the Sandhurst route rather than as a regular squaddie possibly made the whole experience a bit nicer for old Bluntie.
  13. Bottom line is if playing music isn't paying the bills you need to stop worrying about "killing the dream" & get a job, unless of course your dream is living in a cardboard box & drinking meths. Sorry if that sounds harsh but that's the reality - I've known too many "full time musicians" who have only managed to keep up that charade by taking advantage of the good will of friends & family. It was sort of forgivable in their 20s but when they're still living like that in their 50s & have got nowhere it looks pretty pathetic IMO. Funnily enough I always seemed to be a lot busier (and earning more) as a "hobby" musician than they ever did, and I had a full time job too - go figure...
  14. They did used to do a silver finish - it's one of the rarest pre-ebmm finishes as far as I'm aware. Ben Orr with The Cars used to play a silver Stingray around this time.
  15. Since when has a sunburst Jazz bass enabled you to "stand out from the crowd"? - it has to be one of the commonest basses out there!
  16. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1398378324' post='2433618'] Ummm, clever. But would any of you have given them much thought if you hadn't realised that was only a bassist? Would you have simply thought it was a mediocre song from a four piece band, switched your ears off and finished your New Scientist Sudoku Challenge? [/quote] I'm glad somebody else has said this, I was starting to think it was just me. To me they just sounded like a not particularly good band with a guitarist who couldn't do anything except play unison riffs with the bass player.
  17. A friend of mine had one of the original Paul Stanley models & it was one of the best guitars I've ever played. If I could have afforded it when he sold it I'd have definitely bought it.
  18. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1398009990' post='2429489'] [/quote] Is that a prototype for the next generation Musicman Bongo?
  19. Gives a whole new meaning to "oil finished body". I'm sure they'll find a ready market with the irritating hipster crowd - if ukeleles can become popular then it proves that some people really will buy any old sh*t.
  20. Musicman do use gunstock oil on their necks & recommend Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil and Gunstock Wax for treating the necks. It's available online in the UK - I bought some but never got around to using it as I sold my MM bass because I hated it so much.
  21. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1397925669' post='2428726'] I see the 'root notes only' thing if it's being used with a genuine understanding as a pretty closed off musical mind, that to me is a serious problem. [/quote] No more closed off than not accepting that, for some music, root notes may be all that is required to do the job.
  22. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1397900621' post='2428328'] Not written by him, but still luvverly, is Todd Rundgren's "Can We Still Be Friends", here in the version from RP's "Secrets" album: [media]http://youtu.be/iDzdy9LwNaE[/media] [/quote] As a long time Todd fan I was expecting to hate that, but it's OK - certainly miles better than The Isley Brothers' unforgivable desecration of "Hello it's Me".
  23. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1397935353' post='2428854'] Always had GAS for a Bongo but let the fantasy go thinking I'd struggle to get my hands on a 4'er in white or black in the UK [/quote] Ironic really, when you consider they are the two most common colours for a toilet seat.....
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