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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1396864812' post='2418004'] For Ed: A simple time signature is one where the beats are divided into two. E.g. 4/4 = 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 3/4 = 1 and 2 and 3 and 7/4 = 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and .[/quote] I know f*** all about theory but, as far as I know, these are wrong. they certainly don't feel right counting them off the way you've written them. You don't count a waltz as "1 and 2 and 3 and", you count it [size=5]1[/size]23 [size=5]1[/size]23 [size=5]1[/size]23 etc. The same goes for the others you've put unnecessary "ands" in. I'm sure somebody will tell me otherwise.
  2. Diana Jones - "Museum of Appalachia Recordings"
  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1396725111' post='2416847'] Having owned multiples of both manufacturers, I feel the exact opposite... we can't both be right! Oh I forgot of course we can as it is only 'opinion'! [/quote] I'm more than happy for you to be right - I don't really care to be honest, they're only poxy bits of wood at the end of the day.
  4. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1396714528' post='2416712'] One of the most disappointing basses I ever played was Musicman Sabre - weighed a ton, totally unresponsive & had none of that classic Musicman tone that people want. This was in 1988 at the bass centre in Wapping - it was £300 less than the bass I bought but even if they'd offered it to me for nothing I wouldn't t have taken it. [/quote] One of the most disappointing basses I ever played was Musicman Sabre - weighed a ton, totally unresponsive & had none of that classic Musicman tone that people want. This was in 1988 at the bass centre in Wapping - it was £300 less than the bass I bought but even if they'd offered it to me for nothing I wouldn't have taken it.
  5. Never played a Warwick I liked, Never played a Spector I did't like.
  6. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1396612697' post='2415674'] Whoa, slow down there chief. Not all bands are the same. I have had the great fortune to be in bands with people I genuinely count as friends, and remain friends with most of the people I've to be in bands with - in fact, there's only one person I used to be in a band with that I'd rather have nothing to do with. That's in 6 years. No faux-camaraderie here, and I wouldn't stick around in a band where I felt that was going on. [/quote] I was speaking purely from my own perspective & experience. The whole "blokey, let's be in a gang" thing seems to be a very big part of why people like being in bands but I absolutely f***ing hate that side of it & it's that more than anything else that makes being in a band/gigging a really miserable experience for me.
  7. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1396532594' post='2414746'] A bit like Raymond burr without the wheelchair .. [/quote] Or the dignity.....
  8. I've been playing for 35+ years & I still haven't got a clue about scales.
  9. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1396557877' post='2415173'] It's actually a Bartolini. [/quote] [quote name='Floyd Pepper' timestamp='1396557790' post='2415172'] Good idea for the Sadowsky preamp. (Just a note but MM's internal preamp is actually a Bartolini which was fitted by Roger Sadowsky:)) [/quote] Fair enough - the OP will have changed his f***ing mind again tomorrow anyway.....
  10. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1396539169' post='2414865'] Very interested in fitting a j retro into a passive jazz bass, as I love the Marcus miller tone and it will help me get closer to that, but I also really like that warm, burpy jaco' bridge pickup tone, which I usually get by rolling the tone off Will the j retro be able to do this? As it doesn't have a passive tone knob and I don't want the deluxe model [/quote] If you want the Marcus Miller tone & also keep the passive sounds then why not get a Sadowsky outboard preamp - the preamp in Marcus Millers bass is a Sadowsky.
  11. I love Michael McDonald's voice but I can't hear his name mentioned anymore without thinking of this: http://youtu.be/jMTI8vg7A5U
  12. [quote name='Angel' timestamp='1396447725' post='2413763'] I remember reading once that Billy Sheehan set his action so low that the strings rattle on the frets. [/quote] Not true. I played one of Billys basses at a clinic he did back in the mid 90's & I was amazed at how high the action was compared to most basses I've played. It wasn't unplayable by any means but 90% of people on here would think it needed a good set up.
  13. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1396446251' post='2413736'] depends on your personality ego driven extroverts like me love playing live to a crowd, but some people hate it, they can never conquer their nerves. [/quote] I've never had a problem with gig nerves in my life, I just absolutely hate gigging. I have absolutely no want, need or desire to provide entertainment for strangers, I hate all the hassle of loading in & out, I hate the hanging around for hours before playing & more than anything I hate the enforced pseudo-camaraderie that being in a band always entails. I love playing, writing & recording but gigging is, for me, just one big negative experience.
  14. I don't know how the pickups are mounted on your Dean, but with my past experience of Gretsch guitars & Filtertron pickups I'd be very surprised if they are a direct replacement.
  15. I just managed to watch a couple of minutes, which is more than I would have done with a clip of the Led Zeppelin version.
  16. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1396193931' post='2410798'] The only good thing REO Speedwagon ever did was name themselves after a fire engine [/quote] It wasn't a fire engine, it was a van.
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1396177237' post='2410592'] Has anyone ever turned down Tony Levin for being 'too bald'? [/quote] [pedant]Tony levin isn't actually bald, he just shaves his head.[/pedant]
  18. That looks really good, great restoration job & the silver logo is a nice touch.
  19. The only thing I really want these days is a pedal steel guitar, and will probably sell my Spector 5ver to help fund one.
  20. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1395842265' post='2406970'] ....I got there early and was front and centre, and spent the whole gig looking at 60-year old woman's knees. [/quote] There are plenty of specialist websites for that sort of thing, no need to piss about going to the Jazz Cafe.
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1395816899' post='2406564'] Here's my top 10 bass guitars I still need to play: 1. Ampeg ASB-1 2. Atlansia Pegasus 3. Bassimer STD 4. BassLab L-Bow 5. EGC Series 1 Bass 6. Little Torzal Standard Bass 7. Mike Lull T-Bass 8. Norton Merlin 9. Ritter Raptor 10. Spalt Hybrid Do I win? [/quote] Oh, bad luck - they were 11-20 on the ibassmag list, not quite in that order though....
  22. "Sundown" by Gordon Lightfoot. My father was a big Gordon Lightfoot fan & this is one of those songs that always makes me think of hearing him singing it in the house when I was a kid. He died on March 8th & when me & my sister were choosing music for the funeral "Sundown" just had to be included in the service.
  23. John McEnroe is meant to be a pretty good guitarist by all accounts. He's been friends with Edward Van Halen for years & he used to teach him tennis in exchange for guitar lessons.
  24. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1395537064' post='2403550'] The Zons that I owned were far more 'organic' sounding than any other graphite neck bass I've ever played... not to say you still wouldn't like them though. [/quote] My Zons were very warm & "woody" sounding. I never liked the sound of Status or Modulus basses but the Zons were perfect - I think the Polyfusion preamps they use are the best active circuits I've ever heard.
  25. I used to have two Legacy Elite four strings, a fretted & a fretless. Best basses I've ever owned, absolutely superb.
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