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Everything posted by RhysP

  1. [quote name='Josh' timestamp='1395355975' post='2401643'] His thumb freaks me out. [/quote] My thumbs do that - don't everyones?
  2. Lord of Light, Brainstorm, Orgone Accumulator (pretty much all of "Space Ritual" really), & Spirit of the Age.
  3. The bass itself is so incredibly f***ing ugly it doesn't matter how it's painted IMO.
  4. Shame there's no Burgundy Mist colour option. I like the silver burst though.
  5. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1394749986' post='2394916'] I'm a Jazz Bass! [i]A sleekly curvaceous body shape featuring an elegantly stylish and remarkably comfortable offset waist.[/i] [/quote] Or a horrible skinny neck & an ugly lopsided body depending on your viewpoint.....
  6. [quote name='Ramsay777' timestamp='1394749868' post='2394912'] I'd like to get it repaired,refinished and i'll probably change the hardware to black (including a bridge with intonation screws!!) [/quote] Do you know you can get actual Spector bridges with the screw/spring intonation adjustment?
  7. If you don't think you're anywhere near as good as you should be on a four string then a five string isn't going to change that - you'd be better off spending the money on lessons if your goal is to improve as a player.
  8. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1394577818' post='2393041'] football, beer, cars, money, guitars, women. Meh. [/quote]
  9. I use Schallers on the Spector (Spectors come fitted with Schaller compatible buttons) and Grolsh washers on my Fiesta Red Precision because they match the colour really well. I've used the Dunlop ones & they work very well but I find them too big & bulky.
  10. The neck looks to be seriously out of alignment judging by the strings.
  11. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1393929476' post='2385846'] The guys there have been absoulutely brilliant tbh, obviously their hands are tied by Musicman on international orders but theyve been really helpful in trying to find a way around it. Unfortunately it doesn't look like i'll be able to order from them, as i just don't feel comfortable about it being delivered to a hotel in Vegas, but they have been great about the whole thing. Shall definitely be paying them a visit next time i'm in Florida. [/quote] Also, bear in mind that even if you did manage to find some way of getting around EBMMs no export rule you'd be screwed if you had any problems with the bass as it wouldn't be covered by any warranty.
  12. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1393880827' post='2385493'] AFAIK thats the standard plate on a passive Pro bass [/quote] It is. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1393881641' post='2385506'] Very pricey for a later version Pro series, but a very nice example. I'm pretty sure there are other birds eye facing versions out there though.... [/quote] Bloody pricey. There are definitely other birds-eye faced Pro 1s out there - the shop I used to help out in had a (new from Wal) lined fretless one almost identical to that.
  13. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1393427842' post='2380171'] Awww, and i had big plans for you to be co-leader [/quote] I'll happily trade my jazz albums for a position of power.
  14. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1393427000' post='2380146'] Shall we start a gang? [/quote] I never said [u]I[/u] didn't like it.....
  15. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1393426673' post='2380137'] I dont get jazz. At all. Im well aware im probably the minority. [/quote] I think you'll find you're in a fairly significant majority actually.
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1393423852' post='2380059'] Tried being in two bands, didn't like it. Felt like I was spreading myself too thin. [/quote] I used to feel like that about being in one band....
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1393422330' post='2380018'] Yes, of course, but whether it is or is not a nice tune is subjective and therefore the OP wnats to understand what influences that subjectivity. Otherwsie, we are just passive consumers and will take whatever old s***e is thrown at us. [/quote] That's a bit overly simplistic. I don't take "whatever old sh*te" is thrown at me but I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in what makes other people like what they do.
  18. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1393421691' post='2379997'] I suppose it's a bit like trying to understand peoples' reasons for voting. I may never vote for the Conservatives, but I still see value in understanding why so many people do; it tells me something about widely-held opinions about wealth distribution, welfare, community etc., and ultimately more about the state of the country and the people in it. Similarly, if there are reasons for liking certain music that I'm unaware of, I'd like to know to better my understanding. Was it popular because it hit during a recession, and people love the angry lyrics because they're pissed off about the same things? Was the band genuinely different to everything else at the time? It all helps create a better understanding of music and how it fits into peoples' lives. [/quote] "Is it a nice tune?" tends to be enough for me.
  19. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1393419923' post='2379961'] 'Ghost of Tom Joad' and 'Nebraska'. [/quote] I was going to mention those but you beat me to it.
  20. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1393415335' post='2379882'] Just to clarify, I'm not necessarily trying to like this music, just understand the appeal. [/quote] Why do you want or need to understand the appeal? You know it does nothing for you, isn't that enough? I'm genuinely curious.
  21. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1393409568' post='2379794'] yup definitely this - you either like or you dont being a miserable old cynic i would go as far as saying im not even prepared to consider investing the time to learn in some circumstances- personallly i cannot stand just about most things that have the 'metal' or 'rap' label attached to it and personal experience tells me is not worth going there to even check it out 99% of the time so why waste the time - i think of it as musical investment versus time management your mileage may vary etc [/quote] I'm the same as this - I've barely got time to listen to the stuff I want to listen to, let alone wade through a load of genres that past experience tells me it's pretty certain I'm not going to like. The list of genres I won't bother even attempting to listen to is large, and includes music I loved for years but now just cannot listen too for some reason. If this makes me narrow minded or whatever then so be it.
  22. Yes, that's a 57RI - the maple fingerboard is a giveaway too, the 62RI's have rosewood.
  23. [quote name='Milesinho' timestamp='1393340689' post='2378967'] I guess I'm being dumb but I can't see them. I'm using the Mac version, not iPad. [/quote] I'm using a Mac too, but mines an older one so maybe the newer versions are different (I'm running Garageband '11). Anyway, try this - when you create a new track select the "Real Instrument" option. When the track is created there will be a list of presets for different instruments on the right hand side of the screen. Select "Bass" and you'll have the option of 26 different bass presets to use.
  24. [quote name='TRB5' timestamp='1393327019' post='2378679'] Hi, a miss buy, never used, i thought i was going to be the worlds no 2 Lap steel player; however, not to be. It is the 250 k version best suited to passive instruments. Still in its box. Includes postage. Thanks, rick [/quote] Your sale posts need to be in the "For Sale" section, not here. Also, if you haven't already, you need to pay the correct fee for advertising stuff for sale.
  25. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1392760196' post='2372540'] If you don't mind buying used i'd go for a s/h Japanese P bass off here. [/quote] This is what I'd go for. Got my 57RI MIJ Precision off Ebay for £400 & it's a fantastic bass.
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